News & updates released in 2018 (page 5)

Some changes in CLZ Games for you:

  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options are now only available from the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.


  • Update from Core could (in some cases) overwrite manually entered information for the Series, Edition, Region, Description fields.

Some changes in CLZ Comics for you:

  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options are now only available from the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.


  • Update from Core could (in some cases) overwrite manually entered information for the Edition, Crossover, Imprint and Age fields.

CLZ Books Mobile

v4.10.4: Secure HTTPS connections

Sep 03, 2018

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our GDPR email from a couple of weeks ago, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.10.4, CLZ Books now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Books app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.10.4


  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options are now only available from the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.


  • Update from Core could (in some cases) overwrite manually entered information for the Authors, Publisher, ISBN, Series, Edition, Sub title, Dewey, Loc, Width and Height fields.
  • Re-added index field to book information cell

Music Collector (Windows)

v18.4.2: More images now available in Find Cover screen

Sep 03, 2018

We received reports that the Find Cover screen was giving quite a few “image could not be loaded” errors lately, and we’ve found an issue in the program that caused this. We’ve fixed this and you should be able to load almost any image you find now.

We also changed some background code in the Add Screen to make the program more stable.


  • Find Cover screen: now allows more images to be shown and downloaded
  • Add screen: Fixed a couple of Access Violation errors
  • Add screen: Fixed a false “Barcode already in queue” error
  • Sync with CLZ Cloud: Fixed syncing issues if the currency of Windows was set to something with a period (such as “kr.”)
  • Edit Screen: Year dropdown for dates would scroll all the way to the top, now uses current year
  • Edit Screen: Date Pickers would sometimes not be able to pick today’s date if next/previous was used
  • Edit Screen: User Defined Fields: Date Picker button was in the wrong place

Previously, setting up for the usage of the CLZ Barry as a barcode scanner required going to your Connect Profile page and back. Not anymore.

You can now get started with CLZ Barry straight from the By Barcode/ISBN tab of your Add screen. Just click the blue text “Set your Barry ID” on the far right of the barcode box and all the setting up can be done right then and there:

An action-packed CLZ Newsletter again, for this August 2018. Nice progress in all 3 flavours of cataloging tools: mobile, web and desktop.
The topics today:

  • All music tools: More fields now sync to/from CLZ Cloud
    (and are now editable in CLZ Music and Music Connect)!
  • Movie Collector for macOS: Box-sets, improved Add screen, Movies vs TV Series
  • Book Collector/Connect/CLZ Books: Success rate for ISBN searches now 97%! (was 90%)
  • CLZ apps for iOS: Easier to find Folder and Sort options
  • All Connect editions: Image and Card Views now sharper, smoother, faster
  • Collector or Connect? Desktop or Web-based?
    Let me help you choose. Wanna switch? Check my trade-in offer!

Read more

At, we have 3 solution types for cataloging your collections:

  • The CLZ mobile apps, for phones and tablets.

Then for the big screen, on the desktop side, we have two alternatives:

  • the Collector downloadable software
  • the Connect web-based software

We want our users to choose the solution that suits them best. So today I would you like to:

  1. tell you more about our Connect web-based software
  2. help you decide which solution would be best for you (Collector or Connect).
  3. offer you a trade-in deal, in case you want to switch from one to the other.

1. What exactly is Connect?

Connect is a web-based alternative to the Collector desktop software. It is software that runs on our servers, with your database stored in our CLZ Cloud system. To use the software, you just login to the Connect website using your web-browser, from any computer (Mac, Windows, Linux, etc…).

Introduced in 2009, Connect is designed to be a lightweight cataloging tool, with a friendly look-and-feel, that is both easier to use and easier to manage (compared to the downloadable desktop software).

Nine years later, Connect is now a mature product, offering everything you need to manage your collection database:

  • Add items Title or by Barcode (fully supports CLZ Barry!)
  • Edit entries to customize details and to add personal info.
  • Edit Multiple entries in one go, for making changes to many entries quickly.
  • Image View, Card View, customizable List View, multi-field Sort Order, etc…
  • Use the folder panel to group entries into folders, by Artist, Author, Genre, Format, etc..
  • Print lists using the fully customizable Print to PDF tool.
  • Also: Manage Pick Lists, Loan Manager, Statistics, Export, Import, Batch Link to Core, Backup/Restore, Field Defaults, etc..

