News & updates (page 28)
New “Add from Core” settings: select which fields you want to download from Core
In today’s update we’re introducing new Add from Core settings screen, that lets you configure exactly which fields you want to download when adding new books.
While we are at it, we also tweaked the UI of the existing Update from Core settings and… we combined the two into ONE screens, with Add from Core / Update from Core tabs at top.
New “Add from Core” settings: select which fields you want to download from Core
In today’s update we’re introducing new Add from Core settings screen, that lets you configure exactly which fields you want to download when adding new books.
While we are at it, we also tweaked the UI of the existing Update from Core settings and… we combined the two into ONE screens, with Add from Core / Update from Core tabs at top.
New “Add from Core” settings: select which fields you want to download from Core
In today’s update we’re introducing new Add from Core settings screen, that lets you configure exactly which fields you want to download when adding new movies.
While we are at it, we also tweaked the UI of the existing Update from Core settings and… we combined the two into ONE screens, with Add from Core / Update from Core tabs at top.
A huge 7.0 update for your CLZ Music app is now available, with new features and lots of improvements to existing functionality. All in one go and all based on your feedback!
New in version 7 today:
- Use barcode scanner to search your own database
- New Collection Status: Sold
- New Collection Status icons and colors
- Improved Add Albums screen: enlarge thumbs, new beeps, num pad for barcode entry
- New Favorites section in Manage Pick List screen
- Other small tweaks
A nice update for all five Connect flavors today, in which we’ve added new progress bars to all actions in the software that can take a while.
(In the past, the software would just show a rotating symbol, not giving you any indication of actual progress or how long it could still take.)
Updated Cards view:
A small re-design of the Cards View card, to make it closer to the look of the CLZ Comics mobile app list entries and the Card View in Comic Connect. So Card view now also shows the new Slabbed icon, grade, value and quantity.
- Add multiple comics manually was broken (Error “Ancestor for ‘pnAdditional’ not found”
- Statistics screen: “Top most valuable comics” and “Most valuable series” are back!
Some small tweaks and fixes based on the feedback we received after the big v7 release:
- Download key comic info from Core can now be switched OFF in Settings
- Pre-fill popup: Quantity is now always reset to 1
- For debugging and support purposes the Edit Series screen now shows Core SeriesID
- Clear Database didn’t clear the Pull List
Some small tweaks and fixes based on the feedback we received after the big v7 release:
- Download key comic info from Core can now be switched OFF in Settings
- Pre-fill popup: Quantity is now always reset to 1
- For debugging and support purposes the Edit Series screen now shows Core SeriesID
- Add Comics: Adding from pull list wasn’t working
- Statistics: The “paid” information was not calculated correctly
- Folders: “a”/”b” folders showing up instead of Yes/No
- Update from Core: some comics kept getting an update
- Clear Database didn’t clear the Pull List
A huge 22.0 update for your Comic Collector software is now available, with one big new feature (key comic info!), many new fields and several improvements to existing features. All in one go and all based on your feedback!
New today:
- NEW: Automatic key comic information from Core!
- Many new fields (Sold date/price, Slab Cert Nr, Bag/Board date)
- Improved Add Comics screen: Hide Variants / Hide Owned / Sort Asc/Desc
- Improved “Missing Comics” screen (Show/Hide On Order and Unreleased)
- Your Pull List now syncs between devices and software platforms
- New Collection Status icons and colors
A huge 7.0 update for your CLZ Comics apps is now available, with one big new feature (key comic info!), many new fields and several improvements to existing features. All in one go and all based on your feedback!
New today:
- NEW: Automatic key comic information from Core!
- Many new fields (Sold date/price, Series Completed, Slab Cert Nr, Bag/Board date)
- Improved List View entries, showing Key/Slabbed icons and Qty
- Improved Add Comics screen: Show/Hide Variants, enlarge thumbs, new beeps
- Improved “Missing Comics” screen (Show/Hide On Order and Unreleased)
- Use barcode scanner to search your own database
- Your Pull List now syncs between devices and software platforms
- New Collection Status icons and colors
IMPORTANT: For this v7 update, we have changed the database format (because of the new fields), so the first time you start version 7, the app will have to migrate your database to the new format. Depending on the speed of your device and the size of your database, this may take anywhere between 15 seconds and several minutes.
After the huge update for Comic Connect on Monday, I have another one for you, an improved Missing Comics screen. After we introduced the Missing Comics screen, about a year ago, we kept receiving the same two complaints from you all:
- It should not list my “On Order” comics as missing !!
- It should not list unreleased issues as missing !!
Both very good points, so with today’s update we are introducing 2 new settings.
A huge update for your Comic Connect software is now live in your account, with one big new feature (key comic info!), many new fields and several improvements to existing features. All in one go and all based on your feedback!
New today:
- NEW: Automatic key comic information from Core!
- Many new fields (Sold date/price, Series Completed, Slab Cert Nr, Bag/Board date)
- Add Comics: new toggle for hiding Variants
- New Collection Status icons and colors
- Update Card View, now showing Quantity and Slab & Key icons
- Your Pull List now syncs between devices and software platforms
[CLZ News] Improved Submit to Core system / Sneak Preview of updated comic tools
It’s Halloween! So it must be time for the Oct 2021 edition of the CLZ Newsletter!
