News & updates released in 2012 (page 2)

Avid gamer and video game collector Brittney of has started her quest to catalog all the games in her woman cave. Her words, not mine 🙂
From her blog post.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I…I don’t even know how to begin. I just want to say I’ve appreciated all of your support and and and…okay. I’m being a bit dramatic. The point I’m trying – and failing – to make is that I’M FINALLY COMPILING A COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF ALL OF MY VIDEOGAMES. That’s right – that tab labeled “My Collection”, which has just been sitting up there for over a year, will finally serve a purpose.

To undergo this task, I’m going to be utilizing Game Collector, a website/program I SWEAR was made for me. ”

You can follow her progress on her blog, she keeps a list online. Newsletter June 2012

This is Alwin, with the Newsletter for June 2012.

As you may know, I am a gamer and I am the proud owner of 535 games.
(check my game collection on Connect)
So I am happy that today I can announce we’re going to bring a major upgrade for my favorite program: Game Collector 5.

Next to that, I want to introduce those of you who haven’t read about it yet, to a new project: Core.
We’ve been working on Core for many months now and we’ll probably keep evolving and perfecting it for many years to come, it’s that important!

Also, in this newsletter:

  • Mac editions / Music Collector 10 for Mac is live
  • CLZ Comics 2.0 for iOS is getting closer

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Game Collector 5 for WindowsGreat news for all Game Collector users!

On July 10, we will release version 5 of Game Collector for Windows,
bringing new features, cosmetic improvements and more automatic game data.
Upgrading to Game Collector 5 will cost $24.95 (or equivalent in your currency).

Want to know more? Then join the Game Collector 5 Preview Club.
Club members will receive full “what’s new” information over the next 2 weeks.
On top of that, they’ll get instant access to the Game Collector 5 Preview Page,
which already has a sneak preview screen shot of the new main screen.

We have just released Music Collector 10 for Mac OS X.

Read more CoreOur programmer Robbert has been working on it behind the scenes for many months now, so we’re happy that we can finally tell you what it is: Core

Core is a new system that lets all users help us improve the quality and completeness of our central online databases. It will replace the current “Submit to” system. But Core is more than that, as it also lets you report data errors, missing entries and missing barcodes.

The book edition of Core is live now and fully integrated in today’s 8.1 release of Book Collector for Windows. Read more

The cataloging software retrieves the details per title from our own databases for movies, music, books, comics and games. New releases instantly hit our top 10, even in pre-release phase or before the movie is released on DVD or Blu-ray.
The database statistics are live and up to date, which gives excellent info on the movies you like, have seen, are on your wish list or just bought on DVD.

This weeks’ top 5 movies from our movie database, according to you:

1. Man on a Ledge
2. Safe House
3. Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol
4. Underworld: Awakening
5. Iron Sky Newsletter May 2012
We’re nearing the end of May already, so time for an update on all things CLZ,
in the May 2012 edition of the Newsletter.

Today’s topics:

  • New site design
  • 30.000 (thirty thousand!) “likes” on Facebook!
  • Music Collector 10 for Windows and Mac
  • Movie Collector 8.2 for Windows – free update for v8 users
  • What else is going on?

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On May 13 we welcomed our 30,000 fan on the Facebook page.

Thirty thousand!
Thank you all for connecting with us on Facebook.

To celebrate, we were giving away cool goodies: 5 super-rare bags featuring CC, plus 25 mousepads (see pic).

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You’ve got mail!

May 18, 2012

A very happy customer has sent us gifts!
Wow, a big thanks to the Federation Harley-Davidson Clubs Europe in Sweden for sending this surprise.


Connecting the dots : iOS apps

May 03, 2012

“Connecting the dots” is the project in which we connect all our software editions (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Connect), so that they can talk to each other and sync data back and forth.

The first platform for which we will connect the dots is iOS (iPhone & iPad), simply because it fits in nicely with our other big project:

Adding, editing, barcode scanning and 2-way syncing for the iOS apps.
(because: Two-way syncing = Connecting the dots!)

