News & updates (Newsletter) (page 7)


About Core, Vee Nine and iOS apps

Nov 30, 2012

This is Alwin, of, with the November 2012 Newsletter.
With the recent big updates and more new versions coming up,
it’s pretty hectic at the CLZ headquarters in Amsterdam.

Here’s an overview of what everyone’s working on:

  • Ronald, Martin, Rowdy, AJ, Sven and I are finalizing the software and
    online movie database for the imminent Movie Collector 9 for Windows.
  • Robbert and Martin are working together to create and tweak the
    new Core for Movies service and the necessary in-house admin tools.
  • Pim, Patrick, AJ and Chris still got their hands full with our big
    iOS two-point-oh project, with the main focus on CLZ Music 2.0 for iOS.
  • Sytske, Sonny and Chris are answering all support requests and all your
    questions related to the recent and upcoming releases.

Now let me go over these projects in more details: Read more


It’s Movie Time

Oct 30, 2012

This is the October 2012 edition of the newsletter,
brought to you, as always, by the CLZ head honcho himself, Alwin Hoogerdijk.

You may have guessed from the subject: most of this newsletter is about
two most popular products: Movie Collector and it’s companion app CLZ Movies.
Because that is what all of us have been working on this October:

  • Coming soon: Movie Collector 9 for Windows
  • Submitted to Apple: CLZ Movies 2.0 for iOS

The other topics today:

  • * Windows 8 compatible!
  • * A small favor?

Read more

We have been working on this in secret for over 2 months now,
so I am happy I can finally bring you the big news:

Movie Collector 9 for Windows is coming soon! ( ETA: December 2012 )

  • Martin, Rowdy and Sven have been working on our central online movie database,
    to prepare it for 2 very cool V9 features, Sven creating new in-house admin tools,
    Martin and Rowdy using the tools to add new V9 specific "content".
  • Robbert has implemented several improvements to the barcode search engine,
    plus a new way to report missing movies, missing barcodes,
    broken trailer links and other errors (“Core for Movies”).
  • Last but not least, Ronald is programming the new features and improvements for the Movie Collector 9 program itself. Some hints:
    • The automatic downloading of the new V9 content mentioned above …
    • An interface re-design that will make everyone’s life easier …
    • A database improvement that many users have been requesting for years …
    • Several very nice cosmetic updates to the main screen …
    • The integration of Core for Movies …

Read more


Are you IN or OUT?

Oct 02, 2012

Hi all,

This is Alwin, and I have an important question for you.
Today, I want you to tell me if you want further emails from me or not.

You see, I love keeping you all up-to-date with the latest happenings at the HQ, with my monthly newsletter email and product specific update emails.
But I absolutely do not want to *annoy* anyone with my emails …
… I want to reach out only to people who like getting these updates.

So here’s the deal: Read more

Here’s the August 2012 Newsletter. With everybody back at the
office after well deserved vacations, work on all projects is speeding up again.

Let’s go over the current projects one by one:

  • iOS apps 2.0
  • Core
  • Updates for Mac editions
  • New Windows project

Then at the end of this newsletter, something fun
that kind of evolved on Facebook last week:

  • How do you store your collection? -> Collection photos on Facebook

Read more

Hi all,

Yes, it’s July 31, so it’s time for the Newsletter.

Today, I have more news about the upcoming new iOS apps, including a
special invitation for all users of our *current* apps for iPhone and iPad:

  • Calling all iPhone and iPad users… Get a preview of the 2.0 apps now!

Next to that, an overview of the important releases and happenings this month:

  • Updates for Mac editions, now fully Mountain Lion compatible.
  • Game Collector 5 for Windows is live!
  • C37 scanner overstock (200 units) sold out in 6 days!
  • Image server upgraded with 2 TB of extra hard disk space.

Read more Newsletter June 2012

This is Alwin, with the Newsletter for June 2012.

As you may know, I am a gamer and I am the proud owner of 535 games.
(check my game collection on Connect)
So I am happy that today I can announce we’re going to bring a major upgrade for my favorite program: Game Collector 5.

Next to that, I want to introduce those of you who haven’t read about it yet, to a new project: Core.
We’ve been working on Core for many months now and we’ll probably keep evolving and perfecting it for many years to come, it’s that important!

