News & updates released in 2011 (page 3)


Kacey & The Collectorz Band

May 18, 2011

The funny part with the creation of Kacey is, that from her original sketch to her final character and coloring, she hardly needed any alterations at all.
From brief to first sketch, she was alive from pencil stroke one.
The same goes for Gemma, while you can see from the iterations for Mickie, Becky and CeCe that we changed them (and our mind!) a lot.

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Our first idea for the book organizer software was for an older fakir with a dragon-like creature on his shoulder. Smoking a pipe, reading a book.
Very funny character but it may be too much for our book audience. Because that is what we have to keep in mind: the mascotte must fit the crowd. We may like the levitated yogi and his pet dragon, but our home librarians not. The character must speak to them, otherwise she will be no good in advertising.

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When we started on the character project, we had a completely different idea for the Movie Collector mascotte.
The first draft was for a James Bond kinda like a guy, the second rough was for an actress winning an Oscar.
This was the toughest hero to bring to life and we went back to the drawing board and came up with something completely different.

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Gemma in full warpaint

May 13, 2011

Let’s bring Gemma to life with colors.
The names of the characters hint to the software titles, so do the colors of each figurine.
Movie Collector is green, Music Collector orange, Book Collector purple, Comic Collector blue and the Game Collector color is red.

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She just rocks

May 12, 2011

The only babe missing from the quintet is the Music Collector mascotte.
To summarize: CeCe for the comic organizer software, Becky for the book home library tool, Gemma for the video game list tool and Mickie promotes the DVD movie organizer software.
Well, here is the music muse in a rough black and white sketch. Her name?
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You know what they say, ‘Never judge a book by its cover’. Well the same quote applies to the Book Collector dame, although slightly altered.

Never judge a girl by her shoes

As heroic as CeCe, adventurous as Gemma and equally skilled as Mickie, Becky may not show it but she has it all.
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Comic Collector for Mac OS X release

May 09, 2011

Comic Collector for Mac OS XAlwin here, with the latest news on Comic Collector for Mac OS X.

As you know, we were planning to release a full-featured Comic Collector for Mac on May 17. And with “full-featured”, I mean a Mac edition with all features of the current Windows edition. Well, I am afraid we will not be able to reach that goal.

But I have come up with a cunning plan. Here’s the deal:
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Meet Gemma. Or Gem for short. And you hardly need to guess, since it is so obvious. She is our Game Collector gal.
We really wanted to have her yield a big sword, but she should be uber female too. Kinda like Link meets Lara. And the Game Collector color red is perfect for her, with her being a natural redhead.
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As said in yesterday’s post, we wanted to create a Comic Collector hero to feature in templates, banners and Comic Collector advertising in general. Her name is CeCe and she appears on our website and software templates. We like her so much that we asked the creator David Dunstan, aka Loopy Dave, to give her four siblings, one for each program.
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Free Comic Book Day 2011

Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day! And we’re ready for it.
Data and cover art for all 38 FCBD 2011 issues is already available in our online comic book database, ready to be downloaded with our comic book cataloging software Comic Collector.
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The development of CeCe

We wanted to create a character for Comic Collector, a comic style superhero we could use in the software for details view templates, commercial banners and just overall on our website.

Development on this character started and she became “CeCe”. Check out how she changed from initial sketches, to the final art showing CeCe in several different poses and of course, the Spiderman spoof cover art.

The CeCe character is being used in various Comic Collector advertising campaigns. You may have seen banner ads featuring CeCe on your favorite comic-related websites. Read more

At, we’re working on a new Mac edition of our Comic Collector software, and on major upgrades of the existing Mac editions of Movie, Book and Music Collector.

