News & updates tagged 'fix' (page 5)

Music Collector (Windows)

v16.3.5: Fixed an access violation error and more

Jul 07, 2016


  • Export to HTML: access violation could occur in some cases when using a custom index template
  • Edit Screen: Checkbox List hints would sometimes not disappear
  • Main Screen: changing font size could make some screen elements disappear


  • Date Fields: Year field’s position now also depends on system’s shortdate setting
  • Carbon, Cobalt, Quicksilver Templates: Subtitle now below Title instead of behind


  • Edit Book:
    • Date fields didn’t clear their Month and Day values using next/previous when they weren’t filled in for the next/previous item
    • Delete key didn’t work in Month and Day fields to clear their values. Backspace did work normally.
    • Clicking stars to add rating didn’t set “read it” field according to setting

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.10: One tweak, multiple fixes

Jul 01, 2016


  • Date Fields: Year field’s position now also depends on system’s shortdate setting


  • Edit Movie/Episode: :
    • Date fields didn’t clear their Month and Day values using next/previous when they weren’t filled in for the next/previous item
    • Delete key didn’t work in Month and Day fields to clear their values. Backspace did work normally.
  • Details View: Popup with episode image didn’t always show the right caption when clicking the episode image in the template

  • Date fields now have dropdowns for Month and Day. Order of Month and Day dropdown depends on system’s shortdate setting now


  • Edit Movie:
    • some fields didn’t keep their focus when using next/previous
    • Move Up/Down in Online and Local Links sometimes didn’t work
  • Edit Multiple: F8 in date fields didn’t clear them
  • Centurion Carousel: “Operation not allowed on sorted list” error when trying to check in disc
  • Main Screen:
    • horizontal scrollbar was sometimes showing in folder tree when it shouldn’t
    • Cards View: scrolling using the mouse wheel wasn’t working properly
    • layout wasn’t always restored properly when quick filter panel was showing
  • Quick Filter Panel: collection status filter wasn’t showing in filter description at bottom of the screen

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.3.4: Updated date fields and fixed a couple of bugs

Jun 30, 2016


  • Date fields now have dropdowns for Month and Day. Order of Month and Day dropdown depends on system’s shortdate setting now


  • Edit Book:
    • some fields didn’t keep their focus when using next/previous
    • Audio book length was limited to 999 minutes
  • Edit Multiple: F8 in date fields didn’t clear them
  • Main Screen:
    • horizontal scrollbar was sometimes showing in folder tree when it shouldn’t
    • Cards View: scrolling using the mouse wheel wasn’t working properly
    • layout wasn’t always restored properly when quick filter panel was showing
  • Quick Filter Panel: collection status filter wasn’t showing in filter description at bottom of the screen

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.8: “List index out of bounds” fix and other fixes

Jun 20, 2016


  • Edit Movie:
    • “List index out of bounds” error when deleting an episode when it was the only one.
    • “List index out of bounds” error when deleting a local link could occur.
  • Main screen:
    • Right click popup menu to customize toolbar didn’t show.
    • Sometimes the screen layout wasn’t restored properly after start of program.
  • Filter panel: closing the filter panel didn’t reset the Collection Status filter.
  • Lookup Grid: filtering the dropdown then using the arrow keys to select name didn’t update the dropdown’s text.


  • Main screen: right click popup menu to customize toolbar didn’t show.
  • Edit Book: “List index out of bounds” error when deleting a local link could occur.
  • Main screen:
    • Right click popup menu to customize toolbar didn’t show.
    • Sometimes the screen layout wasn’t restored properly after start of program.
  • Filter panel: closing the filter panel didn’t reset the Collection Status filter.
  • Lookup Grid: filtering the dropdown then using the arrow keys to select name didn’t update the dropdown’s text.

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.3.2: Tweaks for the Quick Filter panel and some fixes

Jun 16, 2016

Quick Filter panel tweaks

  • Quick Filter panel is now opened/closed using a new button on the toolbar (to the left of the folders button).
    No more automatic sliding when moving the mouse.