Also, in this newsletter:

  • Mac editions / Music Collector 10 for Mac is live
  • CLZ Comics 2.0 for iOS is getting closer

Read more Newsletter May 2012
We’re nearing the end of May already, so time for an update on all things CLZ,
in the May 2012 edition of the Newsletter.

Today’s topics:

  • New site design
  • 30.000 (thirty thousand!) “likes” on Facebook!
  • Music Collector 10 for Windows and Mac
  • Movie Collector 8.2 for Windows – free update for v8 users
  • What else is going on?

Read more


Connecting the dots : iOS apps

May 03, 2012

“Connecting the dots” is the project in which we connect all our software editions (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Connect), so that they can talk to each other and sync data back and forth.

The first platform for which we will connect the dots is iOS (iPhone & iPad), simply because it fits in nicely with our other big project:

Adding, editing, barcode scanning and 2-way syncing for the iOS apps.
(because: Two-way syncing = Connecting the dots!)

Today, I am going to disclose how we will “connect” the iOS apps.
Next to that, I have other big news about the iOS apps.

If you own an iPhone or iPad (or are thinking about getting one), then make sure you read on:
Read more


Sync & Share is live and a big hit!

Mar 29, 2012 Newsletter March 2012

Wow, it looks like you all love our new Connect Sync & Share service!
It went live 3 weeks ago and since then 5,273 PRO users have already activated their free Sync & Share subscriptions!

(BTW: this is Alwin with the newsletter for March 2012)

Do you own the latest PRO edition of your software and haven’t activated your Connect Sync Share account yet? Then go here for a step-by-step.

Okay, on to other news:

  • Book Collector 8 for Mac is here!
  • BIG updates for the Mac editions of Movie Collector and Comic Collector
  • Coming up: Music Collector 10 for Windows *and* Mac OS X
  • CLZ Comics v2 for iOS is getting closer

Read more

Connect Sync & Share

Today, we have great news for our loyal customers.
So don’t skip this blog post, it’s too important to miss. Here we go:

In July 2009, we launched Connect, our fully online cataloging and sharing software for movies, books, music, comics and video games. During the past 3 years, we have been continuously improving Connect, adding more features, improving performance and polishing the user interface.

By now, more and more new customers are opting for just Connect, using only the online software to catalog their collections.
On top of that, a lot of users of the desktop editions for PC & Mac, have added a Connect subscription, to share their collection list with friends and family and to manage their collection data from other computers and from mobile devices (e.g. their iPad).

However, we are so proud of Connect, that we want even more desktop users to enjoy Connect.
We want more users to experience the usefulness of accessing their database from anywhere, from any device and the joys of sharing their collection data online.

So we are going to make a big change (starting next week):

  • We will launch a new Connect subscription type, called Connect Sync & Share.
    Sync & Share is a basic Connect edition, created for desktop users who just
    want to sync their collection online and share it with friends, but wish to
    keep using their desktop software to manage (add/edit) their database.
    In short, Sync & Share is Connect without the adding and editing features.

  • Sync & Share will be FREE for PRO users of the *latest* desktop edition.
    That’s right, FREE! If you own a PRO license for the latest version of our
    desktop software you’re entitled to a FREE lifetime Sync & Share subscription!

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Connecting the dots

Jan 26, 2012

Alwin here, with the first Newsletter in 2012.

2011 was a great year for
Three big software updates for Windows, major upgrades for two of the Mac versions and continuing improvements to the “Connect” online editions.
We have made big leaps in the quality and coverage of our online databases, and of course, there was the release of a new mobile product: CLZ Barry.
Read more

Adding and editing in the CLZ Mobile appsYes, it really is going to happen: Adding, editing and barcode scanning functionality in the CLZ mobile apps.

Pim, our mobile app developer, is currently implementing these features for the CLZ Comics HD app for iPad.
(of course these capabilities will also be released for the other apps, and also for iPhone and for Android).

And today, we’re able to show you the first screen shots:
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The Christmas Newsletter

Dec 22, 2011

Alwin here, of, with our December 2011 Newsletter.
But before I tell you about our current projects…

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Two V8’s (1 for Windows, 1 for Mac)

Nov 30, 2011 newsletter November 2011

This is Alwin, with a 4-headed November newsletter:

  • Barcode Scanner Sale (inc. CLZ Barry!) – only 18 hours left!
  • Book Collector 8 for Windows is live
  • Movie Collector 8 for Mac is coming soon
  • What’s New at Connect ?