There are all huge projects and we need more help. So we are currently looking for an extra Mac OS X developer.
Are you experienced in Mac OS X programming, OR a smart programmer interested in Mac development? Then read on… Read more

Our home organizing software for CDs, DVDs, books, comics and video games comes in two flavors: Standard and Pro.
Apart from the obvious difference in price (Standard is half the price), how exactly do they compare in terms of features?
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Are you procrastinating cataloging your DVDs and Blu-rays because you think it is way too much work? Well, don’t.
Let me share my experience cataloging our shelves when I finally decided to organize our own movie collection.

When I started on the task I did not know how many movies and series we had, nor how much time it would take me to list them all.
My set up: Movie Collector Pro for Windows on my Vaio laptop and the OPN-2001 laser scanner.

Read more Newsletter April 2011

This is Alwin, with the April edition of the newsletter.

Today, I need your feedback on a key part of our cataloging software:
the online databases for movies, books, music, comics and video games.
Wanna help? Then please complete our “online database” survey.
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Organizing the bookcase

Apr 27, 2011

Organizing booksHow do your organize your books on your shelves?

Alphabetically by author? Or by title? Or just in order of purchase?
Have you tried sorting them by size, or by color?

Here’s a cool stop motion video, created by Sean Ohlenkamp & Lisa Blonder, exploring the possibilities.

Warning: don’t try this at home! You may end up wasting a lot of time that would have been better spent organizing your books with Book Collector 🙂

In the past few months we have implemented many improvements to the support information that is available on our website. We have made sure that almost all questions we get from customers are answered either on the product home pages, in the manual or in the FAQ.
We did this to improve our service to you, but we were also hoping to reduce the number of support tickets we receive everyday.
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Comic Collector for Mac OS XWe are still aiming to release the Mac edition of Comic Collector on May 17, 2011. Dinh, Pim and Ronald are working programming as fast as they can to make that happen. Mark and AJ are testing every new feature or screen as soon as the developers finish it.

Today, Ronald finished the Find Cover Image screen (one of the most popular features of v5 for Windows). Here the first screen shot of that new screen:

Movie Collector got reviewed by George Norman for

“I know it sounds dumb now, but back in the day I would keep track of my movie collection by using a pen and paper. I had a paper notebook and I would write down in it. But now I know better; I know that there are software applications out there that can do a way better job than that.

After turning to software for help, I found a properly good application out there to help me keep track of my movie collection. The application I am talking about is Movie Collector. Here are the things I liked the most about this application: … “

Read the full review here Newsletter March 2011

Last day of March, so my last chance to write the March edition of the newsletter. The topics today:

  • Welcome CD Trustee users!
  • Very close now: Comic Collector for Mac OS X
  • Small update for Movie Collector 7.1 for Windows

Read more Newsletter February 2011

Welcome to the February edition of the newsletter.
The topics for today:

  • Use the Search Box
  • Comic Collector 5 for Windows is live!
  • Comic Collector 5 for Mac delayed
  • Server upgrade complete!
  • Starting March 1: Connect Sale, 25% discount on all Connect subscriptions

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Comic Collector 5 for Windows

Feb 15, 2011

It’s finally here, Comic Collector 5 for Windows!

Version 5 adds a feature that comic collectors have been requesting for a long time:

The ability to catalog comics by barcode: Just type or scan the barcode to get automatic details and cover art for that exact issue (currently for American comics only).

And there’s lots more. Here’s a quick overview of what else is new:
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We are working on 1.3 updates for the CLZ apps for iPhone and iPod Touch. Three out of five have already been released.
CLZ Music has been submitted to Apple and is under review, CLZ Comics is under construction.
Read more Newsletter January 2011

Do you remember the section “Our plans for 2011” of our previous newsletter, where I mentioned we were working on an “undisclosed” PROJECT 4?
Well, all lights are green now, so I am finally able to reveal what it is!

In today’s newsletter:

  • PROJECT 4 revealed
  • V1.3 updates for all iPhone apps
  • Server upgrade
  • New in Connect : Post collection updates to Facebook and Twitter
  • 12,000 fans on Facebook!

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