News & updates tagged 'clz cloud' (page 3)

CLZ Books Mobile

v5.1.1: Many more editable fields

Nov 14, 2019

A big step forward for the CLZ Books app today, in which we add many new editable fields:

  • Illustrator
  • Cover Price
  • Extras
  • For audiobooks:
    • Narrator
    • Length
    • Abridged Yes/No
  • About the original book:
    • Original Title
    • Original Subtitle
    • Original Country
    • Original Language
    • Original Publisher
    • Original Publication Date

Of course, all the new fields sync to/from the CLZ Cloud too.

CLZ Books Mobile

v5.1.1: Many more editable fields

Nov 14, 2019

A big step forward for the CLZ Books app today, in which we add many new editable fields:

  • Illustrator
  • Cover Price
  • Extras
  • For audiobooks:
    • Narrator
    • Length
    • Abridged Yes/No
  • About the original book:
    • Original Title
    • Original Subtitle
    • Original Country
    • Original Language
    • Original Publisher
    • Original Publication Date

Of course, all the new fields sync to/from the CLZ Cloud too.

With all the big comic and game related releases going on, it has been a few months since the last Music Collector update. But we didn’t forget you! In the background, we have been “secretly” working on a big update, which is available now as version 19.3!

Here’s what’s new:

  • Many more fields now sync with the CLZ Cloud / Music Connect:
    • Classical music fields, like Conductor, Orchestra, Composers
    • Recording specific fields, like Studio, Date, Live, Sound
    • Extras
    • AND the Back Cover image!
  • The Location field has been moved to the bottom of the Edit Screen
  • Collection Status field is now a dropdown menu

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With all the big comic and game related releases going on, it has been a few months since the last Book Collector update. But we didn’t forget you! In the background, we have been “secretly” working on a big update, which is available now as version 19.3!

Here’s what’s new:

  • Many more fields now sync with the CLZ Cloud / Book Connect:
    • Audiobook length, Abridged (yes/no), Narrator
    • Illustrator, Edition, Extras, Cover Price
    • “Original” fields: Title, Subtitle, Publisher, Publication Date, Country, Language
    • AND the Back Cover image!
  • The Location field has been moved to the bottom of the Edit Screen
  • Collection Status field is now a dropdown menu

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With all the big comic and game related releases going on, it has been a few months since the last Movie Collector update. But we didn’t forget you! In the background, we have been “secretly” working on a big update, which is available now as version 19.4!

Here’s what’s new:

  • New “HDR” field (HDR10 / HDR10+ / Dolby Vision)
  • Many more field now sync with the CLZ Cloud / Movie Connect:

    Subtitles, Audiotracks, Screen ratios, Layers, HDR, Color, Edition Release Date, Extras AND the Back Cover image!

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Music Collector version 19 has arrived! Here’s what’s new:

  • Manage multiple “collections” within one database file
  • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • A new super-adaptive “Flex” template for the Details Panel

Read on for the full details:

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Comic Collector version 19 has arrived! Here’s what’s new:

  • Manage multiple “collections” within one database file
  • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • A new super-adaptive “Flex” template for the Details Panel

Read on for the full details:

Read more

Book Collector version 19 has arrived! Here’s what’s new:

  • Manage multiple “collections” within one database file
  • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • A new super-adaptive “Flex” template for the Details Panel

Read on for the full details:

Read more

Music Collector version 19 has arrived! Here’s what’s new:

  • Manage multiple “collections” within one database file
  • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • A new super-adaptive “Flex” template for the Details Panel
  • 64-bit version for 64-bit Windows versions

Read on for the full details:

Read more

Book Collector version 19 has arrived! Here’s what’s new:

  • Manage multiple “collections” within one database file
  • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • A new super-adaptive “Flex” template for the Details Panel
  • 64-bit version for 64-bit Windows versions

Read on for the full details:

Read more

Movie Collector version 19 has arrived! Here’s what’s new:

  • Manage multiple “collections” within one database file
  • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • A new super-adaptive “Flex” template for the Details Panel
  • 64-bit version for 64-bit Windows versions
  • Add Box Sets as a single database entry
  • Image Viewer window now automatically resizes while browsing images

Read on for the full details:

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Comic Collector version 19 has arrived! Here’s what’s new:

  • Manage multiple “collections” within one database file
  • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • A new super-adaptive “Flex” template for the Details Panel
  • 64-bit version for 64-bit Windows versions

Read on for the full details:

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Game Collector version 19 has arrived! Here’s what’s new:

  • Manage multiple “collections” within one database file
  • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” images
  • A new super-adaptive “Flex” template for the Details Panel
  • 64-bit version for 64-bit Windows versions

Read on for the full details:

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This is the CLZ Newsletter for November 2018, by CLZ Alwin.

Currently, most of the CLZ team is preparing for the upcoming v19 desktop releases and the related Cloud, Connect and mobile changes.
So for today’s newsletter, I’d like to focus on the new v19 features and specifically, the two CLZ Cloud Sync improvements that will be a big step forward for all our software editions, including the mobile and Connect apps.

