CLZ Comics Mobile

Try CLZ Comics Mobile for free

Easily catalog comics
on your phone or tablet

Automatic cover art and issue details

Variant info, creator lists, key comic info (1st appearances), plot summary, etc...

Easily add comics by barcode or title

Scan barcodes with built-in camera scanner or search by title and issue number.

Customize entries with personal details

Storage box, purchase price/store/date, grade, grading company, signed by, etc...

partnered with

CLZ Comics Mobile features

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  1. Scan barcodes with the built-in camera scanner. Guaranteed 99% success rate.
  2. Find a series by title, then checkbox the issues you own
  3. Search a specific issue by title and issue number

Our CLZ Core online comic database automatically provides cover art and full comic details, like Series, Issue Nr, Publisher, plot, creator lists, character lists, backdrop art, etc...

Plus, it will automatically provide key comic information, like first appearances, deaths, cameo appearances, first team appearances, origins, iconic cover art, etc...


You can edit all automatically provided details from CLZ Core, like the series, issue number, variant description, release/cover dates, plot descriptions, creator and character listings etc.. you can even upload your own cover art (front and back!). You can also add personal details like storage box, grade, slab label types, purchase date / price / store, notes, etc..


Collections will appear as Excel-like tabs at the bottom of your screen. E.g. for different people, to separate physical from digital comics, to keep track of comics you sold or have for sale, etc...


Browse your comic collection as a list with small thumbnails or as cards with big images. Sort any way you want, e.g. by series/issue, date, value, etc.. Group comics into folders by series, storage box, grade, by creator, etc...

  • Always have an online backup of your comic tracker database.
  • Sync your comic library between multiple devices
  • View and share your comic collection online

Get comic values from CovrPrice!

We are official CovrPrice partners

Did you know we have a partnership with CovrPrice.com, one of the best comic values services online? Through this partnership, you can get up-to-date comic values, right there inside your CLZ Comics app or Comic Connnect software.

How to get comic values from CovrPrice:

To get access to the comic values from CovrPrice.com, you will need a subscription to the CovrPrice "PREMIUM" plan (US $6.95 per month or US $60 per year).

To subscribe, use this special CLZ/CovrPrice Sign Up page and follow the steps there to

  1. Create an account
  2. Pay for the Premium plan and then...
  3. Link your CLZ and CovrPrice accounts

CLZ Comics
Mobile + Web
CLZ Comics Mobile
1 year
CLZ Comics Web
1 year
USD $0.00
USD $0.00
save USD $0.00

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!

Both CLZ Comics Mobile and CLZ Comics Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Comics Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Comics Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.

Learn about CLZ Comics Web

CLZ Comics reviews from customers

Mar 13, 2025
You are the best!
Thanks now to log my 305 of the 1706 run!!! really appreciate the quick turnaround and love CLZ.
Michael H. (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Mar 13, 2025
Great app
This app makes keeping track of my purchases easy.
Wendy Ginther on CLZ Comics Mobile
Mar 10, 2025
Very happy
Been a desktop customer since version 3, but a car accident forced me to have to transfer to the mobile app. Took me a few days to get familiar with where things were, but for the most part the transition was pretty easy.
Alwin and his team are very responsive to any issues that arise. There is also a support forum for user discussion as well.
Overall, very happy with the app
Donald Forbes on CLZ Comics Mobile
Mar 9, 2025
Great app!
Excellent way to keep track of your collection!
Luis G Perez on CLZ Comics Mobile
Mar 7, 2025
Invaluable tool
Excellent app and an invaluable tool that makes collecting easier and more fun. Very user-friendly, highly recommend.
Sonny Coelho (Canada) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Feb 28, 2025
I love the mobile app
It has helped me a lot to capture all the recent comics i bought recently, which is a lot. Taking a picture of the cover has been so helpful to speed through the process
GNETTFRLZ (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Feb 27, 2025
Time Saver!
So I had never cataloged or valued my collection of over 3,000 comics. Wow, this app was a major time save and gave me perspective of the market. Every collector needs to be using this!
cnhock (USA) on CLZ Comics Mobile
Feb 27, 2025
Keep track of a comic collection
This is a great app to keep track of a comic collection. I would recommend it to all collectors.
James Bradley on CLZ Comics Mobile
Feb 26, 2025
Simple to use
The best app so far to catalogue comics. The interface is intuitive and it's very simple to use. They offer many customization options to suit a lot of organization needs.
Rafael Mendoza on CLZ Comics Mobile
Feb 22, 2025
Simply awesome
Fantastic app for cataloging your comics. Tons of useful information, including series, variants, artists and more. They are super responsive to questions and issues and are constantly updating key information. Join the Facebook group as well for more general advice and tips. Very engaged group and couldn't be happier.
Tom W on CLZ Comics Mobile