Today, I am going to disclose how we will “connect” the iOS apps.
Next to that, I have other big news about the iOS apps.

If you own an iPhone or iPad (or are thinking about getting one), then make sure you read on:
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We have just released a major upgrade for Music Collector for Windows, version 10.

This version brings you improved handling of digital music files, plus many more functional and visual enhancements. Here’s a quick overview of what’s new in V10.
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Free Comic Book Day May 5 2012

Apr 23, 2012

Free Comic Book Day 2012Free Comic Book Day is a single day – the first Saturday in May each year – when participating comic book shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely *FREE* to anyone who comes into their stores.
This year’s FCBD is on Saturday May 5. Use this tool to find a participating comic book store near you.

All major publishers have created a special comic of their heroes for FCBD. All 42 issues have already been added to our comic database for your convenience.
You’ll find them under ‘Free Comic Book Day 2012‘.

We’re ready for May 5!

Our Sunday was spent taking new pictures of our collections for the website.
We have been using the same pictures for more than 2 years now and it was about time to refresh them. Alwin’s picture is used on the Music, Movie and Game Collector home, I’m on the Comic and Book pages.
We are collectors ourselves. Between us we share close to 800 CDs, 661 DVDs and Blu-rays, 944 comics, 389 books and 528 video games.
And counting of course. 🙂

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Music Collector V10 for WindowsMusic Collector V10 for Mac
Yep, it is finally going to happen : Music Collector 10 for Windows and Mac!

Our Windows and Mac programmers Ronald and Patrick are working simultaneously on the New Music Collector and it is going to be a close call who releases first.
But it is Ronald who will release first and wins the X race, Music Collector for Windows will be released early May.
Patrick will follow suit, the major upgrade for Mac will be released by the end of May.

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Sync & Share is live and a big hit!

Mar 29, 2012 Newsletter March 2012

Wow, it looks like you all love our new Connect Sync & Share service!
It went live 3 weeks ago and since then 5,273 PRO users have already activated their free Sync & Share subscriptions!

(BTW: this is Alwin with the newsletter for March 2012)

Do you own the latest PRO edition of your software and haven’t activated your Connect Sync Share account yet? Then go here for a step-by-step.

Okay, on to other news:

  • Book Collector 8 for Mac is here!
  • BIG updates for the Mac editions of Movie Collector and Comic Collector
  • Coming up: Music Collector 10 for Windows *and* Mac OS X
  • CLZ Comics v2 for iOS is getting closer

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Quote from the article in the Columbia Daily Tribune:
“Hobbyist databases don’t get much better than the Collector Series from The brainchild of Alwin Hoogerdijk, this Amsterdam-based publisher has been fine-tuning and expanding his line of specialty PIMs for the past 12 years.”

Local computer consultant Scott A. May reviewed Movie Collector for his own movie collection and liked very much what he saw.
“Managing data doesn’t have to be a dreary chore. In fact, it can be a lot of fun, especially if the information you need to organize pertains to something you find fun.”

You can read the complete story here.


Now live: Connect Sync & Share

Mar 12, 2012

Most of you have probably heard all about this new service in the February 2012 edition of the Newsletter, but here’s a short summary.

In October 2009, we launched Connect, our fully online software for cataloging and sharing your collections. By now, many new customers are opting for just Connect to catalog their books, movies, CDs, comics or video games.
On top of that, a lot of users of the desktop software for PC & Mac have added a Connect subscription, to share and manage their collection data online.

However, we are so proud of Connect, that we want even more desktop users to experience the joys of accessing and sharing their collection data online.
I mean, how cool is this!

So we have made a BIG change.

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“Now it’s time to play”

Mar 01, 2012

All things games site Digitally reviewed Game Collector.

“’s Game Collector solves one of the (few) downsides to digitally downloadable games; that you end up with a library of games that you don’t have sitting on a shelf. This can at times make it hard to keep track of everything that you own, especially if you’ve got multiple consoles and stuff stored on a range of devices.”

