News & updates tagged 'comic collector'

Great review of our Comic Collector software at the Comic Booked website!

A quote:

“The program kept getting better and better as the year progressed until it took a major leap forward with a newly designed “Colbolt” version in October 2013. This was a MASSIVE improvement over the previous version, and has made this program hands down the industry leader in my eyes. If the fees for use continue to be applied to product improvement like they have this year then it’s money well spent, and I’ll gladly pay for my renewal when it comes around soon.”

Read the entire review here.

We were the goodie bag sponsor for the Collectors Con MD in Baltimore, November 23. Included in the sponsor package were 4 tickets to the show which we would not use since we’re in Amsterdam. We decided to raffle them under the early birds, waiting in a queue outside.
Lo and behold, these were the lucky winners who got inside for free!
Thanks guys, hope you had a great time and bought lots of stuff.

CLZ mobile apps for AndroidHectic times here at the CLZ office in Amsterdam. We’ve completed some big releases and started on a couple of huge other projects. Some of which I will disclose in this newsletter (we’re back on Android!!), but others I have to keep quiet about for now.

First, here’s the new stuff we’ve launched this month:

And this is what we’re working on now:

Let me go over these in more details (warning: it’s lllloooonnnnnggggg).
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Saturday May 4 is Free Comic Book Day.

Free Comic Book Day is a single day – the first Saturday in May each year – when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely FREE* to anyone who comes into their stores.
*Check with your local comic book shop for their participation and rules.

Of course our comic admin Rowdy has already entered ALL comics into the comic database for your convenience, ready to download all issue details.

Yesterday’s release of Music Collector 10.2.2 completed an update sequence for our 4 Mac OS X titles. Small issues were fixed and some new features added.

These new updates come highly recommended to all our existing Mac users.
Make sure to install the updates!
Use menu [name of app] Collector>Check for Updates to update to:

Our Mac programmer does not stop here of course. He is steadily working on a major upgrade for Movie Collector, version 9!
Keep an eye out for news about this upcoming major upgrade.

Windows 8 CompatibleNow with tiles, touch interface and much more, Windows 8 is a fully re-imagined operating system. So did you upgrade already? Because we sure did!

As a careful user, you might be wondering if your software works on it? And we’re happy to announce that you have nothing to worry about.

We can confirm that these programs are working on Windows 8:

  • Movie Collector 8
  • Book Collector 8
  • Music Collector 10
  • Comic Collector 5
  • Game Collector 5

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Free Comic Book Day May 5 2012

Apr 23, 2012

Free Comic Book Day 2012Free Comic Book Day is a single day – the first Saturday in May each year – when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely *FREE* to anyone who comes into their stores.
This year’s FCBD is on Saturday May 5. Use this tool to find a participating comic book store near you.

All major publishers have created a special comic of their heroes for FCBD. All 42 issues have already been added to our comic database for your convenience.
You’ll find them under ‘Free Comic Book Day 2012‘.

We’re ready for May 5!

Check out this cool review of Comic Collector and CLZ Comics HD for iPad over at the

“Over the years I tried many times to properly catalog my ever-growing comic book collection. Once, when there were only a few hundred, I think I had them in a notebook – problem being that I’d run out of space on a page for additional issues if it wasn’t planned right, and keeping things in numeric order was tedious. Next was a smaller version of my collection on a single sheet of paper, in Word or some word processing program, just listing title and issue number. Convenient to keep in my pocket as a “want-it-got-it” list, but impossible to keep complete or neat, and got lost along the way somewhere. Much later, I developed a spreadsheet to enter in my collection, but the shortcomings were still huge. It was unwieldy, required lots of time to manually enter the numbers (right click, insert line, grrrr…) and was a work in progress as I discovered how tough it was to categorize and then find things again. It couldn’t be carried with me or easily converted into a want list suitable for carrying. With renumbering, new volumes and multiple special editions and deluxe editions, it became evident that just issue numbers weren’t enough – and when you’ve got a collection this size, issue numbers mean increasingly less as the old brain doesn’t connect with all of them anymore. It didn’t take long before I lost interest totally.

Problems solved thanks to Collectorz. Take a peek.” Mac softwareAs you know, Movie Collector 8 for Mac is live and has already received a
number of maintenance builds to fix bugs and tweak the user interface.
Movie Collector 8 for Mac screen shots.

Also, we released a nice update of Comic Collector for Mac (v5.2), introducing
the Backdrops feature, the new toolbar and the Field Defaults screen:
Comic Collector 5 for Mac screen shots

So what’s up next? Read more

Way back when in 1996 Alwin Hoogerdijk, founder of and my hubby, was sitting on a stack of CDs that were driving him insane. He finally got fed up with trying to remember what he had and where it was. So, he locked himself in a room and started writing a program that would keep track of everything for him.
You see, Alwin is a music lover by nature and a computer programmer by profession.

