+ online services
Easily catalog movies
on your phone or tablet
Automatic cover art and movie details
Cast, crew, plot, episode lists, IMDb Ratings, audience ratings (MPAA, BBFC) etc...
Easily add movies by barcode or title
Scan DVD/Blu-ray/4k barcodes with built-in camera scanner or search by title.
Customize entries with personal details
Location, owner, purchase price/store/date, notes, your rating, etc...
CLZ Movies Mobile features

- Scan barcodes with the built-in camera scanner. Guaranteed 98% success rate.
- Search by movie title
- Search by IMDb Number or IMDb URL
Get full movie info straight from IMDb, like cast, crew, plot, episode lists, IMDb Ratings & Votes (updated daily!), audience ratings (like MPAA, BBFC, etc..). Our own Core movie database also gives you cover art, trailer videos, backdrop art, etc...
All movie formats are supported, including 4K UHD, Blu-ray, DVD, HD-DVD, LaserDisc, VHS, UMD video, etc..
EDIT ALL FIELDS:You can edit all automatically provided details from CLZ Core, like titles, formats, studios, release dates, plot descriptions, cast and crew listings etc.. you can even upload your own cover art (front and back!). Also, add personal details like location, ratings, purchase date / price / store, notes, etc..
CREATE MULTIPLE COLLECTIONS:Collections will appear as Excel-like tabs at the bottom of your screen. E.g. for different people, to separate physical releases from your digital movies, to keep track of movies you sold or have for sale, etc...
FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE:Browse your film database as a list with small thumbnails or as cards with big images. Sort any way you want, e.g. by title, year, runtime, IMDb rating, date added etc.. Group your movies into folders by format, direct, genre, year, etc...
USE CLZ CLOUD TO:- Always have an online backup of your movie database.
- Sync your movie collection between multiple devices
- View and share your movie inventory online
Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Movies Mobile and CLZ Movies Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Movies Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Movies Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
Learn about CLZ Movies WebCLZ Movies Mobile Updates
CLZ Movies reviews from customers
Klantenservice is ook uitstekend.
Then the other day I paid for a movie online, just to discover afterwards that I already had in my collection. So I said to myself "I would need something like the CLZ books Mobile App...I check it every time I browse books in a bookshop...it saves me from buying duplicates (yes it happens if you have 1000 + books...), reminds me of authors I like, etc..."
I was sure to find the right app on your website, and yes I did! I am happily putting all my movies inside it.. such an easy and pleasant task...and thanks to the links with IMDB I am learning things that I did not know about movies I love!
It's a winner, no doubt!
In fact I am so impressed I will be buying the music cataloguing software as well. Keep up the great work absolutely fantastic.
Since joining CLZ I have never looked back. On my device is an incredible search engine that finds the films by even partial names. And since then I have had 1 extra duplicate and that was only because the seller sent it by accident and did not want it back. I now have over 1000 blurays, dvds and 4k titles and not only can see which format they are in but also where I bought them, how much I paid and the containers they came in.
Best of all I can allow access to my collection to friends and family and can trace where my films are at any given time. I am a paid up member until end of 2026 and I very much doubt that I will ever willingly choose to give up subscribing at anytime. Long may you exist as a service and thank you for keeping the app updated with useful features.