Read more Newsletter October 2011

Last day of the month, so it’s Newsletter time.
Here’s an overview of what we’re working on at the moment
(and will be working on for the next months, since these are all enormous projects).

  • Taking Connect to the next level
  • Adding & editing features for mobile apps
  • Movie Collector 8.0 for Mac – first screen shots
  • Comic Collector 5 for Mac updates

Read more Mac softwareLate August, I told you about our plans for the Mac editions.
In the past 2 months, a lot has happened so it’s time for an update on our Mac OS X development. And I can even show you the first screen shots of the upcoming Movie Collector 8 for Mac OS X!

We’ve got 4 developers on this 4-product-project now. Two full-time programmers: Ronald (who is leading the project) and Patrick (our new Mac programmer, started on October 1st). Plus two parttimers: Bernard (working as a hired freelancer for 2 days a week) and Dinh (still working 2 days a week until the end of December). Read more


On a roll

Sep 30, 2011 Newsletter September 2011

Hi all,

Yep, we’re definitely on a roll.
Lots of releases this month (eight of em!) and more coming up next month. On Windows, on Android, on iOS, and yes, we even have a release coming up for Mac OS X (gasp!).

  • CLZ Barry for Android is live!
  • Comic Collector 5.1 for Windows
  • Movie Collector 8.1 for Windows
  • v1.1 updates for all Android apps
  • Update on Mac OS X development
  • Server upgrade completed

Read more

CLZ Barry for AndroidIn last week’s Barry for Android update we told you that,
because of the less than perfect Android edition of the Red Laser engine,
CLZ Barry for Android would not support UPC+5 barcodes and thus could not be used for comic books.

But today I have great news:

CLZ Barry for Android *will* support comic book barcodes! Read more


What’s up at the CLZ HQ ?

Aug 29, 2011 Newsletter August 2011
Busy days at the CLZ HQ. Finalizing Barry for Android, 4 programmers working on the Mac software, rewriting the clz websites… and in the meantime also moving our database and millions of cover images to new hardware. Fun!

In today’s news summary for August:

  • Using a Mac? Then join the CLZ Mac Club!
  • CLZ Barry for iOS is live!
  • Upgrading our database server (again)
  • Other news (Connect,, Features pages)

Read more


What about the Mac editions?

Aug 25, 2011

Here’s a question we get a lot lately, in our support inbox,
on the Forum, on our Facebook page and on Twitter:

"What about the Mac editions?"

Or: when will there finally be an update for my Mac software?

Of course, the question is fully justified. The Mac editions of Music, Movie and Book Collector haven’t had a serious update for a long time.
Also, the new Comic Collector for Mac has not yet received the features left out of the 5.0 release.

Well, I am happy to announce that this is all going to change. Read on for our Mac OS X plans. Read more

Great news: our CLZ Barry wireless barcode scanner app
has just been approved by Apple and is now live in the App Store!

Finally you can scan barcodes with your phone’s camera and
wirelessly send them to your PC or Mac, to any program,
any text box, including of course all Collectorz software! Read more

It’s been a while since the last Barry news, so time for an update:

ETA ???

During all the V8 chaos, Pim, AJ and Sven continued their work on CLZ Barry.
And I am happy to announce that the iPhone edition is almost finished.
We’re planning to submit it to Apple tomorrow.

After that, Pim will focus on the Android edition, trying to finish that one
as soon as possible. However, we probably can’t stick to our plan to release
both editions simultaneously.
It would be crazy to deliberately hold back the release of the iPhone edition.
I think we’ll just release the iPhone app as soon as Apple give us the “go”,
then launch the Android app when ready, probably 2 or 3 weeks later. Read more Newsletter June 2011

Hi there,

This is Alwin Hoogerdijk, you know, the CLZ dude, with the June Newsletter.
Read more Newsletter May 2011

We finally did it. We released Comic Collector for Mac. Phew… Certainly the most problematic project in history. But it’s live, and users love it! The full story in topic 3 below.

The topics today:

  • Online database survery – The results
  • The promo babes
  • Comic Collector for Mac OS X is live!
  • Life after Comic Collector for Mac …

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