News & updates tagged 'server'


[CLZ News] What’s cooking at CLZ?

Jul 30, 2021

Here it is, the CLZ Newsletter for July 2021.
Now, this could be a very short newsletter, because we did only ONE release this month: the CLZ Games 6.4 update on July 2 (the one with the new look).
But I won’t let you get away that easily:-) Instead, I am turning today’s newsletter into a big “What’s cooking at CLZ?” overview!

Even though we did no further releases, we have not exactly been sitting on our hands this month. Big projects are underway, some preparing for big releases in August, but also some “behind the scenes” work to improve our online services.

So… here’s what’s cooking:

  • CLZ Music 6.4 for iOS and Android: lots of new fields
    support for all new cloud fields that were introduced recently (Musicians, Credits, Headers in track lists, etc..)
  • For all Windows editions: new “Transfer Field Data” tool
    an advanced tool for batch copying data from from one field to another.
  • Submit to Core site re-write
    a new design and fully mobile ready!
  • Moving to a new server infrastructure
    full scalable, more secure and more cost-effective
  • Better ISBN coverage for some European countries
    implementing new data sources for European ISBNs.

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CLZ Alwin here, with a September Newsletter filled with updates about our “Collector” desktop editions for Windows and macOS, including the first news about the upcoming version 19!

All of today’s topics:

  • Book/Music Collector for macOS: Improved Add from Core screens
  • All Windows editions: Improved stability + better Find Cover tool
  • All Windows/Mac editions: Version 19 is coming soon!
  • CLZ apps for Android: Easier to find Folder and Sort options
  • FIVE (!!) extra CLZ servers = no more daily backup slowness!
  • Connect: new customization settings, Dark/Light Skin selection coming up
  • Reminder: Switch from Collector to Connect, or vice versa, with our trade-in offer

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CLZ Music Web

Core/Cloud databases moved to new servers

Nov 03, 2015

Today, we have completed the big project of moving our 5 Core and Cloud databases to a new server solution. Previously, everything was running on two high performance dedicated machines: one for all databases and websites, the second for all cover images.

For better performance, stability and scalability, we are now splitting up all services into multiple separate cloud-based solutions:

  • 5 separate database servers for all 5 Core+Cloud databases

    Status: completed today!

  • 5 separate storage servers / delivery networks for all cover images.

    Status: preparing the switch now. ETA: several weeks.

  • 1 new fast web server for the Cloud, Core and Connect sites and services.

    ETA: within 2 months.

CLZ Alwin here, with a quick FYI:

In the past week, we have had severe performance problems and even several downtime periods on one of our servers. To be specific: the problem server was the one than runs our central online databases, the CLZ Cloud, the Connect software and the Barry server. Read more


What’s up at the CLZ HQ ?

Aug 29, 2011 Newsletter August 2011
Busy days at the CLZ HQ. Finalizing Barry for Android, 4 programmers working on the Mac software, rewriting the clz websites… and in the meantime also moving our database and millions of cover images to new hardware. Fun!

In today’s news summary for August:

  • Using a Mac? Then join the CLZ Mac Club!
  • CLZ Barry for iOS is live!
  • Upgrading our database server (again)
  • Other news (Connect,, Features pages)

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Database ServerYes, we’re upgrading the hardware of the central online database server again.

This server is the host of all five online media databases, for movies, books, music, comic books and video games.
In other words, this central machine is the source of all search results, the items details and all cover images that you get when using your Add Automatically screen.

Our Connect web-apps, the online editions of our software, are also located on this database server.

And finally, it runs the online part of the CLZ Barry system. It is this machine that generates your Barry ID for you and what lets Barry and Buddy “talk to each other”.

You can imagine how important this server is to us and to you all, our customers 🙂 Ensuring this system is fast and always up and running is essential. So that’s why we’re giving it more powerrr !
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