October was a quiet month in terms of releases. But the CLZ team has not been sitting still, on the contrary:
At the moment, the entire team is working together on ONE big project, including all developers and all content managers. This is a rare opportunity, but we always enjoy working this way, as it is both fun and efficient.
This time, the big shared project is all about comics and it will result in BIG updates for all flavors of our comic cataloging tools: CLZ Comics 7.0, Comic Collector 22.0 and of course a big update for Comic Connect too (web developers are too cool for version numbers).
Read on for a sneak preview of the new features and improvements.
The topics today:
- 5 updates for Windows with an improved Submit to Core system
- 5 CLZ updates for Android to fully support system font sizes
- Sneak Preview: huge updates for all comic cataloging tools
The big project we are all working on now: lots of new features, new fields and improvements for our comic cataloging tools. Of course all based on your feedback!
Here’s what will be new:
- NEW: Automatic key comic information from Core!
When adding/updating comics from Core, it will now automatically fill in your “Is Key” and “Key Reason” fields. First appearances, deaths, cameo appearances, etc…
BTW: don’t worry, we won’t go the “speculation route”, like the other app “that should not be named”, you know the one 🙂 - Many new fields:
Is Completed for series, a new Collection Status called “Sold”, Date Sold, Price Sold, Last Bag/Board Date and Slab Certification Number. - CLZ Comics: Improved List View entries, showing more info
List entries will now include the Quantity (when <> 1), an Is Key icon and a Slabbed icon. Collection Status is now shown using a colored band on the right. You can now opt to show Cover Dates instead of Release Dates.
Also, in Series List your completed series are hi-lited with a colored band on the right. - Add Comics screen
New setting to “Hide Variants” when searching by Series.
CLZ Comics only:- when scanning barcodes, different beeps for found vs not found.
- tap thumbnail for bigger image
- Improved “Missing Comics” tool
New setting for showing/hiding “On Order” comics. When shown, hi-lited with a star (*). New setting for showing/hidding “Unreleased comics”. - CLZ Comics: now also use camera barcode scanner to …
- search your own collection
- fill in the Barcode field in the Edit Comic screen
ETA: within 3 weeks!
Our agreement with GoCollect has ended, so in this update we have removed all GoCollect-related features.
Which means no more automatic comic values when you add comics and no more daily updates for values.
We fully understand this is a shock and a disappointment for you all. Trust me, we are very disappointed too, maybe even more so than you are. In any case, we sincerely apologize for this sudden loss of functionality.
Our agreement with GoCollect has ended, so in this update we have removed all GoCollect-related features.
Which means no more automatic comic values when you add comics and no more daily updates for values.
We fully understand this is a shock and a disappointment for you all. Trust me, we are very disappointed too, maybe even more so than you are. In any case, we sincerely apologize for this sudden loss of functionality.
Our agreement with GoCollect has ended, so in this update we have removed all GoCollect-related features.
Which means no more automatic comic values when you add comics and no more daily updates for values.
We fully understand this is a shock and a disappointment for you all. Trust me, we are very disappointed too, maybe even more so than you are. In any case, we sincerely apologize for this sudden loss of functionality.
This is CLZ Alwin and I am afraid I have some bad news for all users of our comic cataloging tools today:
Our agreement with GoCollect has ended, so in today’s updates all GoCollect-related features have been removed:
- CLZ Comics 6.9 for iOS and Android (now live)
- Comic Connect (changes now live)
- Comic Collector 21.7 (coming up next week)
Which means no more automatic comic values when you add comics and no more daily updates for values.
We fully understand this is a shock and a disappointment for you all. Trust me, we are very disappointed too, maybe even more so than you are.
In any case, we sincerely apologize for this sudden loss of functionality.
But first, let me give you some more background on what happened:
In this update, we are improving the Submit to Core system.
We have created a completely new site for processing your submitted entries, which is now fully responsive to your browser size and therefore now fully mobile-compatible.
At the same time, we created a new auto-login system, making submitting easier and more seamless.
In this update, we are improving the Submit to Core system.
We have created a completely new site for processing your submitted entries, which is now fully responsive to your browser size and therefore now fully mobile-compatible.
At the same time, we created a new auto-login system, making submitting easier and more seamless.
In this update, we are improving the Submit to Core system.
We have created a completely new site for processing your submitted entries, which is now fully responsive to your browser size and therefore now fully mobile-compatible.
At the same time, we created a new auto-login system, making submitting easier and more seamless.
In this update, we are improving the Submit to Core system.
We have created a completely new site for processing your submitted entries, which is now fully responsive to your browser size and therefore now fully mobile-compatible.
At the same time, we created a new auto-login system, making submitting easier and more seamless.
In this update, we are improving the Submit to Core system.
We have created a completely new site for processing your submitted entries, which is now fully responsive to your browser size and therefore now fully mobile-compatible.
At the same time, we created a new auto-login system, making submitting easier and more seamless.
We’ve added some updates and fixes to the box set area in the details panel:
- Added a “show more” button to the Notes section for very long notes
- Added a “show more” button to box sets with more than 3 albums
- You can now click an album title to directly select and show it
- Current Value was missing its label
- The Cat. number field was missing
Main screen lists now fully support system font sizes, that is, the list rows now automatically become bigger/higher if you have set your device to a larger font size. (previously, some information would be cropped)
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