News & updates tagged 'games'

CLZ Alwin here, with the CLZ Newsletter for November 2020.
We’re in the middle of the Black Friday craziness here, which means that my wife Sytske and I are answering over 250 support tickets on a daily basis. Providing renewal advice, correcting wrong purchases, helping with problems, etc…
AJ is assisting us with the more complex 2nd line issues, even logging in to user’s computers with TeamViewer to fix problems for them.

Today’s newsletter topics:

Just like last month, this newsletter is all about our tools for video games and comic books. Good news for the comic and game collectors among us, but if you’re here for the music, movie or book news, you may be thinking… “hey, what gives?”.
Don’t worry, we’ll be swinging back to the other programs soon. Let me explain what’s going on:

In the past few years, we have been doing a lot of improvement to what we call our “framework”. Improvements that benefited all collection types, like faster cloud syncing, easier folder options, faster image downloads, better shelves view, etc… Super efficient work and resulting in updates for all our tools, so for movies, books, music, comics and video games.

However, since about 6 months ago, we have changed our focus to implementing dedicated collection specific features, finally responding to common requests and complaints from our 5 different audiences. Since most of these were about games and comics, we started with those.

Also, because of we’re all still working from home, it makes project management and communication a lot easier if the entire CLZ team is working on the same project. So that is why we all spent 3 months working on many video game specific features, then after that the entire team switched over to work on the most common comic book related requests.

Next up are our movie collecting solutions. Our web-developer Stijn is already preparing our back-end for the things to come. First up: audience ratings from IMDb. We are also looking at delivering movie ratings from Rotten Tomatoes, as a nice 2nd opinion next to the IMDb Ratings. Cool movie stuff coming up!

Now, let’s look at all November updates, plus a sneak preview at what’s coming up in December:

  • Game Connect / CLZ Games 6.1: New “Updated Values” report
  • CLZ Comics 6.0: Batch editing, Updated Values report, Add Issue, etc..
  • Comic Connect: Add Issues / Updated Values report
  • Coming up: Comic Collector 21 for Windows
  • Coming up: CLZ Comics 6.1 with new Pre-Fill screen when adding comics.
  • Coming up: Comic Connect Missing Comics tool

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Time flies when you’re working from home! It’s the end of October already, so here’s your monthly dose of CLZ News.

After 3 months of work, we have finally released the promised huge updates for all our game database programs. Phew! A big and complex project, but we really enjoyed working on this multi-disciplined job together (desktop, web and mobile) with the entire team.

So we decided to do the same for comics: all team members have now switched to our comic tools, with Joe working on Comic Collector 21.0, Pim and Bernard on CLZ Comics 6.0, Joel and Sven on Comic Connect, AJ working on UI designs for them all and finally Rowdy, Stijn and Sytske on improvements to our Core for Comics.
Read on below for what will be new in these big comic related updates!

All topics for today:

  • Improved PriceCharting value features for all game tools:
    • Game Collector 21.0 for Windows
    • CLZ Games 6.0 for iOS and Android
    • Game Connect
  • CLZ Games 6.0: better Edit features + crop/rotate images
  • Coming up: big updates for all comic database tools

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Here it is, the CLZ News for September 2020.

It’s a sad day today. Since late June, part of the team had been working at the office again, but in the Netherlands the 2nd wave of the virus has hit us full on. So to keep the team safe and healthy, we have decided that the entire team will be working from home again, starting today 🙁

But don’t worry, we have gotten quite good at this “work from home” situation, with the team communicating over Slack all day. So it’s all business as usual. The support team is still lightning fast in answering your questions. The content team is still keeping our Core up-to-date will all new releases. And finally, the dev team is still making excellent progress on updates for our software and services.

These are the topics of today’s newsletter:

  • v6.0 now live for CLZ Books, CLZ Music and CLZ Movies apps!
  • Coming up: Improved PriceCharting support for all game tools

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