News & updates tagged 'imdb ratings'

After months of working on comic related updates only (for our CovrPrice partnership), the CLZ team is finally freed up to work on our other products again, phew!

So today, we can release a nice update for your Movie Collector software, in which we improve on the IMDb integration. Not a huge “major” update, but since 2023 is getting closer, we are calling it “version 23.0” anyway 🙂

Anyway, about IMDb: Most of you are probably diligently updating your IMDb Ratings and Votes on a regular basis. After all, if you are in any way interested in IMDb ratings, it is important to always keep those up-to-date.

However, after running the “Update IMDb Ratings/Votes” and getting the “254 movies updated” message, have you ever wondered

“WHICH movies have been updated and WHAT the change was?”.

Well, not anymore, because with today’s v23 update we are introducing a nice report that answers just that. Also, this updates makes it easier to update IMDb Ratings for your entire collection in one go.

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Last day of June, so here’s my June 2022 edition of the CLZ News.
This month, big news about our new collaboration with for comic values. Also, the first of many Connect updates and finally, 2 big updates for the CLZ mobile apps for movies and comics.

These are the topics for today:

  • CLZ is going to work with CovrPrice for comic values! ETA: Sept 2022
  • CLZ Comics v7.8: Improved Pull List and new “Discover” mode!
  • CLZ Movies v7.5: New report screen after Updating IMDb Ratings/Votes
  • Connect: Lots of new features and tweaks in one go!
  • Coming up for the Connect web-based software

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