CLZ Books Mobile

Try CLZ Books Mobile for free

Easily catalog books
on your phone or tablet

Automatic cover art and book details

Author, title, publisher, publication date, plot, genres, subjects, etc...

Easily add books by ISBN barcode or title

Scan barcodes with built-in camera scanner or search by author and title.

Customize entries with personal details

Location, owner, purchase price/store/date, notes, your rating, etc...

CLZ Books Mobile features

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  1. scan ISBN barcodes with the built-in camera scanner. Guaranteed 98% success rate.
  2. search by author and title.

Our CLZ Core online book database automatically provides cover images and full book details, like author, title, publisher, publication date, plot, genres, subjects, etc..


You can even edit the automatically provided details from Core, like Authors, Titles, Publishers, Publications Dates, Plot descriptions, etc.. you can even upload your own cover art (front and back!). Also, add personal details like condition, location, purchase date / price / store, notes, etc..


Collections will appear as Excel-like tabs at the bottom of your screen. E.g. for different people, to separate your physical books from your ebooks, to keep track of books you sold or have for sale, etc...


Browse your book catalog as a list with small thumbnails or as cards with big images. Sort any way you want, e.g. by author, title, publication date, date added etc.. Group your books into folders by author, publisher, genre, subject, location, etc...

  • Always have an online backup of your book organizer database.
  • Sync your book library between multiple devices
  • View and share your book collection online
CLZ Books
Mobile + Web
CLZ Books Mobile
1 year
CLZ Books Web
1 year
USD $0.00
USD $0.00
save USD $0.00

Or... use them both,
as perfect companions!

Both CLZ Books Mobile and CLZ Books Web can be used on their own, as a stand-alone solution. But these tools really come to life when used together, as they are great companions. While away from your computer use CLZ Books Mobile on your phone, then use CLZ Books Web at home, to work on your database on a big screen, with a real keyboard. Of course, you can sync your database between them through our CLZ Cloud solution.

Learn about CLZ Books Web
Dec 10, 2024
Where Has This Been All My Life
OMG! For a few bucks a year this app does more than I ever dreamed! I used DVD Profiler, which died, and being cheap I really didn't want to pay for an app, but CLZ Movies gives you soooo much for so little! It’s as though it becomes your own, personal IMDb! Thank YOU!
Cookee59 (USA) on CLZ Movies Mobile

CLZ Books reviews from customers

Dec 9, 2024
Professionelle Ordnung in der eigenen Bibliothek!
Tolles Programm, das einfach erlaubt die eigenen Bücher zu erfassen, zu katalogisieren, sodass man die Übersicht behaltet über seine Bibliothek! Und es wird laufend -ohne Mehrkosten- aktualisiert! Top Software für Bücherliebhaber.
laubem (Switzerland) on CLZ Books Mobile
Dec 4, 2024
CLZ books library
I’ve been with Book Collectors Connect, now CLZ, for many years. Best way to keep a large library of books. I appreciate the ease of use program and the team is readily available whenever you have questions or need help.
halftracker (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 29, 2024
Almost perfect
Almost perfect but keeps getting better: sounds impossible but it's true. The app is dependable and flexible. It works well whether you choose to capture every detail of a publication or just the basics. I am not an employee, or a relatiive of anyone in the development crew.
oude kerk (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 28, 2024
Great App
I use it all the time to keep track of my books. Definitely recommend it.
Stuart Cathcart on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 28, 2024
Happy with this program
Been very happy with this program. I need to be more conscientious about keeping it up to date but it tracks all my books and gives me ability to search, sort and organize as I need.
William McCourt on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 27, 2024
Fantastic! I've got a card catalog in my phone for all my cozy mysteries.
Vault 713 on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 27, 2024
Absolutely Love
This app is exactly what I was looking for to catalog my books. I found myself buying duplicates, and decided to go in search of an app that would help me keep track of my books. CLZ Books - library organizer does exactly that and more. I keep books in different rooms in my house, I can note where the books are, mark if I have loaned them out and to who, I can rate them and note when I read them and keep personal notes. It is easy to use, and after initially loading my books, I am able to scan new books easily to add them to the collection. Highly recommend if you have a good amount of books you would like to keep track of.
Booksrox (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 26, 2024
The app has been working amazingly for me
I was busy adding more books and sorting things out at my house…. I have needed this app for a long time because I just love buying and gifting books, and everybody who knows me gives me books for presents! So I have a lot of them.

Everything is going very smoothly now that I have figured out how the app works, and I just watched a video on the App Store and learned how to add IBN numbers when the code is obscured, so even better! I just rated the app on the App Store and, needless to say, gave it five stars!

I have not yet tried editing, but I will work on that in a few days when I have finished loading in my remaining four stacks of books! (Yes, I am a little bit crazy. At least I know it!). Now that I am mostly retired, I have more time to read and do these kinds of things—it’s really nice.

I should’ve known that such a great app would come from Amsterdam, perhaps my favorite place in the world! Have some poffertjes for me!! I’m still working on my Gouda collection from my annual trip, which was in May this year! Cheese, coffee, and books—my favorite things!

Sigrid (USA) on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 24, 2024
I love this app
Makes shopping & thrifting so easy adding to my collection. I also use this app for my film collection.
Kelly Carroll on CLZ Books Mobile
Nov 24, 2024
Cataloging my over 1000 book Time Life Library...Lifesaving!.. I've cataloged my Time Life record collection on CLZ as well!
Terry Breen on CLZ Books Mobile