News & updates tagged 'game connect'

This is the CLZ News for July 2024, brought to you by CLZ Alwin.

TWO big updates for the Add Comics screen of the CLZ Comics mobile app this month, one a complete re-design and rename of an existing feature (Pull List tab is now called “NCBD”), the other a change that is hardly even visible, but has huge benefits (smarter barcode scanner).
And.. we’ve got another Add screen update coming up next week!

For the Connect web-based software, we’re also focussing on improvement of the Add screen, starting with 2 small Game Connect tweaks this month, but with several other Add screen improvements coming up for Game, Movie and Comic Connect next week.

Then, there’s our endeavours for the mobile apps, to try and reach a bigger audience, by replacing our “free 7-day trial” with a “100-item free mode”.
The short story is “it failed big time” ๐Ÿ™ We are back to our tried and tested “free 7-day trial”. Read on below for the long story.

The CLZ Content Team has been busy too. The comic guys Rowdy, Justin and Taco got swamped with huge NCBD’s in the past few weeks, combined with a flood of SDCC exclusives (still working to get the last ones covered).
Martin and Kelvin have been focussing on the barcode coverage of our Core for Games, so adding more barcodes and the correct cover images for them. Our Core is now recognizing over 99% of game barcodes worldwide!

Finally, we are still enjoying building big Lego projects together. After building the Lego Barad-dรปr tower, we also finished the Avengers Tower!
Next up, the Hulkbuster ๐Ÿ™‚

Today’s topics:

  • CLZ Core mobile apps:
    • CLZ Comics 9.4: Re-design of Pull List feature (and now called โ€œNCBDโ€)
    • CLZ Comics 9.5: Improved barcode scanner, no more AUTO/EXT toggle!
    • CLZ mobile apps: back to “7-day free trial”, no more “free mode”
  • Connect web-based software:
    • Game Connect: New platform picker in Add Games screen
    • Game Connect: re-design of “Unrecognized Barcode” screen
  • CLZ Core updates:
    • Core for Games: “Check Covers” project, 94.4% cloud coverage!
    • Core for Movies: “Check Covers” project, 72.0% cloud coverage!
    • Core for Comics: New Comic Book Day summary
  • Building the Lego Avengers Tower!
  • Come join the Club CLZ forum (4,200 members now!)

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Here it is, the CLZ News for September 2020.

It’s a sad day today. Since late June, part of the team had been working at the office again, but in the Netherlands the 2nd wave of the virus has hit us full on. So to keep the team safe and healthy, we have decided that the entire team will be working from home again, starting today ๐Ÿ™

But don’t worry, we have gotten quite good at this “work from home” situation, with the team communicating over Slack all day. So it’s all business as usual. The support team is still lightning fast in answering your questions. The content team is still keeping our Core up-to-date will all new releases. And finally, the dev team is still making excellent progress on updates for our software and services.

These are the topics of today’s newsletter:

  • v6.0 now live for CLZ Books, CLZ Music and CLZ Movies apps!
  • Coming up: Improved PriceCharting support for all game tools

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