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Do you own an Android phone or tablet?

May 23, 2013

CLZ mobile apps for AndroidI know, I know, it’s been way too long since we last updated our Android apps. But this is all going to change soon. Please read on for happy Android news …

You see, during most of 2012, while the Android and iOS editions of our mobile apps were exactly the same… our iOS editions still sold twice as many copies …
Yes, that’s weird, with more Android devices being sold. Maybe the average Collectorz user is more likely to use iOS, maybe the average iOS user buys more apps, I don’t know.

Fact is, when we started developing the most frequently requested features for our apps,
( adding, editing, barcode scanning and two-way syncing through Connect )
the obvious choice was to do all this for the iPhone/iPad edition first

Yes, I admit, that sucks if you’re on Android. But it got even worse:
The development of these 2.0 apps for iOS took way longer than expected 🙁
And all that time, progress on the Android editions was left at a standstill.

HOWEVER: here’s the good news:
We have now finished all five 2.0 versions for iOS. All maintenance and future development of the iOS apps has been transferred to our Mac developer Patrick.

Our main mobile app developer, Pim, is now working on Android *full-time*. In fact, last week Pim has already released a big update for the Android version of CLZ Barry, our wireless barcode scanner app. More about Barry :

The plan for the rest of the year (at least):
Improve our Android apps, with an optimized tablet interface, more fields, syncing through Connect, adding and editing capabilities and an integrated barcode scanner.
And we’re going to do all this step-by-step, in multiple smaller updates, not one huge update. This way you can enjoy the first improvements in a shorter time-frame.

Now the important part of this post:
If you own one of the CLZ apps for Android…
OR if you own an Android device and are interested in the apps…
then please join our CLZ Android Club, by clicking this link (it’s free of course):

Members of the CLZ Android Club will receive regular emails (not too often, I promise)
about the progress of our Android development, about new updates, etc…

That’s it for today. I hope to welcome you to the CLZ Android Club soon,
