News & updates tagged 'clz comics'

CLZ Comics Mobile

CLZ Comics – Wrap-Up 2023 !

Dec 29, 2023

We’re closing in on the end of the year, so it is time for the

CLZ Comics Wrap-Up 2023!

We have done some queries on our Core online comic database to gather popularity stats, based on usage of the CLZ comic database app and sofware. Using the results of those queries, CLZ Justin created this nice infographic with top 10 lists.


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It’s the last day of November, so here’s your CLZ News for the month!

A very busy month, with several cool Connect updates and, as the big surprise today, a huge version 9.0 update for the CLZ Comics app!

  • CLZ Comics 9.0: Check Value / Collection Tabs / Issue Search and more!
  • Comic Connect / CLZ Comics 8.10 : “In Collection” indicators in Hide Variants mode
  • CLZ Comics 8.10: Two improvements to the Search box in main screen
  • Connect: Further improvement for multiple collections
  • Connect: Favorite fields for Edit Multiple
  • CLZ mobile apps: New “Remove all unused pick list entries” option under Maintenance
  • Core Work in Progress: better cover images for game releases

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This is the Feb 2023 edition of the CLZ Newsletter, as always brought to you by CLZ Alwin.

This month, we were finally able to complete a project that a large part of the CLZ team had been working on for several months:
Our completely new, build from scratch, CLZ Scanner barcode scanner app!
The app itself is now available in the iOS App Store and Android Play Store and support for the CLZ Scanner app is already live in the Connect web-based software.

Sadly though, last week’s email to all Connect subscribers, happily announcing the CLZ Scanner, with instructions for “getting started”, has been the most misunderstood email I have written in many years…
That is, judging from the responses I have received. I have seen confusion, I have seen frustration, I have seen complaints, I have seen anger… one guy even threatened me of reporting my company to TrustPilot for being “harsh on seniors and people with medical issues”…
All that because we made a new and better barcode scanner app to replace CLZ Barry 🙁

I am still not entirely sure where I went wrong, but I will try to explain CLZ Scanner better in this newsletter and in future CLZ Scanner reminder emails. In any case, my apologies for all the confusion and frustration I caused!

In other news: CLZ is now on Instagram! I hired a 5-man full-time social media team to manage this new social channel, so here we go!
Just kidding of course, this is just a nice side-project for our comic content guys Taco and Justin 🙂 Let’s see where they takes us!

  • New in Feb 2023::
    • Our new “CLZ Scanner” app is live!
    • CLZ Comics is now on Instagram!
  • What’s cooking?
    • More slab-related fields for all comic products
    • Translations for the Connect web-based software
    • Multi-level folders for the CLZ mobile apps
    • Two-factor authentication on CLZ Accounts

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Here’s the Jan 2020 edition of the Newsletter, as always brought to you by CLZ Alwin. No rest for the wicked, as we started 2020 with five big v20 releases for all five Collector programs for Windows. Read on for an overview of what went live this month, plus some sneak preview “what’s cooking” items.

Let’s start with the coolest: on AMC NewsWatch TV!

Last Monday, AMC’s NewsWatch TV program had a short feature about, giving an overview of our products and services, with a focus on the CLZ Books mobile app.

Watch the “CLZ on NewsWatch” video here:

What’s Live and what’s Cooking?

  • Collector desktop software:
    • Live: V20 for Windows: Folder panel improvements + new Statistics screen
    • Cooking: Improved movie file cataloging for Movie Collector Windows
  • CLZ mobile apps:
    • Live: CLZ Comics 5.1: Better barcode scanning!
    • Live: CLZ Music 5.2: New Statistics screen
    • Cooking: Sort and search your folder list.
    • Cooking: Report unrecognized barcodes, straight from the CLZ Comics app.
  • Connect web-based software:
    • Live: Improvements to Edit and Add screens
    • Live: Faster loading of images through WebP image format
    • Cooking: All settings stored server-side, no more cookies

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CLZ Alwin here, with the Sept 2019 CLZ News for you!
Still a lot of comic and game releases going on, with v5 of the CLZ Comics mobile app now live and CLZ Games v5 currently being worked on. But don’t worry, we did not forget the movie, book and music collectors!

In the background, we have been “secretly” working on big updates for the CLZ Cloud and Connect software, adding a lot more fields and Back Cover images! This has already resulted in updates for Movie Connect and Movie Collector this month. Similar updates are coming up for the book and music editions in the upcoming months.

Also coming up, probably even next week: mobile app updates for CLZ Music, CLZ Movies, CLZ Books and CLZ Comics, with several user interface improvements to the Edit screen and Manage Pick Lists screen. The iOS versions will also be updated with some iOS 13 specific tweaks.

Now, let’s go over the September releases:

  • CLZ Comics 5.0: automatic graded comic values and lots more!
  • CLZ Comics 5.0.4: cool new Statistics screen
  • Movie Connect: Many new fields, back covers and Update from Core tool
  • Movie Collector 19.4 for Windows: New HDR field and many more sync fields

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Comic Collector (Windows)

v18.3.1: More fields now sync to CLZ Cloud and CLZ Comics

Jun 25, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, our CLZ Cloud (and Comic Connect) has been updated with 7 more fields and loan information. Today’s version 18.3 now supports the syncing of all these new fields and your loan information to the CLZ Cloud and your CLZ Comics mobile app!

