News & updates

We have been sending out our monthly email newsletters since June 2007. One of the best read topics have always been the Meet The Collector stories.
These were short stories from collectors themselves and how they use our software to organize their valuables. Some were long, some short, but they were always a great read.

The last one shared was way back when in August 2010.
Sooooooo, it’s about time to bring this topic back to life.

If you’re interested in featuring in our Meet The Collector storytelling topic, please contact us through this contact form and submit your story.
Add photos if you want to, we’d love to see your man-cave.
If there is a female equivalent of man-cave, show us your stuff galls!

I’ve copied a few of the earlier stories, just to get into the spirit.

Barbara Smith about Book Collector (August 2010)
“I have only had the software for a couple of weeks, but am up to 1,315 books, with two bookcases of 6 shelves each still to go.
Not counting a handful in storage. Most are hardcover non-fiction – history, science, philosophy, photography.

While scanning I discovered a bunch of books I haven’t read (very excited about that – new books and no cash output!) and maybe a dozen of duplicates.
I love that this is in my iphone so I can buy new books without worrying about duplicate buying (nast trick of publishers to change the covers and suck me into
a purchase ~LL). My friends who often get my dups are a bit unhappy that I have found a way to avoid that problem, but I am excited about the sense of order.

Now I have to sort/organize all my books so I can actually find something.
I have a bunch of vacation days to take so I may dedicate a couple of days to that project.

Thank you Collectorz for such a great product!
I also have the Movie Collector (thanks to the special prices you offered recently!) and also found dups! But I feel better about buying a movie without
fear of wasting money on a duplicate purchase. I am spreading the news about your products to everyone who will listen.

Collectorz rocks!”

Scott Fuller from London, about Music Collector (October 2008)
“In case you are short on Meet The Collector stories, here is my tale!

The first song I remember hearing was ‘Radio Ga Ga’ by Queen As a kid in the eighties I really loved the Thriller and Bad albums by Michael Jackson. I would listen to them over and over and rumour has it that at 7 years old I could perform the entire ‘Thriller’ dance routine. I also quite liked Wham…

Despite this inauspicious start things changed when I began to pester my brother to listen to some of his albums. At aged 10 I was spinning his copy of The Best Of The Doors and bemused my class mates by choosing ‘Light My Fire’ as my show-and-tell choice at school.

As I entered my stroppy teens I got heavily into Guns N’ Roses, but unfortunately at the exclusion of everything else! I used to wear out the cassette tapes and had to rebuy them. My tastes then started to broaden a little and I was listening to some of the indie bands of the day like Blur and Oasis.

Then in the late nineties, totally on a whim, I bought The Best Of David Bowie 1969/1974. Wow. This was totally unlike anything I’d heard before. Something about the odd lyrics and the unique melodies really struck a deep chord. My appreciation for music just exploded. Firstly I mined Bowie’s back catalogue and remain to this day a “serious” collector of his music, hunting down every rarity and obscurity. Secondly, Bowie springboarded me onto other artists like Lou Reed, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Iggy Pop. And from there Dylan, The Kinks, The Who. I could go on. My collection just multiplied (and still is!)

I’ve amassed probably about 800 CD’s, roughly 150 of which are David Bowie. My collection ranges wide in taste and style from folk, 60’s/70’s rock, soul, metal, indie, pop. This is probably due in part to my diverse childhood listening and in part to being a Bowie fan. You have to like different genres with Bowie, as he changes his style so often.

I still like to keep my ear to the ground and seek out new music when I can. I avoid radio on the premise that I’d rather not have to wade through the manure for the peppercorns. Instead I buy the monthly music rags and see what’s hot and what’s not. My monthly purchases are usually a mix of brand new music and classic albums, topped off with some obscure Bowie promo off of ebay. has been great for keeping track of my collection which has now merged with my wife’s extensive Boyzone collection (which I have also diligently catalogued and scanned all the covers for – how’s that for dedication?). I fairly recently went back and bought Thriller and Bad, and I’ve got all The Doors and Guns N’ Roses albums. i think it’s important to know how you got to where you are today.

(Though I might give Wham a miss…)

best wishes,

Scott Fuller, 29, from Penge, London”

And once in a while, we had short collector stories to share, for example in the April 2010 newsletter.

Diane Parks about Book Collector (April 25, 2010)
“I do not have any question or problem because your software is so amazing and easy to install and use. I’ve been delighted with it and how easy it is to
export my collect to my iPhone.
I’ve added owners and locations so I can always tell where the books are or where they need to be returned. I could not be happier with my purchase!
Thanks for developing such a terrific product.”

Susan Black about Movie Collector (April 17, 2010)
“Just discovered this program and can’t wait to get started!!!
I can FINALLY organize my Collection of Movies. Not to mention all of the Games for 3 Teenage Boys! Thought I was doing good keeping my dvd titles in
alphabetical order. This is MUCH better! How did I ever manage without it?”

Justine Wright about Movie and Book Collector (March 29, 2010)
“I have Movie and Book collector – and still uploading…
I love finding the movie and book and adding it – so simple… I also love how I can “loan out” and know Who has got What – and When they took it…
Last year I found that I had “lost” 4 movies – from the previous year – lending them out and not getting them …back.. of course everyone I asked did not have them.
Very expensive lesson – Thank you Collectorz for enabling me to take control…”

Des Hughes about Comic Collector (April 7, 2010)
“I’ve been using Comic Collector for a few years now and think it’s a terrific program.I have over 8,000 comics/ trades/ hardcovers in my collection and it’s the best way, hands down, for cataloguing a collection of that size.
I used to use a word document that I had to painstakingly update every week. With Comic Collector the inputting is so easy, and fun to do.
The export to i-pod touch is just the icing on the cake.
Thanks again, you guys have put out an amazing product with the highest level of customer support.”