Most new customers are choosing the Connect edition as their main cataloging solution. Also, a lot of existing Collector users are switching over to Connect and love the trouble-free experience of the web-based software.

Connect Pricing

Connect is full subscription software, you need an active subscription to use it. The costs are either US $2.50 per month (if you pay monthly) or US $24.95 per year (if you pre-pay for a year).

When your subscription expires, the software will revert to read-only mode, you will not be able to Add/Edit/Import anymore (until you renew). Of course, your data will be preserved in the CLZ Cloud.

6 benefits of Connect

These are the main advantages of Connect (compared to the Collector desktop software):

  1. It has a clearer and cleaner interface, with big texts, big buttons (screen shots).
    This makes it much easier to use, you will find your way instantly.

  2. It is a more lightweight solution, that runs very fast on any computer.
    All you need is your web-browser and an internet connection.

  3. No more need to install or update software on your own computer.
    The software runs on our servers, we manage and update it for you.

  4. No need to deal with database files, image files, settings files, etc..
    We manage all that for you, we even make daily backups for you.

  5. Multiple computers? No more need to sync data back and forth!
    From any computer, just login and instantly work on your up-to-date cloud data.

  6. Need help? No problem, helping you with Connect is easier than ever.
    We can instantly see what you see, even fix problems for you, right then and there!

Try Connect free for 7 days

Here’s how:

2. Collector or Connect, which one is best for you?

The Collector desktop software is the better choice for users who:

  • are advanced computer users, comfortable with installing and updating software, dealing with folders, files, backups, firewall exceptions, security software, file/folder permissions etc…
  • need the most flexible cataloging solution, that can be fully customized in terms of fields, views and layouts.
  • need multiple separate databases (tip: consider merging them and using folders).
  • need to catalog and link to music/movie/ebook files on your local computer.
  • need User Defined Fields (consider using Notes and Tags)
  • need to customize Back Covers, Trailer videos and/or Backdrop images.
  • need the Filter screen. Connect only has a Quick Search box.
  • for music:
    • need to add CDs by CD-ID (by inserting them into your computer).
    • need to entering extensive track level details other than Artist/Title/Length.
    • need the Edit screen’s Classical tab to enter more info for classical music.
    • need to list Credits and Musicians on the Edit screen’s People tab.
  • for books:
    • need the Contents list to catalog sub-sections/chapters of books.
    • need to list Credits and Characters.
  • for movies:
    • need to customize or manually enter your cast and crew listings.
    • need to customize or manually enter episode lists for TV Series.
    • need to modify edition specific Subtitles, Audio Tracks and/or Screen Ratios
  • for comics:
    • need to customize or manually enter Plot, Creator and Character lists

The Connect web-based software is the better choice for users who:

  • do not have any of the “needs” listed above
  • just need a simple way to keep track of their collection and wish list
  • are less computer-savvy, who prefer not to deal with database and image files, software updates, firewall exceptions, security software nightmares, etc…

(BTW: Of course, Connect works great together with the CLZ mobile app and the CLZ Barry barcode scanner app!)

3. Wanna switch? Here’s my “trade-in” offer:

If you want to switch from Collector to Connect or vice versa, then I will “trade-in” your existing license and subscription months and transfer them to the other solution.

To proceed with the switch:

  • First, make sure your CLZ Cloud is up-to-date, by Syncing with CLZ Cloud.
  • Then, contact us here and I will make it happen.
    (make sure to explain which products and in which direction you want to switch!)

TIP: if you own multiple Collector programs, I can switch em all over to Connect in one go, just say the word. (Connect is available in all flavours, so for movies, books, music, comics and video games).

Still need more info?

Finally, if you have any questions about Connect or Collector, contact me here and I will personally get back to you.

Some changes in 4.11.3 for you:

  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options have been moved to the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.

Some changes in 4.12.3 for you:

  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options have been moved to the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.


  • Field default setting for the “Seen it” field did not work.

Some changes in 4.11.4 for you:

  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options have been moved to the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.


  • Add Albums: Release Date wasn’t downloaded.
  • Edit Screen: The Disc Title box had a white background on dark skin.
  • Templates: If no Disc Title has been filled in “Disc #1” etc. will now show.

