News & updates tagged 'covrprice'

CLZ Comics Mobile

v9.9.2: A couple of bugfixes

Oct 02, 2024

Fixed for both iOS and Android:

  • Values from CovrPrice weren’t displayed correctly for Grandfathered users with a CovrPrice Premium plan

Fixed only on iPhone/Android:

  • “Want” summary wasn’t always displaying the correct items on wish list/on order
  • iPad: Edit / Sort Settings screens were too small since iOS18

It’s the last day of September, so here is the CLZ News for Sept 2024.

This month, a big chunk of our time went into the CLZ Comics 9.8 release, in which we strengthened our partnership with CovrPrice for comic values. The development teams on both the CLZ and CovrPrice side have worked together to finally allow subscribing to CovrPrice straight from the CLZ app itself, as an In-App purchase!

Next to that, lots of work on both the Connect web-based software and all CLZ mobile apps. This has already resulted in big updates for mobile, but not for Connect yet. Expect cool updates for the Add screens of both Movie and Game Connect in October.

These are the updates for September 2024:

  • CLZ mobile apps:
    • CLZ Comics 9.7: Improvements for Add Comics, Statistics and Main screen
    • CLZ Comics 9.8: Subscribe to CovrPrice as an In-App purchase
    • All CLZ apps: new Sort Order screen, new Date folder option, nicer Stats
  • CLZ Core updates:
    • Core for Games: “Check Covers” project, 95.6% cloud coverage!
    • Core for Movies: “Check Covers” project, 78.0% cloud coverage!
    • Core for Comics: New Comic Book Day summary, 2,113 new releases

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NCBD is upon us! The team has prepared 284 new issues with 668 actual new releases/variants. Here are a few highlights for you to look forward to when you enter your LCS or when you shop online.

DC is doing something really fantastic with Zatanna: Bring Down the House #4. They’re expanding Zatanna’s origin in a really cool way. The incredible visual storytelling done by Javier Rodríguez truly compliments that. Give him more titles DC!
Marvel is back with Phases of the Moon Knight #2, if you are not caught up: This is a title about all the Moon Knights in different time periods. In this issue they are going to the year 2846. A must read for any Moon Knight fan.
Masters of the Universe / TMNT is finally here! Pulling you right back in the 80’s nostalgia. Drawn by Freddie E. Williams II and written by Tim Seeley, this is a instant buy for any TMNT or MotU fan.
Happy reading!

Reminder: Subscribe to CovrPrice as an In-App purchase, straight from the CLZ app

Now live for both iOS and Android: CLZ Comics 9.8 in which we make it much easier to subscribe to CovrPrice and get comic values in your CLZ app. Here’s how:

  • Open the menu using the menu icon top left
  • Scroll down a bit to the heading “Comic Values from CovrPrice”
  • There, tap the Subscription Status line, where it says “Subscribe now”.
  • Choose between paying Yearly (US $60 per year) or Monthly (US $6.95 per month)

>> More info in our What’s New post here <<

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An important update for your CLZ Comics app today, in which we make it much easier to subscribe to CovrPrice and get comic values in your CLZ app.

In short: you can now subscribe to CovrPrice straight from the CLZ app, as in In-App-Purchase! And when you do, it is linked up and active immediately, just use Update Values and you’re set.

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We’re nearing the end of the month, so let’s go over the CLZ News for May 2024.

This month, we released the fifth and final v9 mobile app: CLZ Music 9.0. In the meantime, CLZ Comics already saw its 9.2 release, with v9.3 coming up soon!

For your computer, the web-based software is getting lots of attention. Two feature updates for Comic Connect, and a big structural improvement to the search features for all Connect flavors.

Finally, there’s still a lot of work going on for our Core projects for movies and games, still checking and replacing thousands of cover images each week. I hope the gamers and movie fans among you are already enjoying the fruits of our labor.

