News & updates tagged 'currencies'

CLZ Alwin here, with your CLZ news for April 2021.

Here in the Netherlands things are looking up, albeit slowly. The evening curfew has been lifted, shops can be visited without appointments and restaurants and bars are allowed to open up their outdoor terraces between noon and 18:00.

For the CLZ team, it’s business as usual, with some nice releases this April, and more big projects coming to an end soon:

  • Released this month:
    • Movie/Book/Game Collector 21.2 for Windows: New Link with Core screen
    • Comic Collector 21.1: Download values in other currencies
    • CLZ Books 6.3: New fields, website links and: other currencies!

  • Coming up:
    • Music/Comic Collector for Windows: New Link with Core screen
    • CLZ mobile apps: big “cosmetic” update with a new look
    • Music Connect/Cloud: new fields
    • Re-design for the Submit to Core site

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