CLZ Games Mobile

v4.11.1: Secure HTTPS connections

Aug 26, 2018

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our recent GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11, CLZ Games now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Games app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.


  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options have been moved to the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.

CLZ Books Mobile

v4.11.1: Secure HTTPS connections

Aug 26, 2018

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our recent GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11, CLZ Books now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Books app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.


  • The buttons to switch folders, sorting and view options have been moved to more logical places to make them more accessible.
  • The skins and templates options have been moved to the settings screen.
  • The selection mode button has been removed, just tap and hold on an item to start selecting items.


  • Last update made some settings disappear in the settings screen. They are back now.
  • Added bottom margin to the add auto screen on iPhone X to make the add button more reachable
  • The sync screen wasn’t logging local deletes.

Sharper images in Cover View and Card View

This week, we have implemented several changes to the cover images that are shown in Cover View and Card View, making them much sharper/crisper, less blurry.

Also, on computers with a 4k / Ultra HD screen, both the Cover View and the Card will automatically switch to even higher quality images, with twice the resolution!

The difference is huge, check out the screen shots below. But the best way to experience the sharper images is to log in to your own account and look at your own collection!

Other improvements to Cover and Card View

At the same time, we made other improvements to the Cover and Card views, to make them look nicer and to make the scrolling experience smoother and faster:

  • While scrolling, the images now load faster.
  • Scrolling the view while images are loading is now smoother, less “choppy”.
  • The Images view now has black background for a more classy look.
  • In both Images and Card View, while scrolling, it does not first load a placeholder image anymore, it just show the background color until the actual image is loaded, also resulting in a less choppy scrolling experience.


  • “Original release year” folder option


  • Albums added by barcode could sometimes appear without any detail information

It is important to have your album entries linked to the corresponding entries in our Core online music database, because that is what gives you all automatic album details, like song lists, label, cover art, etc..

All album entries you add through the Add Albums screen, by searching our Core, will of course automatically be linked to Core.

However, if you imported a list of albums, e.g. from a CSV file or from a competitor product, some/most of your entries may arrive “unlinked”, especially if you did not import barcodes.

Previously, linking those unlinked entries to Core was a one-by-one job, slow and cumbersome. But we fixed that once and for all, with the new smart Link Albums tool!

This new Link Albums tool automatically finds best matches in our Core online movie database, based on artist, album title and amount of tracks (if you have them) in your list. Then, it lets you auto-link all “high match score” albums, saving you loads and loads of time and clicks!

It is important to have your book entries linked to the corresponding entries in our Core online book database, because that is what gives you all automatic book details, like subjects, genres, Dewey, plot description, cover art, etc..

All book entries you add through the Add Books screen, by searching our Core, will of course automatically be linked to Core.

However, if you imported a list of books, e.g. from a CSV file or from a competitor product, some/most of your entries may arrive “unlinked”, especially if you did not import ISBNs.

Previously, linking those unlinked entries to Core was a one-by-one job, slow and cumbersome. But we fixed that once and for all, with the new smart Link Books tool!

This new Link Books tool automatically finds best matches in our Core online book database, based on author, title and publisher in your list. Then, it lets you auto-link all “high match score” books, saving you loads and loads of time and clicks!

Movie Collector (Windows)

v18.4.3: Box Set covers now also sync down

Aug 16, 2018

Box Set covers now also sync down to your Windows computer should you have added them with Movie Connect or your mobile device. Update from Core will also download a box set cover if the box set was originally added from our online database.


  • Edit Screen: Year dropdown for dates would scroll all the way to the top, now uses current year.
  • Edit Screen: Date Pickers would sometimes not be able to pick today’s date if next/previous was used.
  • Edit Screen: User Defined Fields: Date Picker button was in the wrong place
  • Some cosmetic improvements in various screens.

CLZ Music Mobile

v4.11.2: Fixed a crash while editing albums

Aug 16, 2018


  • Crash in edit screen when adding or removing a track.
  • Crash when an album is removed.

On older macOS versions (10.7, 10.8 and 10.9) the Manage Pick Lists screen weren’t working. We fixed that in this maintenance build (but if you can, we do recommend updating to the latest macOS 🙂 ).