Today’s topics:

  • CLZ mobile apps:
    • CLZ Music 9.0: Collection tabs, better Add Albums screen, easy people filtering
    • CLZ Comics 9.2: Improved “Updated Values” screen, after updating from CovrPrice
    • Coming up: CLZ Comics 9.3, with completely revised Pull List features
  • Connect web-based software
    • Comic Connect: use Edit Multiple to set Creators & Characters
    • Comic Connect: Jump to Issue feature (aka “the sniper button”)
    • Music/Movie/Book/Games Connect: Improved search behaviour
  • CLZ Core updates:
    • Core for Games: “Check Covers” project, 92.2% cloud coverage!
    • Core for Movies: “Check Covers” project, 62.8% cloud coverage!
    • Core for Comics: New Comic Book Day summary
  • Join the Club CLZ forum, to talk to us and other users!

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CLZ Comics 9.2 is live and this one is for the CovrPrice subscribers!

After using the “Update Values” tool from the menu, to update the values from CovrPrice, the apps shows you a report of which values have change and by how much. For today’s v9.2 update, we re-designed this report and added some new features:

  • Tap a comic to pop up a screen with the full comic details
  • Now sort your list by the Value Change or by the Value itself
  • Filter the list by Collection Status, e.g. to show In Collection comics only
  • The list now includes Variant Descriptions!
  • Finally: a completely redesign of the list entries to make it more readable

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CLZ Comics Web

Value Totals for any issue list

Apr 17, 2024

Are you ready for some nice Comic Connect updates? Stay tuned in the next couple of weeks, as multiple improvements and new features are coming up. Today is the first one, a special addition for CovrPrice subscribers:

Value Totals for any issue list

A common request from CovrPrice subscribers has been: How can I see the total value for a Series? Or per Storage Box? Or per Publisher?

So here’s our solution: a CovrPrice value total is now always showing at the top, next to the issue counter!
Combined with the Folder tool, this gives you values for any sub-selection of your collection you can think of, per Series, or per Storage Box, per Cover Artist, per Grading Company, per Tag, etc…

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Up until today, the CovrPrice integration has been all about getting values for the comics in your collection. Super useful of course, but… since launch (back in October 2022), a common question from CovrPrice subscribers has been:

“How can I quickly check the value of a comic that is not in my collection?”

And they’re right. There’s other situations in which you may want to check a comic’s actual value, e.g. when you are looking at a comic you may want to buy.

Until now, our recommendation has always been: “Either use the website, OR, create a “Temp” collection in your app and add the comic there so that you can see the value”.

But not anymore! Your Comic Connect software now includes a new “Check Value” screen, that lets you quickly check a value of a comic, either by scanning its barcode, or by using the super-fast issue search. Just set it to Raw or Slabbed, pick a grade and go!

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CLZ Comics Mobile

New Comic Book Day, week 50: 601 new releases!

Dec 13, 2023

Over 600 (!!) new releases on this week’s New Comic Book Day! To be precise, 601 total variants, for 296 actual new issues.

The CLZ Content Team (Rowdy, Justin and Taco) just finished adding them all to our Core online comic database, as complete as possible, with the actual cover art, variant descriptions, creator information (with correct Cover Artists listed for all variants), etc.. etc…

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Last week, we released version 9.0 of the CLZ Comics mobile app, our biggest update ever! So big in fact, that you may not even have checked out all the new features.
To help you get started with all new stuff, I am going to do three “v9 feature hilite” emails, each one highlighting one of the three big features of this update.

Today, we’re gonna take a look at the CovrPrice related improvements, for getting comic values in your CLZ App.

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It’s the last day of November, so here’s your CLZ News for the month!

A very busy month, with several cool Connect updates and, as the big surprise today, a huge version 9.0 update for the CLZ Comics app!

