Book Database Software
Catalog your book collection
iOS & Android

Windows & macOS

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!
Both CLZ Books Mobile and CLZ Books Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Books Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Books Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.
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Only one thing better than the App. Found minor problem. Reported it. Immediate and effective response. They fixed it. Brilliant.
Reviews from customers
Only one thing better than the App. Found minor problem. Reported it. Immediate and effective response. They fixed it. Brilliant.
Then one day, I stumbled upon this app, and I’ve never been happier. The ease of use with the built-in scanner, and the ability to edit book details to fit my current editions has been a dream come true. I use the app daily now, and look forward to doing so for years to come.
The only bad thing: I’m now reminded of how many I have, and how many I still have to read. Uggh, wish me luck.
It was a great idea to subscribe to Collectorz. During these last years I have cataloged a good part of the books, being able to experience how helpful it is to use the Collectorz program. It offers all kinds of possibilities, from writing a complete file, with as much data as possible, to making a brief description of the book, including its author, title, publisher and location, for example.
The program itself is simple, even for those of us who are not professional librarians. But also, when a problem arises, as was my case, by having the collection divided between two houses, Collectorz solved it easily, applying a different database for each house, within the common program for books that they have in the system. In recent years, it has been a great help to have access to the new applications gradually incorporated in the product.
Everything is going very smoothly now that I have figured out how the app works, and I just watched a video on the App Store and learned how to add IBN numbers when the code is obscured, so even better! I just rated the app on the App Store and, needless to say, gave it five stars!
I have not yet tried editing, but I will work on that in a few days when I have finished loading in my remaining four stacks of books! (Yes, I am a little bit crazy. At least I know it!). Now that I am mostly retired, I have more time to read and do these kinds of things—it’s really nice.
I should’ve known that such a great app would come from Amsterdam, perhaps my favorite place in the world! Have some poffertjes for me!! I’m still working on my Gouda collection from my annual trip, which was in May this year! Cheese, coffee, and books—my favorite things!