News & updates tagged 'export'

Connect and CLZ Cloud users often ask us about printing or exporting only a part of their collection, e.g. “how do I print just my wish list?” or “how do I export a list of just my Blu-rays?”.

Now, this was possible, but it took a few steps that were not intuitive for many users. You had to:

  1. Make the selection in the main screen first, e.g. by using folders, the collection status filter or the search box
  2. Checkbox all movies in the selection, using the checkboxes in the list
  3. Then use the Print or Export button on the special blue action toolbar above the list

With today’s update, we are making this a lot easier. And while we were at it, we also freshened up the user interface of the Print to PDF and Export to CSV screens.

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Connect and CLZ Cloud users often ask us about printing or exporting only a part of their collection, e.g. “how do I print just my wish list?” or “how do I export a list of just one artist?”.

Now, this was possible, but it took a few steps that were not intuitive for many users. You had to:

  1. Make the selection in the main screen first, e.g. by using folders, the collection status filter or the search box
  2. Checkbox all albums in the selection, using the checkboxes in the list
  3. Then use the Print or Export button on the special blue action toolbar above the list

With today’s update, we are making this a lot easier. And while we were at it, we also freshened up the user interface of the Print to PDF and Export to CSV screens.

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Connect and CLZ Cloud users often ask us about printing or exporting only a part of their collection, e.g. “how do I print just my wish list?” or “how do I export a list of just one platform?”.

Now, this was possible, but it took a few steps that were not intuitive for many users. You had to:

  1. Make the selection in the main screen first, e.g. by using folders, the collection status filter or the search box
  2. Checkbox all games in the selection, using the checkboxes in the list
  3. Then use the Print or Export button on the special blue action toolbar above the list

With today’s update, we are making this a lot easier. And while we were at it, we also freshened up the user interface of the Print to PDF and Export to CSV screens.

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Connect and CLZ Cloud users often ask us about printing or exporting only a part of their collection, e.g. “how do I print just my wish list?” or “how do I export a list of just one series?”.

Now, this was possible, but it took a few steps that were not intuitive for many users. You had to:

  1. Make the selection in the main screen first, e.g. by using folders, the collection status filter or the search box
  2. Checkbox all comics in the selection, using the checkboxes in the list
  3. Then use the Print or Export button on the special blue action toolbar above the list

With today’s update, we are making this a lot easier. And while we were at it, we also freshened up the user interface of the Print to PDF and Export to CSV screens.

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Connect and CLZ Cloud users often ask us about printing or exporting only a part of their collection, e.g. “how do I print just my wish list?” or “how do I export a list for just one author?”.

Now, this was possible, but it took a few steps that were not intuitive for many users. You had to:

  1. Make the selection in the main screen first, e.g. by using folders, the collection status filter or the search box
  2. Checkbox all books in the selection, using the checkboxes in the list
  3. Then use the Print or Export button on the special blue action toolbar above the list

With today’s update, we are making this a lot easier. And while we were at it, we also freshened up the user interface of the Print to PDF and Export to CSV screens.

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A small but important update to the Comic Connect software and the CLZ Cloud site: CovrPrice values can now be exported to a CSV file AND include in Print to PDF reports.

IMPORTANT: to prevent abuse, this is ONLY possible when you are subscribed to CovrPrice on their YEARLY subscription.

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Music Collector (Windows)

v21.0.3 Extra Collection Status dropdown button in Add Screen

Mar 17, 2021

Add Screen: Select Collection Status with the extra dropdown button

We’ve added an extra Collection Status dropdown button to the left hand panel in the Add Screen:


  • Options: “Use Field Default” option for Collection Status didn’t work
  • Export to HTML was broken

Book Collector (macOS)

v19.0.5: Sync fix for Read It field and more

Apr 25, 2019

Small bug fix build today for your Book Collector on macOS:


  • Syncing the Read It field wasn’t always working correctly.
  • Export to XML: Some issues with export of characters
  • Editing the personal rating in the template and edit screens missed the star images
  • Better handling of the filename in the export screens

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.1.9: Fixed a bug in exporting XML

Feb 02, 2017


  • Export XML: XML was not exported correctly.
  • Edit Screen: Cover Popups were not always prompted on macOS Sierra.

Game Collector (Windows)

v16.3.9: Export to XML is now more efficient and some fixes

Sep 13, 2016


  • Export to XML is now capable of exporting large databases without “Out of Memory” errors, as it now writes the XML directly to hard disk. This is a bit slower though.
  • Sync with Cloud: Original field was cleared when syncing down from the cloud
  • Add/Modify Filter: “Contains” filters were always case insensitive even when “case sensitive” was checked
  • Edit Multiple Games: F8 didn’t clear price values

Comic Collector (Windows)

v16.3.10: Export to XML is now more efficient and some fixes

Sep 13, 2016


  • Export to XML is now capable of exporting large databases without “Out of Memory” errors, as it now writes the XML directly to hard disk. This is a bit slower though.
  • Edit Comic:
    • Creators and Character grid column widths not restored properly sometimes
    • Contents tab: when trying to move a story up or down it would throw an “Abstract Error”
  • Sync with Cloud: Wrap Around and TPB fields were cleared when syncing down from the cloud
  • Add/Modify Filter: “Contains” filters were always case insensitive even when “case sensitive” was checked
  • Edit Multiple Comics:
    • cancelling without making changes would still ask for confirmation
    • F8 didn’t clear price values

“Export to Text”, a feature previously only available to Connect subscribers, has now also been added to the CLZ Cloud viewer.

We figured that exporting to a text file, e.g. a CSV for Excel, should be available to any user, whether they own Connect, the desktop software or a CLZ mobile app.

You can find the Export to Text feature by visiting your own collection in the CLZ Cloud viewer, clicking the little “wrench” icon top right, then selecting Export.


Music Collector (macOS)

v16.0.8: Maintenance build

Jun 21, 2016


  • Sync with CLZ Cloud:
    • Sometimes Multi-Disc Albums were not synced correctly.
    • Down-syncing a new album was often crashing the app.
  • 2 Panels Mode: Folders were always sorted by article.
  • Import from XML: Sometimes compositions were duplicated.
  • Preferences: “Ignore Sort Names of Person items” was not working in the folder panel.
  • Export to Text/CSV: A flat list of tracks is now exported when Tracks View is active.


  • Templates: Template: Barcode icon was missing
  • Main Screen: Edit in List
    • un(checking) checkbox lists didn’t trigger a “sync change”
    • changing “Seen It” and “Changing Date” didn’t trigger a “sync change”
  • Cards View: the new cover was not displayed using Find Cover
  • Add Auto: sometimes not selected queue items were also added using “Add Selected” in queue mode
  • Export to Text: Running Time was not displaying in correct format

Book Collector (macOS)

v16.0.1: Book Collector V16: Quicksilver

Feb 17, 2016

New view for the main screen: Card View

Next to List View, Images View and Cover Flow, we have added a Card View, a multi-column view with little info cards for each book, showing the main book details and a small cover thumbnail.

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Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.1: Movie Collector V16: Quicksilver

Feb 17, 2016

New view for the main screen: Card View

Next to List View, Images View and Cover Flow, we have added a Card View, a multi-column view with little info cards for each movie, showing the main movie details and a small cover thumbnail.

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New in all five Connect editions: Export your list to a text file, e.g. to CSV format, for importing into spreadsheet programs like Excel, Numbers, etc…

You can either:

  • Export your entire database, by choosing Export from the Tools menu.
  • Export only a selection. To do this, go to Select Mode, select some items, then click the Export button at the top.

