News & updates tagged 'collectorz com'


You’ve got mail!

May 18, 2012

A very happy customer has sent us gifts!
Wow, a big thanks to the Federation Harley-Davidson Clubs Europe in Sweden for sending this surprise.

*** The entire team wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy 2012! ***

On Tuesday December 20 we celebrated Christmas at the office. The festive evening started with the unwrapping of presents.

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In the past few months we have implemented many improvements to the support information that is available on our website. We have made sure that almost all questions we get from customers are answered either on the product home pages, in the manual or in the FAQ.
We did this to improve our service to you, but we were also hoping to reduce the number of support tickets we receive everyday.
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10-Year Anniversary

Dec 28, 2010

No one would have believed… in the last years of the twentieth century…
that anyone would be able to organize the growing mess of CDs, DVDs and books…

But, in November 2000, in the Netherlands, a new company was founded.
Then slowly and surely, it drew its’ plans against chaos.

Of course, this company was Now, 10 years later, is a 13-person company, offering 30 products, on 6 platforms.

We have celebrated our anniversary with you, our loyal customers, by creating special offers only available via email. But we have also celebrated our birthday with the entire team on a weekend trip to Berlin!

Oh.. and we made a video……
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