  • Smoother filter sliders (Ratings, Year, Running Time)


  • Edit Multiple Books:
    • Number of Pages field was always cleared.
    • “Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window” when clearing a check list with F8.
  • Edit Book:
    • Number of Pages field was limited to 999.
    • Author grid didn’t restore column widths properly.
  • Opening then closing the Quick Filter panel could change the width of the other panels.
  • Minimizing a full screen program, then restoring would not restore to full screen.
  • Weird problems while resizing program windows.
  • Main Screen: Cover flow had a white background with Light and Sytem Skin (now black again).
  • Switching to or starting in System skin didn’t always refresh Details Panel.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.6: Fix for “maximized mode” problems

Jun 15, 2016


  • View problem: when starting the program with the main screen in “maximized” mode,
    some panels where not filled correctly (list panel, toolbar).

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.3.5: Add Automatically fix

Jun 14, 2016


  • Add Automatically: It wasn’t possible to select a result from the result list.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.2.4: Various fixes

Apr 21, 2016


  • Main Screen:
    • Card View wasn’t available in French
    • Scrolling the Details View with the mouse wheel would scroll the list when the scroll bar reached the top
  • Sync with Cloud: cancelling sync didn’t always work

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.2.2: Improved Card View and quick search box

Apr 16, 2016


  • Main Screen:
    • Cards View: selection wasn’t always restored properly
    • Scrolling the Details View with the mouse wheel would scroll the list when the scroll bar reached the top
  • Quick search:
    • pasting text into quick search box didn’t show the clear button
    • Escape button will now clear quick search
  • Sync with Cloud: cancelling sync didn’t always work

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.2.1: Introducing: Card View for the main screen

Feb 24, 2016

New view for the main screen: Card View

Next to List View, Images View and Cover Flow, we have added a Card View, a multi-column view with little info cards for each book, showing the main book details and a small cover thumbnail.


  • Add Automatically: right click menu didn’t popup when there were no results showing
  • Content View: Folder grouping on a field with inheritance didn’t take the inherited book values into account

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.1.3: Improved loading backup files

Dec 22, 2015


  • Loading of backup.xml is now more robust

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.1.2: Better webcam scanning implemented

Dec 15, 2015


  • Improved Webcam functionality for Webcam Barcode scanning:
    • Sometimes starting the webcam feature would hang the program
    • Some webcams didn’t show any video
    • A JPEG error could be thrown for some webcams
  • Add Automatically: when you didn’t want to move a book from your wish list into your collection, it wasn’t possible.

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.0.3: Got rid of some Access Violation errors

Dec 01, 2015


  • Access Violation when starting the program after a fresh installation.
  • Access Violation when closing the program.


  • Delete Orphan Images tools didn’t account for images linked in the Links / Local Files tab.

Book Collector (Windows)

v16.0.1: Book Collector V16: Quicksilver

Nov 30, 2015

Webcam barcode scanning

Use your webcam as a barcode scanner, to add or find books by ISBN.

  • Scan barcodes with your webcam
    Just use the live camera view to point your webcam at a barcode
    and let our software detect the barcode that is in view.
  • Use the webcam scanner to add books by barcode
    Pop-up the scan window and scan ISBN barcodes,
    either using Direct Search or scanning into the Queue.
  • Or use it in the main screen to find books by barcode
    Scan an ISBN barcode while in the main screen,
    to quickly search your local database by barcode.
  • Works best with auto-focus or manual-focus webcams
    Fixed focus cameras will not work well (or at all).

Read more

Several small fixes today:

  • Editing multiple items with really many items selected (say over 1,000) didn’t work.
    Now it does. But still, editing many items in one go may be slow.
  • On large desktop screen, with the browser window set full screen, the infinite scrolling system didn’t work.
    It immediately stopped loading after the first set of items was shown. Happened only in Images and Card Views though, in List View all was well. Fixed now.
  • When changing the sorting by clicking a column header, the sort direction of the previous sort column was used. Now it correctly resets to ascending sorting when changing to a different sort field.