Read more Mac softwareLate August, I told you about our plans for the Mac editions.
In the past 2 months, a lot has happened so it’s time for an update on our Mac OS X development. And I can even show you the first screen shots of the upcoming Movie Collector 8 for Mac OS X!

We’ve got 4 developers on this 4-product-project now. Two full-time programmers: Ronald (who is leading the project) and Patrick (our new Mac programmer, started on October 1st). Plus two parttimers: Bernard (working as a hired freelancer for 2 days a week) and Dinh (still working 2 days a week until the end of December). Read more

On February 15 2011, we launched Comic Collector 5 for Windows. It introduced the possibility to add comics by barcode, an improved Add Auto screen, automatic Preview Art, the new Find Cover Online tool and much more.
Of course we continue to improve our software, so yesterday we released version 5.1.
And by the way, the image above is the New startup “splash” screen featuring CeCe!
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CLZ Barry for AndroidIn last week’s Barry for Android update we told you that,
because of the less than perfect Android edition of the Red Laser engine,
CLZ Barry for Android would not support UPC+5 barcodes and thus could not be used for comic books.

But today I have great news:

CLZ Barry for Android *will* support comic book barcodes! Read more


What about the Mac editions?

Aug 25, 2011

Here’s a question we get a lot lately, in our support inbox,
on the Forum, on our Facebook page and on Twitter:

"What about the Mac editions?"

Or: when will there finally be an update for my Mac software?

Of course, the question is fully justified. The Mac editions of Music, Movie and Book Collector haven’t had a serious update for a long time.
Also, the new Comic Collector for Mac has not yet received the features left out of the 5.0 release.

Well, I am happy to announce that this is all going to change. Read on for our Mac OS X plans. Read more


It’s epidemic

Jul 01, 2011

On June 28 one of our customers tweeted “@collectorz I am loving the Comic software and scanner. Cannot find in the instructions how to catalog without re-reading old issues ;-)”
This resulted in comments like ” I have that problem myself – though I’m not complaining about it” and “It must be an epidemic. I’m suffering that disease as well”.

Being a collector too, I suffer from that illness as well.

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What’s Mickie pointing at?

Jun 03, 2011

We’ve started implementing the characters on our website and banners. AJ has created several new ads and Alwin has added Mickie and CeCe to the Movie Collection Software and Comic Collection Software homepages.

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The promo babes

May 24, 2011

Comic Collector users know her for quite some time: CeCe. She is our action heroine and features in the comic cataloguing software, on banners, ads and on the website. She brings our software to life and that is why we asked the creator of CeCe, LoopyDave, to give her four siblings for the DVD, CD, book and game collection software.

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Out Now! Comic Collector 5 for Mac OS X

Yes, after many months of programming and testing, and several delays,
it has finally arrived: Comic Collector for Mac OS X!
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CeCe is powering up for Comic Collector 5 for Mac OS X release

Yes, tomorrow is the day. We are finally going to release the Mac edition of Comic Collector.
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Comic Collector for Mac OS X release

May 09, 2011

Comic Collector for Mac OS XAlwin here, with the latest news on Comic Collector for Mac OS X.

As you know, we were planning to release a full-featured Comic Collector for Mac on May 17. And with “full-featured”, I mean a Mac edition with all features of the current Windows edition. Well, I am afraid we will not be able to reach that goal.

But I have come up with a cunning plan. Here’s the deal:
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Free Comic Book Day 2011

Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day! And we’re ready for it.
Data and cover art for all 38 FCBD 2011 issues is already available in our online comic book database, ready to be downloaded with our comic book cataloging software Comic Collector.
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The development of CeCe

We wanted to create a character for Comic Collector, a comic style superhero we could use in the software for details view templates, commercial banners and just overall on our website.

Development on this character started and she became “CeCe”. Check out how she changed from initial sketches, to the final art showing CeCe in several different poses and of course, the Spiderman spoof cover art.

The CeCe character is being used in various Comic Collector advertising campaigns. You may have seen banner ads featuring CeCe on your favorite comic-related websites. Read more

Comic Collector for Mac OS XWe are still aiming to release the Mac edition of Comic Collector on May 17, 2011. Dinh, Pim and Ronald are working programming as fast as they can to make that happen. Mark and AJ are testing every new feature or screen as soon as the developers finish it.

Today, Ronald finished the Find Cover Image screen (one of the most popular features of v5 for Windows). Here the first screen shot of that new screen:


Comic Collector 5 for Windows

Feb 15, 2011

It’s finally here, Comic Collector 5 for Windows!

Version 5 adds a feature that comic collectors have been requesting for a long time:

The ability to catalog comics by barcode: Just type or scan the barcode to get automatic details and cover art for that exact issue (currently for American comics only).

And there’s lots more. Here’s a quick overview of what else is new:
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