News & updates tagged 'meet the collector'

Our Sunday was spent taking new pictures of our collections for the website.
We have been using the same pictures for more than 2 years now and it was about time to refresh them. Alwin’s picture is used on the Music, Movie and Game Collector home, I’m on the Comic and Book pages.
We are collectors ourselves. Between us we share close to 800 CDs, 661 DVDs and Blu-rays, 944 comics, 389 books and 528 video games.
And counting of course. 🙂

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We have been sending out our monthly email newsletters since June 2007. One of the best read topics have always been the Meet The Collector stories.
These were short stories from collectors themselves and how they use our software to organize their valuables. Some were long, some short, but they were always a great read.

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