News & updates tagged 'fix'

CLZ Comics Mobile

v7.0.2: Small tweaks and fixes

Nov 22, 2021

Some small tweaks and fixes based on the feedback we received after the big v7 release:


  • Download key comic info from Core can now be switched OFF in Settings
  • Pre-fill popup: Quantity is now always reset to 1
  • For debugging and support purposes the Edit Series screen now shows Core SeriesID


  • Clear Database didn’t clear the Pull List

CLZ Comics Mobile

v7.0.2: Small tweaks and fixes

Nov 22, 2021

Some small tweaks and fixes based on the feedback we received after the big v7 release:


  • Download key comic info from Core can now be switched OFF in Settings
  • Pre-fill popup: Quantity is now always reset to 1
  • For debugging and support purposes the Edit Series screen now shows Core SeriesID


  • Add Comics: Adding from pull list wasn’t working
  • Statistics: The “paid” information was not calculated correctly
  • Folders: “a”/”b” folders showing up instead of Yes/No
  • Update from Core: some comics kept getting an update
  • Clear Database didn’t clear the Pull List

Comic Collector (Windows)

v21.0.2 Fixed “List Index out of bounds” errors

Dec 07, 2020

After the v21.0 release, we received several reports from users that they were getting “List Index out of Bounds” error, mainly when editing comics.
Luckily, with the help of these users, we were able to close in on the problem and find that it only happened on comics that had 1 or more entries on the Contents tab, so mostly on TPBs. That helped us to quickly reproduce and fix the problem!

Other fixes:

  • In Missing Comics and Update Values screens, the series Sort Names were not used for sorting.
  • Several Access Violations

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.4.4: Access Violation error and backdrop fix

Jul 03, 2020


  • An access violation error could occur when canceling the “unrecognized barcode” pop-up.
  • Backdrop image could be cleared from the Series pick list item when adding a comic.

Game Collector (Windows)

v20.3.3: Couple of fixes

Jun 30, 2020


  • If cover downloads were disabled, the program would still download a cover URL
  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for a game, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Book Collector (Windows)

v20.3.3: Couple of fixes

Jun 30, 2020


  • If cover downloads were disabled, the program would still download a cover URL
  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for a book, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.4.3: Couple of fixes

Jun 30, 2020


  • If cover downloads were disabled, the program would still download a cover URL
  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for an album, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.4.3: Couple of fixes

Jun 30, 2020


  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for a comic, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v20.4.3: Couple of fixes

Jun 30, 2020


  • If no rating was set, it would show with rating “0” in the rating column. It now shows “nothing” in the column again.
  • If no rating has been set for a movie, it would show in a “0” folder, and now shows in a “[None]” folder in your folder panel.

Book Collector (Windows)

v20.3.2 Several fixes

Jun 26, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Music Collector (Windows)

v20.4.2 Several fixes

Jun 26, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Comic Collector (Windows)

v20.4.2 Several fixes

Jun 26, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v20.4.2 Several fixes

Jun 26, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

Game Collector (Windows)

v20.3.2 Several fixes

Jun 26, 2020


  • In some case, new entries added through Add from Core would get images with .tmp extensions, instead of .jpg.
  • Editing pick list items directly from the folder panel did not work anymore.
  • Dragging items between folders did not work anymore.

CLZ Comics Mobile

v5.2.2: Fix for slowness with large collections

Feb 21, 2020


  • Slowness and crashes, especially on large collections.

(BTW: to fix the slowness, we have temporarily removed the Images View for the series list. Will be back soon.)

CLZ Music Mobile

v5.0.11: Fix for uploading custom covers

Oct 26, 2019


  • Custom images were uploaded too often

CLZ Movies Mobile

v5.0.8: Fix for uploading custom covers

Oct 26, 2019


  • Custom images were uploaded too often

CLZ Games Mobile

v5.0.2: Fix for uploading custom covers

Oct 26, 2019


  • Custom images were uploaded too often

CLZ Books Mobile

v5.0.12: Fix for uploading custom covers

Oct 26, 2019


  • Custom images were uploaded too often


  • Custom images were uploaded too often
  • Add by Barcode: Barcode wasn’t showing in the result

CLZ Games Mobile

v5.0.3: Fixed a bug in manage pick lists

Oct 26, 2019


  • The amount of items for each pick list could be wrong


  • Custom images were uploaded too often
  • The amount of items for each pick list could be wrong

CLZ Comics Mobile

v5.0.7: Various Fixes

Oct 26, 2019


  • Add by Barcode: For older barcodes sometimes the wrong issue would be pre-selected
  • Custom images were uploaded too often

CLZ Comics Mobile

v5.0.8: Various fixes

Oct 24, 2019


  • Add by Barcode: For older barcodes sometimes the wrong issue would be pre-selected
  • Custom images were uploaded too often
  • The amount of items for each pick list could be wrong

CLZ Games Mobile

v5.0.2: Fixed a crash

Oct 23, 2019

We had a couple of reports of a crash happening in the app, located it, and fixed it!


  • When using Update PriceCharting Values, the app could crash on manually added games