The reviewer sure had fun entering his own personal collection. After he entered his games, he started playing with the data instead of playing with his new PS Vita 🙂

“So what happens next? Now it’s time to play with the masses of data that you’ve accured. Games can be filtered in whatever way you like, so if you want to get an easy overview of the order in which you really do like your Final Fantasy games, you can filter out that information.”

Read the complete review here.

Connect Sync & Share

Today, we have great news for our loyal customers.
So don’t skip this blog post, it’s too important to miss. Here we go:

In July 2009, we launched Connect, our fully online cataloging and sharing software for movies, books, music, comics and video games. During the past 3 years, we have been continuously improving Connect, adding more features, improving performance and polishing the user interface.

By now, more and more new customers are opting for just Connect, using only the online software to catalog their collections.
On top of that, a lot of users of the desktop editions for PC & Mac, have added a Connect subscription, to share their collection list with friends and family and to manage their collection data from other computers and from mobile devices (e.g. their iPad).

However, we are so proud of Connect, that we want even more desktop users to enjoy Connect.
We want more users to experience the usefulness of accessing their database from anywhere, from any device and the joys of sharing their collection data online.

So we are going to make a big change (starting next week):

  • We will launch a new Connect subscription type, called Connect Sync & Share.
    Sync & Share is a basic Connect edition, created for desktop users who just
    want to sync their collection online and share it with friends, but wish to
    keep using their desktop software to manage (add/edit) their database.
    In short, Sync & Share is Connect without the adding and editing features.

  • Sync & Share will be FREE for PRO users of the *latest* desktop edition.
    That’s right, FREE! If you own a PRO license for the latest version of our
    desktop software you’re entitled to a FREE lifetime Sync & Share subscription!

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Our CLZ apps were apps of the day at ARN Australia.
The verdict: “For those who like keeping a personal catalogue of their collections, it really doesn’t get better than this.”
Read the complete review here. Mac softwareIt’s finally happening, a new major version of Book Collector for Mac OS X!
Completely rewritten *from scratch*, with a faster database system,
a more Mac-like user interface and of course, many new features.

And it’s *very* close now, because development is going so smooth that we will be able to release it 3 weeks earlier than originally planned!

Current ETA of Book Collector 8 for Mac is: Tuesday March 6, 2012.

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Check out this cool review of Comic Collector and CLZ Comics HD for iPad over at the

“Over the years I tried many times to properly catalog my ever-growing comic book collection. Once, when there were only a few hundred, I think I had them in a notebook – problem being that I’d run out of space on a page for additional issues if it wasn’t planned right, and keeping things in numeric order was tedious. Next was a smaller version of my collection on a single sheet of paper, in Word or some word processing program, just listing title and issue number. Convenient to keep in my pocket as a “want-it-got-it” list, but impossible to keep complete or neat, and got lost along the way somewhere. Much later, I developed a spreadsheet to enter in my collection, but the shortcomings were still huge. It was unwieldy, required lots of time to manually enter the numbers (right click, insert line, grrrr…) and was a work in progress as I discovered how tough it was to categorize and then find things again. It couldn’t be carried with me or easily converted into a want list suitable for carrying. With renumbering, new volumes and multiple special editions and deluxe editions, it became evident that just issue numbers weren’t enough – and when you’ve got a collection this size, issue numbers mean increasingly less as the old brain doesn’t connect with all of them anymore. It didn’t take long before I lost interest totally.

Problems solved thanks to Collectorz. Take a peek.”


Connecting the dots

Jan 26, 2012

Alwin here, with the first Newsletter in 2012.

2011 was a great year for
Three big software updates for Windows, major upgrades for two of the Mac versions and continuing improvements to the “Connect” online editions.
We have made big leaps in the quality and coverage of our online databases, and of course, there was the release of a new mobile product: CLZ Barry.
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Adding and editing in the CLZ Mobile appsYes, it really is going to happen: Adding, editing and barcode scanning functionality in the CLZ mobile apps.

Pim, our mobile app developer, is currently implementing these features for the CLZ Comics HD app for iPad.
(of course these capabilities will also be released for the other apps, and also for iPhone and for Android).

And today, we’re able to show you the first screen shots:
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