News & updates tagged 'scan cover'
- Add comics/Check value: A freeze could occur after scanning multiple covers
- A possible fix for the camera image looking “warped”
A week ago, we released the huge v10.0 update for CLZ Comics, in which we introduced a new super easy (and super fun!) way to add comics:
Add Comics by just scanning the cover!: Take a picture of the cover and the app will instantly show you matching covers from our CLZ Core online database. Tap the one you want to add it. Quick, easy and fun.
Today, in version 10.1, we’re taking the next step, by bringing the cover scanning feature to your Check Value screen!
Version 10.0 is here, with one HUGE new feature:
Add Comics by just scanning the cover!
No need to scan barcodes, no need to search by series title.
Just take a picture of your book and the app will recognize it!
As we announced on our social channels earlier, CLZ Comics v10.0 is coming soon. And today, we can finally reveal what the big v10 feature will be:
Adding Comics by scanning the cover!
In version 10, we are introducing a new way to find comics in our CLZ Core and then add them.
- No need to scan the barcode
- No need to type series title or issue number
- Just take a picture of the cover and bam!
The app will show the matching comics from our Core!