News & updates (page 11)
A common situation for most users of the Comic Connect web-app: finding a specific issue in your comic database. Up till now, the way to do this was: first find the series (using the search box top right, or the search box above the series folder list), then just scroll down the issue list to find the issue you were looking for. It worked, but could take some time, especially for series with lots of issues.
So to avoid the annoying scrolling part, we created a new “Jump to Issue” feature (aka “the sniper button”)
The best day of the week has arrived: NCBD!
The CLZ team has worked on 507 new releases, for 244 actual new unique issues. Big week with big titles: Amazing Spider-Man #50. The newest volume has hit a milestone! Something is Killing the Children is back: Hard to fathom that this title is already 5 years old, time flies…
DC’s Batman/Superman: World’s Finest #27 continues their Bat-Mite universe story in this issue.
Happy reading!
All new books are now available in the CLZ Core online database, easily found through the Pull List tab in your trusted Add Comics screen.
BTW: did you know we are working on a complete refresh of this Pull List tab feature? We are also renaming it to “NCBD” to better fit it’s functionality!
- Side menu now goes “over” the list and doesn’t “squash” the list anymore
- In some cases an invisible filter could hide some comics
v9.2: Improved “Updated Values” screen, after updating from CovrPrice
CLZ Comics 9.2 is live and this one is for the CovrPrice subscribers!
After using the “Update Values” tool from the menu, to update the values from CovrPrice, the apps shows you a report of which values have change and by how much. For today’s v9.2 update, we re-designed this report and added some new features:
- Tap a comic to pop up a screen with the full comic details
- Now sort your list by the Value Change or by the Value itself
- Filter the list by Collection Status, e.g. to show In Collection comics only
- The list now includes Variant Descriptions!
- Finally: a completely redesign of the list entries to make it more readable
Another New Comic Book Day has arrived! We worked on 386 new releases with 182 actual new unique issues. A lot less compared to the last few weeks. Marvel gives us the origin of their most popular New Champion: Maystorm in Ultimate X-Men #3. Doctor Doom also gets a new #1 which has Jonathan Hickman on it as the writer. A new House of Slaughter is here from BOOM! Studios. And DC is slowly ramping up their Absolute Power event with Suicide Squad: Dream team #3. Happy reading!
All new books are now available in the CLZ Core online database, easily found through your trusted Add Comics screen. TIP: use the Pull List tab in the Add Comics screen to see all this week’s releases in one place!
Here’s my second “v9 feature hilite” email, about another area of improvement in last week’s CLZ Music v9 release.
(tip: if you missed yesterday’s feature hilite #1 about the collection tab-bar, you can read it here).
Today, we are going to discuss the various improvements we implemented for the Add Albums screen:
- Quick “Confirm” pop-ups, instead of full screen Preview pages
- Search results now also show the number of discs, making it easier to spot multi-disc album entries
- Improved process of combining discs into a multi-disc album
- Adding by Barcode: Faster camera scanner for scanning barcodes
Last week’s CLZ Music 9.0 update was a big one, with 3 areas of improvement. To make sure you did not miss any of the new stuff, I am going to do three “v9 feature hilite” emails this week, each one highlighting one of the big improvements.
Today’s “v9 feature hilite” is about all the new collections tab-bar.
New Comic Book Day, the best day of the week! We worked on 439 new releases with 200 actual new unique issues. Marvel gives us 6 tie-ins for their Blood Hunt event this week. Ain’t No Grave #1 releases this week from Image Comics, a creation from Skottie Young and Jorge Corona. Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees comes to an end with #6. DC Comics’ Batman #147 continues on Amanda Waller’s antics where we get to see a new creation from Failsafe…
All new books are now available in the CLZ Core online database, easily found through your trusted Add Comics screen. TIP: use the Pull List tab in the Add Comics screen to see all this week’s releases in one place!
- The app could crash on startup
- New items in a pick list would sometimes appear out of view
Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day and at CLZ we are ready for it!
Our comic content guys and gal have worked hard to make sure that all of the FCBD 24 free comics are available in our Core online comic database, so that you can easily add them to your collection.
v9.0: Collection tabs, better Add Albums screen, easy people filtering
A big update v9.0 update for your CLZ Music app today, with many new features and improvements!
Here’s the full list of What’s New:
- New collections tab-bar: easily switch between collections using tabs at the bottom
- Improved Add Albums screen:
- Quick “Confirm” pop-ups, instead of full screen Preview pages
- Search results now also show the number of discs, making it easier to spot multi-disc album entries
- Improved process of combining discs into a multi-disc album
- Adding by Barcode: Faster camera scanner for scanning barcodes
- New: tap a person name in details to show all your albums with that person
Another update for the Comic Connect web-based software. This time we added more fields to the popular Edit Multiple tool (also known as the Batch Editing tool). That is, the tool that lets you make changes to multiple comics in one go.
New Comic Book Day is here! Our favourite day and yours too of course. We worked on 373 new releases with 175 actual new unique issues. A lot less compared to the last few weeks.
Marvel is kicking off their main event horror title: Blood Hunt #1. Dynamite gives us the return of Space Ghost! DSTLRY also has a new title coming out this week: The Blood Brothers Mother #1 which Brian Azzarello working on as the writer.
All new books are now available in the CLZ Core online database, easily found through your trusted Add Comics screen. TIP: use the Pull List tab in the Add Comics screen to see all this week’s releases in one place!
- The app could crash on startup
- The app could crash in certain situations when showing details
[CLZ News] Now live: CLZ Books 9.0, CLZ Movies 9.1, plus a huge “MPL” update for Connect
This is the CLZ Newsletter for April 2024, brought to you by CLZ Alwin.
