News & updates tagged 'hide owned'
In the Add Comics screen the issue numbers/variants are now displayed in a white (or dark, depending on your skin settings) box with a black border. Items that are already in collection will be in blue, already on wish list will show in an orange box!
This was added to the mobile app a while ago, but never made it to the Web version yet. As of today it’s available for web too!
In the Add Comics by Series screen, you can now hide all issues that you already own, so that you can focus on your missing issues more easily.
Click the “Box” button at the top to “Hide Owned” comics, click it again to show all issues again.
v9.7: Various improvements for Add Comics, Statistics and Main screen
Today, a big v9.7 update for your CLZ Comics, with a couple of new features and lots of small improvements all over the app, including a resolution for something that has annoyed many users for over 23 years!
Here’s what’s new:
- Add Comics screen:
- New “Hide Owned” toggle on Series tab, for hiding all issues that you already own
- New snappy “Confirm” popups replace the old and slow Preview pages
- New look for issue cards on Issue tab
- Statistics screen:
- Removed the “Comics by Creator” top list, and replaced it with:
- New Top Artists list, that includes all artist type roles
- New Top Writers list, that includes all writer type roles
- Main screen:
- List and Card View now include the Variant Description for each comic
- Several layout improvements to the comic details page
- New folder options “All Artists” and “All Writers”