News & updates

It’s the last day of the year, so this is the last CLZ newsletter for 2012.
But before I tell you about our recent releases and current projects…

The entire team (Robbert, Martin, Rowdy, Sven, AJ, Ronald,
Chris, Pim, Patrick, Syts and Alwin) wishes you a Happy New Year,
with lots of new music, movies, books, comics and video games!

If you all keep growing your collections, we’ll keep providing and improving
the tools to manage it all. Just like we did in 2012, when we brought you:

  • free lifetime Connect Sync & Share subscriptions for PRO users.
  • major upgrades for the Mac editions of Movie, Book and Music Collector.
  • Music Collector 10 for Windows.
  • major 2.0 updates for the iOS editions of CLZ Movies and CLZ Comics.
  • the new Core tools, now live for Music, Books and Movies.

and last but not least:

Movie Collector NINE for Windows

Yes, it’s live and a huge success: Movie Collector version 9 for Windows.
Over 8,000 (!!) users have already updated their software to v9.
Here’s what some of those v9 users had to say about the new version:

  • Marco Hart about the new Actor images and IMDb links (via Facebook):
    "Just upgraded to Movie Collector 9. Looks great! Loving the small actor pics
    and links to the actors on! Good job guys!"

  • Dave Conger about the new Virtual Shelves and templates (via email):
    "Well you outdid yourselves on this upgrade, best one ever. It is
    so clean and simple. The "glass" background is a real nice touch. The
    transparent background in the details section is super cool. Thanks."

  • Paul Friesen about the Unicode Support (via email):
    "First of all, thank you very much for the new release of Movie Collector!
    It’s really gorgeous, especially the unicode support (works perfectly)."

  • Douglas MacLean said (via Facebook):
    "the new features go beyond the typical new release fluff changes;
    they represent real advancements to the look and feel of the program
    as well as improvements to the interface and control of the data."

  • eMusicMan said (on the forum):
    "Most of the time, I feel like developers just change stuff for the sake of
    change and usually make it worse. As usual, you guys just seem to read my
    mind and give me what I like. If only Microsoft would do this!"

Are you still using an older version of Movie Collector for Windows?
Then click here to see what the guys above are so excited about.

What’s in store for 2013?

So far for looking back at 2012. Now… what’s in store for 2013?
Obviously, we’ll continue our current projects, with the 2.0 releases of
CLZ Music, CLZ Books and CLZ Games for iOS and Core for Comics and Games.
With Connect becoming really popular now, we’ll focus on improving it on
all fronts: the online app, the mobile app, the syncing, everything.

And finally, there’s the desktop editions. With Movie Collector 9 for Windows
setting a new standard, we’ll bring the same features and user interface
to the other desktop programs, for both Windows and Mac OS X.
… starting with….

Book Collector NINE for Windows

Yes, the Windows edition of Book Collector is the first one to also get all
the new features, the easier-to-use main screen and the new look of “Movie 9”.

If you’re using Book Collector for Windows (v8 or any older version),
then I highly recommend to join our BOOK9 Club, it’s free:

In the upcoming 5 weeks before launch, club members will receive 5 emails that
will give you all the info and screens you need to make your upgrade decision.

That’s all folks, more CLZ news next year!