This month, we finally finished a 6 week project, resulting in a huge update for the Connect web-based software, in which we improved all pick list related screens.
Also, one big (CLZ Book 9!) and several smaller updates for the CLZ mobile apps. The final mobile v9 is coming up soon: CLZ Music 9.0!
On the Core side, our content managers are still spending a lot of time of the Check Covers project for movies and games, currently with the help of 18 enthusiast CLZ Games and CLZ Movies users. We expect to be working on this endeavour for at least 6 months, but you should already see better cover images in your movie/game apps now!
Today’s topics:
- CLZ mobile apps:
- CLZ Books v9.0: Collection tabs, better Add Books and “ISBN not found” screens
- CLZ Movies 9.1: Add images for “barcodes not found” / Update images from Core
- CLZ Games v9.0.5 Game values are back in the Add Games screen
- CLZ Scanner 1.1 / CLZ Comics 9.1.x: faster barcode scanning
- Coming up: CLZ Music 9.0
- Connect web-based software
- Connect: Improved managing and editing of pick list fields
- Comic Connect: Value Totals for any issue list
- Comic up for Comic Connect: use Edit Multiple for creators and characters
- CLZ Core updates:
- Core for Games: “Check Covers” project, 91.2% cloud coverage!
- Core for Movies: “Check Covers” project, 50% cloud coverage!
- Core for Comics: New Comic Book Day summary
- Sign up for the Club CLZ forum, over 3,700 members now!
Even more than last week! We worked on 612 new releases with 263 actual new unique issues. A few big titles continuing this week with Amazing Spider-man, Something is Killing the Children and Detective Comics from the bigger publishers. TMNT is coming to an end with their #150. Dick Tracy sees his comeback and the Creature of the Black Lagoon makes his way to the standard size comics. So it’s safe to say that this is massive week for comics!
All new books are now available in the CLZ Core online database, easily found through your trusted Add Comics screen.
TIP: use the Pull List tab in the Add Comics screen to see all this week’s releases in one place!
This is the 3rd and last “CLZ Books 9 Feature Hilite”, all about dealing with ISBNs that are not found in CLZ Core.
But first, if you missed an earlier feature hilite, you can still read them on our CLZ Blog here:
- Hilite #1: The new collections tab-bar
- Hilite #2: Add Books screen improvements
Here’s my second “v9 feature hilite” email, about another area of improvement in last week’s CLZ Books v9 release.
(tip: if you missed yesterday’s feature hilite #1 about the collection tab-bar, you can read it here).
Today, we are going to discuss the improvements we did to the Add Books screen:
Last week’s CLZ Books 9.0 update was big one, with 3 areas of improvement. To make sure you did not miss any of the new stuff, I am going to do three “v9 feature hilite” emails this week, each one highlighting one of the big improvements.
Today’s “v9 feature hilite” is about all the new collections tab-bar.
A big update v9.0 update for your CLZ Books app today, with many new features and improvements!
Here’s the full list of What’s New:
- New collections tab-bar: easily switch between collections using tabs at the bottom
- Adding Books: quick “Confirm” pop-ups, instead of full screen Preview pages
- Add by ISBN: Better screens for dealing with “ISBN not found” situations
- Add by ISBN: Faster camera barcode scanner for scanning ISBN barcodes
- New setting “Show Read-It” for showing/hiding Read-It eye icons from list and details
A small update for your CLZ Games app today, in which we rectify a big mistake we make in version 9.0 (two mistakes in fact). Also, we improved the camera barcode scanner and introduced a new setting for customizing your app.
Summary of today’s changes:
- Game values are back in the Add Games screen
- Check Values screen now accessible for “grandfathered” users too
- Faster camera barcode scanner for adding games by barcode
- New setting in Settings screen “Show Completed”
The best day of the week: NCBD! Quite a difference compared to last week. We have worked on 545 new releases and 255 actual new unique issues.
Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance #2 releases this week. This gives us a continuation of what was hinted at in the previous issue: The Hood (Parker Robbins) as Ghost Rider! After a slight delay, Moon Man sees their #2 releasing this week. A few facsimiles are also due this week, don’t forget to pick those up if you get the chance!
All new books are now available in the CLZ Core online database, easily found through your trusted Add Comics screen.
TIP: use the Pull List tab in the Add Comics screen to see all this week’s releases in one place!
For this update, we have improved the camera barcode scanner, to make better use of the power of today’s devices, both in terms of camera resolution and computing power.
The scanning should now be faster, that is, it should be quicker in picking up the barcode from the camera image. The difference is most noticeable when scanning the longer 12+2 and 12+5 digit barcode found on today’s comic books.
Are you ready for some nice Comic Connect updates? Stay tuned in the next couple of weeks, as multiple improvements and new features are coming up. Today is the first one, a special addition for CovrPrice subscribers:
Value Totals for any issue list
A common request from CovrPrice subscribers has been: How can I see the total value for a Series? Or per Storage Box? Or per Publisher?
So here’s our solution: a CovrPrice value total is now always showing at the top, next to the issue counter!
Combined with the Folder tool, this gives you values for any sub-selection of your collection you can think of, per Series, or per Storage Box, per Cover Artist, per Grading Company, per Tag, etc…
v9.1 Add cover images for “unrecognized barcodes” / Update cover images from Core
Just over two months ago, we released a huge v9.0 upgrade for the CLZ Movies app. But today, we’re back already, with a v9.1 update with two improvements related to cover images, a nice new setting for further customizing your app and finally, an improvement to the barcode scanner.
- Add cover images for “Unrecognized Barcodes”
- Update from Core now also let you REPLACE cover images
- New “Hide Seen It” setting
- Faster barcode scanner