  • CLZ Comics 9.0: Check Value / Collection Tabs / Issue Search and more!
  • Comic Connect / CLZ Comics 8.10 : “In Collection” indicators in Hide Variants mode
  • CLZ Comics 8.10: Two improvements to the Search box in main screen
  • Connect: Further improvement for multiple collections
  • Connect: Favorite fields for Edit Multiple
  • CLZ mobile apps: New “Remove all unused pick list entries” option under Maintenance
  • Core Work in Progress: better cover images for game releases

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It is live, a major v9.0 upgrade for our CLZ Comics app. Looking at our history of app updates, I can safely say that this is our biggest update ever! Lots of new features and improvements, all in one go.

There is something for everyone: a big new tool for CovrPrice subscribers, new features for users with multiple collections and finally, something that all users will love and use every day: two new ways to quickly find a specific issue in your app.

Here’s what new in v9:

  • New comic value features for CovrPrice subscribers:
    • New Check Value screen: look up a CovrPrice value for a comic, without having to add it to your app!
    • Value totals at the top of each issue list: see values per Series, or per Storage Box, per Publisher, etc…
  • New features for users with multiple collections:
    • Collection tabs: easily switch between collections using tabs at the bottom of the screen
    • Improved Manage Collections screen
  • Two new tools for quickly finding a specific issue:
    • Issue Search: use the search box top right to search for a specific issue, e.g. “amazing 362”
    • Jump to Issue button (aka, the “sniper” button”): tap, enter issue number, bam you’re there.
  • Other:
    • Improved main app menu (no more collection entries)
    • Maintenance menu: new “Remove all unused pick list entries”

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This is Alwin, with the CLZ News for November 2022.
After months of working on comic related updates only (for our CovrPrice partnership), the CLZ team has finally been freed up to work on our other products again, phew!!
Which instantly resulted in two big 23.0 updates for the Windows editions of Movie and Game Collector (and in the meantime, both have already been updated to v23.1 too!).

Of course, the work on our comic tools has not stopped, with important updates for Comic Collector, Comic Connect and CLZ Comics.

All releases this month:

  • Movie Collector 23.0: Report screen after Update IMDb Ratings
  • Game Collector 23.0: New: Updated Values report and more value data from PriceCharting
  • Movie / Game Collector 23.1.1: trailer videos now appear as clickable thumbnails
  • Game / Comic Connect: Improved “Update Values” Report
  • Comic Collector 23.2: Re-Link Core Variant
  • CLZ Comics 8.1.3: Improved Update Values report screen
  • What’s cooking: new “CLZ Scanner” app / translations for Connect

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New in Update Values report screen:

  • Now shows the “report date” at the top
  • Tap an entry to visit the CovrPrice page for that comic!
  • “no value” is now shown as a dash “-“, instead of $0


  • Improved navigation animations in the main screen

CLZ Comics Web

View Last “Update Values” Report

Nov 02, 2022

Today, two further improvements to the CovrPrice integration in your Comic Connect software:

  • New “View Last Update Report” in the menu, to re-open the last “Updated Values” report
  • Updated Values screen now includes cover images!

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.2: ReLink Core Variant

Nov 02, 2022

Another update for your Comic Collector software, version 23.2, in which we introduce the “Re-Link Core Variant” feature, a new and easier way to link your local entries to a different variant in Core.

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CLZ Alwin, with a summary of CLZ’s busiest month ever, Oct 2022!
The month started with the CLZ team going to Paris to celebrate our 22nd anniversary. Then when back in Amsterdam, instantly rolling into our biggest launch ever: the integration of comic values from CovrPrice into our comic apps and software.
And then finally, dealing with all the questions about it, fixing some issues (pun intended) and releasing the first improvements based on your suggestions!

But I am happy to report that the launch was a huge success, with thousands of users signing up for CovrPrice and linking their CP and CLZ accounts! Users love seeing the values for their comics and getting an idea of the total value of their collection.

We will of course keep improving the CovrPrice features, but we can now finally free up part of the team for other, non-comic projects. We’ve got some cool stuff coming up!