  • Coming up soon!
    • Version 19 for Windows and macOS
    • Cloud-syncing of multiple collections
    • Automatic Cloud-syncing of your own “custom” cover images
  • CLZ mobile apps:
    • New app icons!
    • Don’t own the CLZ mobile app(s) yet? Get them today!
  • “Connect” web-based software:
    • New: Next/Previous buttons in the Edit screens
    • New: quick search box in the Folder Panel
    • Folders: more options and now grouped into categories

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Music Collector (macOS)

v18.3.1: More fields now sync to CLZ Cloud and CLZ Music

Aug 14, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, our CLZ Cloud (and Music Connect) has been updated with 8 more fields and loan information. Today’s version 18.3 now supports the syncing of all these new fields and your loan information to the CLZ Cloud and your CLZ Music mobile app!

Added for syncing:

  • Sortname for composers
  • Original Release Date
  • Packaging
  • Media Condition
  • Vinyl Color
  • Vinyl Weight
  • Vinyl RPM
  • Disc Titles

Heads up: after updating to version 18.3, the software will automatically mark most of your albums as “changed”, to force the upload of your data for the new fields to the CLZ Cloud.

New versions of CLZ Music for iOS and Android will be available in the coming days to allow the new fields to be synced there too!

CLZ Music Mobile

v4.11.1: More editable fields!

Aug 14, 2018

By popular demand, we have added more editable fields to CLZ Music:

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Sortnames for composers
  • Original Release Date (exists next to regular release date)
  • Packaging
  • Media Condition (the old Condition field is now “Package/Sleeve Condition”)
  • Vinyl Color
  • Vinyl Weight
  • Vinyl RPM
  • Disc Title

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Music now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Music app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.


  • Last update made some settings disappear in the settings screen. They are back now.
  • Added bottom margin to the add auto screen on iPhone X to make the add button more reachable
  • The sync screen wasn’t logging local deletes.

CLZ Music Mobile

v4.11.1: More editable fields!

Aug 13, 2018

By popular demand, we have added more editable fields to CLZ Music:

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Sortnames for composers
  • Original Release Date (exists next to regular release date)
  • Packaging
  • Media Condition (the old Condition field is now “Package/Sleeve Condition”)
  • Vinyl Color
  • Vinyl Weight
  • Vinyl RPM
  • Disc Title

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Music now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Music app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.

A new sort option:

A couple of months ago we introduced new sort orders, including “Artist, then Year (Asc)” where it would sort the year ascending. By request, we’ve now added “Artist, then Year (Desc)” so you can also have your years in descending order. The regular “Asc.” and “Desc.” toggles for those two sort options will only affect the Artist sort order.

Music Collector (Windows)

v18.4.1: More fields now sync to CLZ Cloud and CLZ Music

Aug 13, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, our CLZ Cloud (and Music Connect) has been updated with 8 more fields and loan information. Today’s version 18.4 now supports the syncing of all these new fields and your loan information to the CLZ Cloud and your CLZ Music mobile app!

Added for syncing:

  • Sortname for composers
  • Original Release Date
  • Packaging
  • Media Condition
  • Vinyl Color
  • Vinyl Weight
  • Vinyl RPM
  • Disc Titles

Heads up: after updating to version 18.4, the software will automatically mark most of your albums as “changed”, to force the upload of your data for the new fields to the CLZ Cloud.

CLZ Music for iOS and Android will be updated in the coming days to allow the new fields to be synced there too!


  • Drag and drop of discs to other albums now works
  • Fixed a problem with freezing columns in 2 panel mode
  • Fixed a problem with dragging columns in list view around

Comic Collector (Windows)

v18.3.1: More fields now sync to CLZ Cloud and CLZ Comics

Jun 25, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, our CLZ Cloud (and Comic Connect) has been updated with 7 more fields and loan information. Today’s version 18.3 now supports the syncing of all these new fields and your loan information to the CLZ Cloud and your CLZ Comics mobile app!

Added for syncing:

  • Edition
  • Crossover
  • Story Arc
  • Imprint
  • Age
  • Cover Price
  • Release Date
  • Loans

Heads up: after updating to version 18.3, the software will automatically mark most of your comics as “changed”, to force the upload of your data for the new fields to the CLZ Cloud.

These fields also all sync to the latest iOS and Android mobile apps (version 4.11 needed)!


  • Several Access Violation errors in the main screen.
  • List View: Double clicking on checks would make list unresponsive.
  • Edit Screen: Using Next/Prev would cause strange effects with checkboxes in main screen.

CLZ Comics Mobile

v4.11: More editable fields!

Jun 21, 2018

By popular demand, we have added 7 more editable fields to CLZ Comics. These fields were already available as automatic Core fields but are now fully editable:

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Edition
  • Crossover
  • Story Arc
  • Imprint
  • Age
  • Cover Price
  • Release Date

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our recent GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Comics now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Movies app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.