Movie Collector (macOS)

v18.3.3: Fixed Add Movies screen for older macOS versions

Aug 15, 2018

On older macOS versions (10.7, 10.8 and 10.9) the Add Movies screen popup and the Manage Pick Lists screen weren’t working. We fixed that in this maintenance build (but if you can, we do recommend updating to the latest macOS 🙂 ).

It is important to have your game entries linked to the corresponding entries in our Core online game database, because that is what gives you all automatic game details, like developer, publisher, description, cover art, backdrop art, trailer videos, etc..

All game entries you add through the Add Games screen, by searching our Core, will of course automatically be linked to Core.

However, if you imported a list of games, e.g. from a CSV file or from a competitor product, some/most of your entries may arrive “unlinked”, especially if you did not import barcodes.

Previously, linking those unlinked entries to Core was a one-by-one job, slow and cumbersome. But we fixed that once and for all, with the new smart Link Games tool!

This new Link Games tool automatically finds best matches in our Core online game database, based on title and platform in your list. Then, it lets you auto-link all “high match score” games, saving you loads and loads of time and clicks!

Movie Collector (macOS)

v18.3.2: Fix for the Price fields and box set template

Aug 14, 2018

Small maintenance build for Movie Collector today, the price fields in the Edit Movie screen weren’t working correctly and clicking through to another movie in a box set was broken in some cases. All fixed now!


  • Price fields weren’t working correctly
  • Clicking through to another movie inside a box set wasn’t working in images, coverflow and cards view

It is important to have your movie entries linked to the corresponding entries in our Core online movie database, because that is what gives you all automatic movie details, like cast, crew, plot description, cover art, backdrop art, trailer videos, etc..

All movie entries you add through the Add Movies screen, by searching our Core, will of course automatically be linked to Core.

However, if you imported a list of movies, e.g. from a CSV file or from a competitor product, some/most of your entries may arrive “unlinked”, especially if you did not import IMDb numbers or barcodes.

Previously, linking those unlinked entries to Core was a one-by-one job, slow and cumbersome. But we fixed that once and for all, with the new smart Link Movies tool!

This new Link Movies tool automatically finds best matches in our Core online movie database, based on title and release year in your list. Then, it lets you auto-link all “high match score” movies, saving you loads and loads of time and clicks!

Music Collector (macOS)

v18.3.1: More fields now sync to CLZ Cloud and CLZ Music

Aug 14, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, our CLZ Cloud (and Music Connect) has been updated with 8 more fields and loan information. Today’s version 18.3 now supports the syncing of all these new fields and your loan information to the CLZ Cloud and your CLZ Music mobile app!

Added for syncing:

  • Sortname for composers
  • Original Release Date
  • Packaging
  • Media Condition
  • Vinyl Color
  • Vinyl Weight
  • Vinyl RPM
  • Disc Titles

Heads up: after updating to version 18.3, the software will automatically mark most of your albums as “changed”, to force the upload of your data for the new fields to the CLZ Cloud.

New versions of CLZ Music for iOS and Android will be available in the coming days to allow the new fields to be synced there too!

CLZ Music Mobile

v4.11.1: More editable fields!

Aug 14, 2018

By popular demand, we have added more editable fields to CLZ Music:

Fields that are now fully editable:

  • Sortnames for composers
  • Original Release Date (exists next to regular release date)
  • Packaging
  • Media Condition (the old Condition field is now “Package/Sleeve Condition”)
  • Vinyl Color
  • Vinyl Weight
  • Vinyl RPM
  • Disc Title

But wait, that’s not all: All the above fields now also sync to and from the CLZ Cloud!

Secure HTTPS connections, for your security and privacy

As indicated in our GDPR email, we are updating our software and services, to be more secure and to better protect your privacy.

Starting with version 4.11 CLZ Music now uses secure HTTPS connections for all communications with our servers:

  • for logging in with your username and password
  • for syncing your data with CLZ Cloud
  • for sending your searches to Core.

To make this possible, we have created new secure “entry points” on our servers, that are only allowing secure HTTPS connections. The new CLZ Music app only communicates with those secure entry points.

For your privacy and security, we strongly recommend updating your app to v4.11.


  • Last update made some settings disappear in the settings screen. They are back now.
  • Added bottom margin to the add auto screen on iPhone X to make the add button more reachable
  • The sync screen wasn’t logging local deletes.