News & updates tagged 'game collector'

Here it is, the CLZ News for September 2020.

It’s a sad day today. Since late June, part of the team had been working at the office again, but in the Netherlands the 2nd wave of the virus has hit us full on. So to keep the team safe and healthy, we have decided that the entire team will be working from home again, starting today šŸ™

But don’t worry, we have gotten quite good at this “work from home” situation, with the team communicating over Slack all day. So it’s all business as usual. The support team is still lightning fast in answering your questions. The content team is still keeping our Core up-to-date will all new releases. And finally, the dev team is still making excellent progress on updates for our software and services.

These are the topics of today’s newsletter:

  • v6.0 now live for CLZ Books, CLZ Music and CLZ Movies apps!
  • Coming up: Improved PriceCharting support for all game tools

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Hi all!

It’s a short month, so here I (Alwin) am already, with the Feb ’14 edition of the CLZ Newsletter. Today’s newsletter will focus on one of our customers, Michael Thomasson, who has attained the official Guiness World Record for “Largest Video Game Collection”!

But first, let me give you a super-compact overview of what the CLZ Team is working on at the moment:

  • Robbert and Ronald: Updates for all Windows editions, with a new Cobalt Compact template for Add Auto, plus other program-specific new features.
    Their Movie Collector update is already live, more info below.
  • Pim and AJ: CLZ Movies 2.0 for Android. Add Movies screen is finished (inc barcode scanning!), working on Edit screen and two-way CLZ Cloud syncing now.
  • Patrick: Big update of Book Collector for Mac, with automatic e-book cataloging features and the new Cobalt Compact templates for Add Auto.
  • Robbert and Dion: a complete redesign of Connect, with a more modern look that automatically adapts to desktop, tablet and phone screens.
  • Rowdy and Martin: Quality checking all movie and edition cover images in our online movie database, replacing all small and low-quality images with better ones.
  • Chris: A complete rewrite of all manuals of our Windows and Mac editions, using our own online manual software Manula.

Okay, on to the biggest video game collection… in the world…

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This is Michael Thomasson, one of our Game Collector customers, and he is the holder of the Guinness World Record for the “Largest Video Game Collection” : 10,607 video games!.

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Game Collector review

Jan 11, 2013 already reviewed Movie Collector and now also Game Collector.

“I have been using Collectorz.comā€™s Movie Collector to keep track of my movie library for years. Versatile and quite user-friendly, Movie Collector takes a lot of guesswork out of tracking my Blu-rays and DVDs, and even has a Loan function to keep tabs on movies that people have borrowed. recently sent us their Game Collector program to evaluate. While there are other applications available to keep your videogame library in order, none of them are as complete as Game Collector.”

Complete review can be found here.

Windows 8 CompatibleNow with tiles, touch interface and much more, Windows 8 is a fully re-imagined operating system. So did you upgrade already? Because we sure did!

As a careful user, you might be wondering if your software works on it? And we’re happy to announce that you have nothing to worry about.

We can confirm that these programs are working on Windows 8:

  • Movie Collector 8
  • Book Collector 8
  • Music Collector 10
  • Comic Collector 5
  • Game Collector 5

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It’s finally here, Game Collector 5 for Windows!

For version 5, the CLZ team has focused on both the program itself and the automatic content delivered by our central online game database.

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Avid gamer and video game collector Brittney of has started her quest to catalog all the games in her woman cave. Her words, not mine šŸ™‚
From her blog post.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Iā€¦I donā€™t even know how to begin. I just want to say Iā€™ve appreciated all of your support and and andā€¦okay. Iā€™m being a bit dramatic. The point Iā€™m trying ā€“ and failing ā€“ to make is that Iā€™M FINALLY COMPILING A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF ALL OF MY VIDEOGAMES. Thatā€™s right ā€“ that tab labeled ā€œMy Collectionā€, which has just been sitting up there for over a year, will finally serve a purpose.

To undergo this task, Iā€™m going to be utilizing Game Collector, a website/program I SWEAR was made for me. ”

You can follow her progress on her blog, she keeps a list online.

Game Collector 5 for WindowsGreat news for all Game Collector users!

On July 10, we will release version 5 of Game Collector for Windows,
bringing new features, cosmetic improvements and more automatic game data.
Upgrading to Game Collector 5 will cost $24.95 (or equivalent in your currency).

Want to know more? Then join the Game Collector 5 Preview Club.
Club members will receive full “what’s new” information over the next 2 weeks.
On top of that, they’ll get instant access to the Game Collector 5 Preview Page,
which already has a sneak preview screen shot of the new main screen.


“Now it’s time to play”

Mar 01, 2012

All things games site Digitally reviewed Game Collector.

“Collectorz.comā€™s Game Collector solves one of the (few) downsides to digitally downloadable games; that you end up with a library of games that you donā€™t have sitting on a shelf. This can at times make it hard to keep track of everything that you own, especially if youā€™ve got multiple consoles and stuff stored on a range of devices.”

The reviewer sure had fun entering his own personal collection. After he entered his games, he started playing with the data instead of playing with his new PS Vita šŸ™‚

“So what happens next? Now itā€™s time to play with the masses of data that youā€™ve accured. Games can be filtered in whatever way you like, so if you want to get an easy overview of the order in which you really do like your Final Fantasy games, you can filter out that information.”

Read the complete review here.

Way back when in 1996 Alwin Hoogerdijk, founder of and my hubby, was sitting on a stack of CDs that were driving him insane. He finally got fed up with trying to remember what he had and where it was. So, he locked himself in a room and started writing a program that would keep track of everything for him.
You see, Alwin is a music lover by nature and a computer programmer by profession.

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The promo babes

May 24, 2011

Comic Collector users know her for quite some time: CeCe. She is our action heroine and features in the comic cataloguing software, on banners, ads and on the website. She brings our software to life and that is why we asked the creator of CeCe, LoopyDave, to give her four siblings for the DVD, CD, book and game collection software.

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Gemma in full warpaint

May 13, 2011

Let’s bring Gemma to life with colors.
The names of the characters hint to the software titles, so do the colors of each figurine.
Movie Collector is green, Music Collector orange, Book Collector purple, Comic Collector blue and the Game Collector color is red.

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Meet Gemma. Or Gem for short. And you hardly need to guess, since it is so obvious. She is our Game Collector gal.
We really wanted to have her yield a big sword, but she should be uber female too. Kinda like Link meets Lara. And the Game Collector color red is perfect for her, with her being a natural redhead.
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