News & updates tagged 'add books'

Book Collector (Windows)

v22.0.2: Various bug fixes

Mar 21, 2022


  • Add books: When adding books to “Sold” the button wasn’t showing text
  • Various “Access Violation” errors fixed in the Link Books screen
  • User Defined Fields: default values weren’t used when adding books
  • Pre-fill: User Defined Fields weren’t remembered between sessions
  • Light Skin: Rating stars weren’t visible


  • New: Sort by Date Modified
  • New: Sort by Date Added (previously called “Order of Entry”)
  • New: use Added Year as your folder field
  • Improved display of sort values in bottom right corner of list cells


  • Add Books: The Add button sometimes didn’t work

CLZ Books Web

Add Books: select your preferred Regions

Jun 04, 2020

New in the Add Books screen of your Book Connect software: the ability to select your Primary and Secondary “search regions”. The selected regions affect which 3rd party book sources our Core search engine uses when a book is NOT found in Core.

For example, if you set the primary region to Italy, and then search for an ISBN that is not in our Core yet, it will go out and search several Italian online book sources (e.g. national libraries).

If you are in the US or UK, this setting will not make much of a different to you (as those have always been the preconfigured default regions), but if you are located elsewhere in the world, setting your regions accordingly may greatly improve your success rate on book searches.