Added for syncing:

  • Edition
  • Crossover
  • Story Arc
  • Imprint
  • Age
  • Cover Price
  • Release Date
  • Loans

Heads up: after updating to version 18.3, the software will automatically mark most of your comics as “changed”, to force the upload of your data for the new fields to the CLZ Cloud.

These fields also all sync to the latest iOS and Android mobile apps (version 4.11 needed)!


  • Several Access Violation errors in the main screen.
  • List View: Double clicking on checks would make list unresponsive.
  • Edit Screen: Using Next/Prev would cause strange effects with checkboxes in main screen.

This week, Apple released iOS 7.
And we’re happy to announce that all CLZ apps are now fully iOS 7 compatible!

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Now available in the App Store on your favorite iOS device:

2.1 updates of CLZ Comics, CLZ Music and CLZ Books!

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On September 25 we released CLZ Comics 2.0 for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch (compatible with iPhone 3GS and up, iPad 2 and up and iPod touch 4 and up).
This was the long awaited upgrade that allows editing and adding on the device itself.
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Do you own our CLZ Comics app for iPhone or Pad?

Then read on, because this message contains important information on how to
get your free upgrade to the upcoming CLZ Comics 2.0 version.

Here’s the deal:

  • CLZ Comics 2.0 is coming soon (ETA: within 2 weeks) and will finally bring
    the long awaited adding, editing, barcode scanning and 2-way syncing features.

  • CLZ Comics 2.0 will be *one* universal app for iPhone and iPad. To be more
    precise: the existing iPhone app will be transformed into this universal app.

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Video Preview: CLZ Comics 2.0

Sep 07, 2012

We’re currently finalizing CLz Comics 2.0 app and plan to submit it to Apple for approval next week.
So if all goes well, it will be live in an App Store near you within two weeks!

Join the iOS Club!

If you currently own CLZ Comics for iPhone or iPad, make sure to join the iOS Club.
*Only* club members will receive important information about how to upgrade to version 2.0.

Hi all,

Yes, it’s July 31, so it’s time for the Newsletter.

Today, I have more news about the upcoming new iOS apps, including a
special invitation for all users of our *current* apps for iPhone and iPad:

  • Calling all iPhone and iPad users… Get a preview of the 2.0 apps now!

Next to that, an overview of the important releases and happenings this month:

  • Updates for Mac editions, now fully Mountain Lion compatible.
  • Game Collector 5 for Windows is live!
  • C37 scanner overstock (200 units) sold out in 6 days!
  • Image server upgraded with 2 TB of extra hard disk space.

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Check out this cool review of Comic Collector and CLZ Comics HD for iPad over at the

“Over the years I tried many times to properly catalog my ever-growing comic book collection. Once, when there were only a few hundred, I think I had them in a notebook – problem being that I’d run out of space on a page for additional issues if it wasn’t planned right, and keeping things in numeric order was tedious. Next was a smaller version of my collection on a single sheet of paper, in Word or some word processing program, just listing title and issue number. Convenient to keep in my pocket as a “want-it-got-it” list, but impossible to keep complete or neat, and got lost along the way somewhere. Much later, I developed a spreadsheet to enter in my collection, but the shortcomings were still huge. It was unwieldy, required lots of time to manually enter the numbers (right click, insert line, grrrr…) and was a work in progress as I discovered how tough it was to categorize and then find things again. It couldn’t be carried with me or easily converted into a want list suitable for carrying. With renumbering, new volumes and multiple special editions and deluxe editions, it became evident that just issue numbers weren’t enough – and when you’ve got a collection this size, issue numbers mean increasingly less as the old brain doesn’t connect with all of them anymore. It didn’t take long before I lost interest totally.

Problems solved thanks to Collectorz. Take a peek.”

Adding and editing in the CLZ Mobile appsYes, it really is going to happen: Adding, editing and barcode scanning functionality in the CLZ mobile apps.

Pim, our mobile app developer, is currently implementing these features for the CLZ Comics HD app for iPad.
(of course these capabilities will also be released for the other apps, and also for iPhone and for Android).

And today, we’re able to show you the first screen shots:
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CLZ mobile apps for AndroidLast week, we released version 1.1 updates for all CLZ data viewer apps.

These version 1.1. updates, and all future app updates,
are *only* available through the Android Market.

If you originallly bought your app(s) via the shop on the site, you can switch to the Market edition for US $0.99. This deal, originally planned to end on October 2, has now been extended to October 31!

Re-download your apps for US $0.99 (or equivalent) on the Android Market here,
or just search for “collectorz” in the Market on your device itself.

IMPORTANT: Before you download the new version from the Android Market,
you MUST remove the old version. If you don’t, you will get an error that says:
“Package file was not signed correctly”.

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CLZ mobile apps for AndroidWe have just released version 1.1 updates for all our Androids apps.

These 1.1 updates are *only* available in the Android Market.

If you originally purchased your Android app(s) via the Android Market, then you can just use the Market on your device to update to v1.1.

However: if you original bought your app via the shop on the website, you will have to re-download from the Market to get version 1.1. Read on for more details about this. Read more


It’s epidemic

Jul 01, 2011

On June 28 one of our customers tweeted “@collectorz I am loving the Comic software and scanner. Cannot find in the instructions how to catalog without re-reading old issues ;-)”
This resulted in comments like ” I have that problem myself – though I’m not complaining about it” and “It must be an epidemic. I’m suffering that disease as well”.

Being a collector too, I suffer from that illness as well.

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