The topics today:

  • The CLZ team in Paris, check out the pics!
  • Now live: Get comic values from CovrPrice in your CLZ app or software
  • Two improvements for the CovrPrice integration
  • Fixed: barcode scanning on iPhone 14 Pro
  • Coming up: CLZ Scanner app to replace CLZ Barry

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A small but important update to the Comic Connect software and the CLZ Cloud site: CovrPrice values can now be exported to a CSV file AND include in Print to PDF reports.

IMPORTANT: to prevent abuse, this is ONLY possible when you are subscribed to CovrPrice on their YEARLY subscription.

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CLZ Comics Web

Two improvements to the CovrPrice integration

Oct 24, 2022

Your Comic Connect software has just been updated with new features. Based on your feedback and questions, we have made 2 big improvements to the CovrPrice integration, that is, to the way values are displayed in your software:

  • Improved value displaying for My Value entries
  • CovrPrice value box now also visible when CP value is 0

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.1: Two improvements to the CovrPrice integration

Oct 24, 2022

Version 23.1 of of your Comic Collector software is now available for download. Based on your feedback and questions, we have made 2 big improvements to the CovrPrice integration, that is, to the way values are displayed in your software:

  • Improved value displaying for My Value entries
  • CovrPrice value box now also visible when CP value is 0

IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: for the displaying of the CovrPrice links, the software now downloads “CovrPrice IDs” for all entries. This means that after your first Update Values action with v23.1, it will modify almost ALL your entries, causing a HUGE amount of changes when Syncing to the CLZ Cloud the next time!
TIP: before Updating Values for the 1st time with this version, switch OFF Auto-Syncing, then Update Values, then Sync with CLZ Cloud MANUALLY. This is much more efficient than letting it auto-sync. When done, feel free to switch ON the AutoSync again.

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Version 8.1 of the CLZ Comics app is now live in the App Store and Play Store. Based on your feedback and questions, we have made 2 big improvements to the CovrPrice integration, that is, to the way values are displayed in your app:

  • Improved value displaying for My Value entries
  • CovrPrice value box now also visible when CP value is 0

Also, version 8.1 also FIXES the barcode scanning problem on iPhone 14 Pro!

IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: for the displaying of the CovrPrice links, the app now downloads “CovrPrice IDs” for all entries. This means that after your first Update Values action with v8.1, it will modify almost ALL your entries, causing a HUGE amount of changes when Syncing to the CLZ Cloud the next time!
TIP: before Updating Values for the 1st time with this version, switch OFF Auto-Syncing, then Update Values, then Sync with CLZ Cloud MANUALLY. This is much more efficient than letting it auto-sync. When done, feel free to switch ON the AutoSync again.

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CLZ Comics Web

Get comic values from CovrPrice!

Oct 04, 2022

This is it, the big Launch Day of the CovrPrice integration!

As of today, you can get comic values from CovrPrice inside your Comic Connect web-based software!

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v23.0: Get comic values from CovrPrice!

Oct 04, 2022

This is it, the big Launch Day of the CovrPrice integration!

As of today, you can get comic values from CovrPrice inside your Comic Collector software!

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CLZ Comics Mobile

v8.0: Get comic values from CovrPrice!

Oct 04, 2022

This is it, the big Launch Day of the CovrPrice integration!

As of today, you can get comic values from CovrPrice inside your CLZ Comics mobile app!

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This is CLZ Alwin, trying to write this newsletter in the midst of all the pre-launch chaos at the office. There’s only 5 days to go until the biggest launch in CLZ history: The partnership with CovrPrice, for integration of comic values into our comics apps and software. Going live on October 4! Read the latest news below.

But before launch, we are going to to celebrate our 22nd anniversary, in Paris!

The topics today:

  • CLZ team going to Paris to celebrate our 22nd anniversary!
  • Coming up on Oct 4: CovrPrice values integrated in comic software and apps

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