CLZ Comics Mobile

v4.11: More editable fields!

Jun 21, 2018

By popular demand, we have added 7 more editable fields to CLZ Comics. These fields were already available as automatic Core fields but are now fully editable:

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Edition
  • Crossover
  • Story Arc
  • Imprint
  • Age
  • Cover Price
  • Release Date

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Note: Because of the new fields the app needs to perform a database optimization. If you have a very big database (over 10.000 items) and/or a slower device, this optimization can take a while to complete. If you’re having troubles with this, please contact us for a solution.

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our recent GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Comics now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Movies app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.


  • Last update made some settings disappear in the settings screen. They are back now.
  • Added bottom margin to the add auto screen on iPhone X to make the add button more reachable
  • The sync screen wasn’t logging local deletes.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v18.3.1: More sync fields (including box sets!)

Jun 20, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, our CLZ Cloud (and Movie Connect) has been updated with 9 more fields and loan information. Today’s version 18.3 now supports the syncing of all these new fields and your loan information to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Added for syncing:

  • Full Release Date (previously, only the year was synced)
  • Runtime
  • IMDb Number
  • IMDb Rating
  • Audience Rating
  • Region
  • Studio
  • Distributor
  • Box Set
  • Loans

Heads up: after updating to version 18.3, the software will automatically mark most of your movies as “changed”, to force the upload of your data for the new fields to the CLZ Cloud.

These fields also all sync to the latest iOS and Android versions!


  • Behaviour: The setting for ‘Let selection “Follow” the Edited Movie’ didn’t work.
  • An access violation could occur when double clicking on the checkboxes.
  • The details panel could not be resized correctly sometimes.
  • Edit Multiple movies would sometimes not activate due to an issue with counting the selected movies.

CLZ Movies Mobile

v4.11: More editable fields!

Jun 18, 2018

By popular demand, we have added 10 more editable fields to CLZ Movies. Two completely new fields (Is TV Series and Box Set) and 8 fields that were already available as automatic Core fields but are now fully editable:

Completely New Fields:

  • Is TV Series (Yes/No). For your entries, indicate whether these are movies or TV series. Use Is TV Series folders to split them in the main list. This is a new field. Default values for your entries have been set using our Core central database, but you may want to run though your list to check and correct as needed.
  • Box Set. Enter a box set title in your movies to make them part of a box set. You can see the box set information at the top of the details panel for each of the movies inside that box set. Also available as a folder option.

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Release Date. Previous only available as Release Year, this is now a full date field.
  • Runtime. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • IMDb Number. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • IMDb Rating. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • Audience Rating. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Also available as a folder option.
  • Region. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Allows multiple values. Also available as a folder option.
  • Studio. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Allows multiple values. Also available as a folder option.
  • Distributor. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Also available as a folder option.

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our recent GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Movies now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Movies app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.

CLZ Music Web

New tooltips and split-up settings

Jun 14, 2018

Over the last week Joël from team Connect worked on splitting the settings into more logical places, and added new tooltips to explain what all the buttons do. The full what’s new:

Added tooltips

Hovering your mouse over the various buttons will now show tooltips to explain what the buttons do! Hover your mouse over the buttons to see what they do.

Split the settings

All settings used to be together in one screen, but they weren’t easy to find so we decided to split the settings up into their own logical pages. You can now find them by opening the menu (top left), and look for:

  • Field Defaults: to set up default field values for new items
  • CLZ Cloud Sharing: to set up all your CLZ Cloud sharing options
  • Settings: with just the behaviour and display settings

CLZ Movies Mobile

v4.11: More editable fields!

Jun 14, 2018

By popular demand, we have added 10 more editable fields to CLZ Movies. Two completely new fields (Is TV Series and Box Set) and 8 fields that were already available as automatic Core fields but are now fully editable:

Completely New Fields:

  • Is TV Series (Yes/No). For your entries, indicate whether these are movies or TV series. Use Is TV Series folders to split them in the main list. This is a new field. Default values for your entries have been set using our Core central database, but you may want to run though your list to check and correct as needed.
  • Box Set. Enter a box set title in your movies to make them part of a box set. You can see the box set information at the top of the details panel for each of the movies inside that box set. Also available as a folder option.

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Release Date. Previous only available as Release Year, this is now a full date field.
  • Runtime. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • IMDb Number. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • IMDb Rating. Previously set automatically, now fully editable.
  • Audience Rating. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Also available as a folder option.
  • Region. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Allows multiple values. Also available as a folder option.
  • Studio. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Allows multiple values. Also available as a folder option.
  • Distributor. Previously set automatically, now fully editable. Also available as a folder option.

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our recent GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Movies now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Movies app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.


  • Last update made some settings disappear in the settings screen. They are back now.
  • Added bottom margin to the add auto screen on iPhone X to make the add button more reachable
  • The sync screen wasn’t logging local deletes.