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Variant hunters, get ready! We’ve got a SPECTACULAR amount of NEW SERIES premiering this week.
Hush is back! Batman, Vol. 3 #158 – or rather Batman #158 Hush 2 – not only reintroduces us to iconic characters, but also gives us the art of Jim Lee, Hush’s original artist. Prepare for a mysterious and action-filled story.
Vampirella is back in Vampirella, Vol. 8 and she’s bringing her infant son. Little does she know she’s indirectly responsible for a nuclear inferno waiting to happen somewhere in the near future. In order to prevent this she receives help from somebody unexpected.
And if you can’t get enough of Deadpool, then you definitely can’t go wrong with Pooluminati.
We all know the Illuminati supposedly is a highly secret organization, protecting Earth from evil forces and threatening menaces. Throw in a mix of ‘Pools, and the Merc with A Mouth and his daughter Ellie themselves, and you get a heart-warming story. Artwork by Todd Nauck!
So get ready for this massive list with big-name releases and plenty of cover options, making it the BIGGEST week of the year so far!
Happy Reading!
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Fixed an issue where new subscriptions to CovrPrice weren’t registering correctly for some users.
- A crash in the Pre-fill Settings screen
These top-10s are created by you all, the users of the CLZ app and software, as they’re based on how often these comics already appear on your wish lists in the CLZ Cloud, even before release!
- Add comics/Check value: A freeze could occur after scanning multiple covers
- A possible fix for the camera image looking “warped”
It’s NCBD, the best day of the week!
In Eddie Brock: Carnage #2 we follow Eddie Brock as he turns himself in to the police. Why would he do that? What are his plans? With Jesús Saíz and Charles Soule as artists you just knów it is going to be criminally good.
The Absolute Universe, the twisted reality created by Darkseid, sees many popular reimaginations of the World’s Finest heroes. Absolute Flash #1 begins with a teenage Wally West and the struggles he faces in daily life. His life will change forever when he meets military scientist Dr. Barry Allen.
If you liked the Saturday morning cartoons from your youth, chances are that you’ll lóve The Herculoids. In The Herculoids #2 the heroes deal with the aftermath of the alien treath of the last issue, while preparing for a new one. Location of this new threat? Right under their feet!
Happy Reading!
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These top-10s are created by you all, the users of the CLZ app and software, as they’re based on how often these comics already appear on your wish lists in the CLZ Cloud, even before release!
Coming up soon, yet another huge update for your CLZ Books app! This is something we have been working on for many months. And now we are finally so close to release that I can disclose what is coming up:
New in CLZ Book 10.2: Automatic book values and retail prices!
With this new update, our CLZ Core online book database will provide book value/pricing information for used books, plus retail prices.
In more details, this is what will be new in version 10.2:
- Get values for your books, based on average selling prices of the books on various online used book stores.
- The old “Current Value” field will be renamed to “My Value” and will let you either OVERRIDE the automatically provided value, or just fill in a value for books that did not get an automatic value.
- Get automatic retail prices in the Retail Price field (previously named “Cover Price”).
- Use the new Update Values screen to regularly update your book entries with up-to-date Value and Retail Price information.
- Optionally use the Retail Price as a “fallback value”, when an automatic Value is not available.
- See Value statistics and totals in the Statistics screen
- Sort your book list by Value
Will I get values for all my books?
With close to 40 million books in our CLZ Core database, we will not be able to provide a value for all books in your collection. In particular, books without ISBN will not get values, as our value system is purely based on ISBN lookups.
Currently, our Core and Cloud statistics show that CLZ Books users will get a value for around 83% of their books, on average. Your mileage may vary, for example, if you own mostly mainstream US books with ISBN, your percentage may be closer to 90%. If you own mostly antique books, or only books in the Polish language, your coverage will probably be much lower.
The coverage of books with a value may slightly improve over time, as we are still gathering value information for less popular books.
Automatic values will be a premium feature, available for subscribers only
The “Automatic Values” feature will be the first “premium” online feature for CLZ Books. This means that it will only be available for users with an active paid subscription.
In particular, this means that this feature will not be available for users who are still using the app in “grandfathered” mode (as they purchased the app before it became a subscription app). Of course, grandfathered users who DO want access to this feature are welcome to get a paid CLZ Books subscription)
ETA ??
Coming up within a few weeks. I will send out a Sneak Preview email with more screenshots once we are closer to the final user interface.
This version has a couple of behind-the-scenes maintenance changes.
Comics! Get your comics! Fresh off the press!
Yes, we know the sequels are not received well. But Marvel is doing something really cool with Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #2. Charles Soule has you going back to the origin of Vader through the eyes of Kylo Ren. By having him go back to places Vader has visited in the past. You’re visiting Tatooine once again with pirates on Rancor’s and a member of the Hutt family! Great fun!
For DC this week we want to put the spotlight on a few classics that have been reprinted. Swamp Thing, Vol. 2 #37, Batman #31, Batman Adventures #12 are all getting facsimiles, which of these are you picking up?
Time is having a crisis. Mingling in the red-light district, you can find actual cavemen, medieval knights, and cyborg soldiers on leave from World War IV. Victorian debutantes amble their way into cell phone stores, confused and bewildered (what is a data plan?). On their way to work, bleary-eyed commuters get trapped in time-loops, assaulted by alternate-reality versions of themselves, and try to avoid post-apocalyptic wastelands. And LOOK: the 3:15 bus just took a wrong turn… into the neolithic era. That’s Assorted Crisis Events #1 for you in a nutshell!. Deniz Camp and Eric Zawadzki along with Jordie Bellaire are giving you an ongoing, zig-zagging anthology series about the compromised clicks of our clocks-full of one-shot stories both beautiful and ugly, tragic and redemptive, surreal and somehow all too familiar.
Happy Reading!
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