News & updates tagged 'edit album'

A big update for your Music Connect web-based software today, which is all about pick list fields.

Pick list fields (and the pick lists behind them) are an important part of your music database. These are the fields in the Edit screen that let you pick from a list of possible values, with that list being fully configurable by you the user.
Examples of pick list fields are Location, Owner, Genres and Tags (both multi value pick list fields), but also Artist and Label.

Now, a lot of the questions we usually get about Music Connect are related to pick list fields and can usually be answered with:

“Just use the Manage Pick Lists screen”

Renaming Locations, Merging duplicate Artists, fixing artist sort problems, fixing typos in musician names, etc… it is all done in the Manage Pick Lists (MPL) screen. An important and powerful screen, but… not so easy to find if you don’t know where to look or don’t even know what to look for.

With today’s Connect update, we are making this a lot easier: We have improved the Manage Pick Lists screen itself AND made it more accessible / discoverable:

In short:

  • Improved Manage Pick Lists (MPL) screen
  • Easy access to the MPL screen right from the folder panel
  • Refreshed Edit Comic screen, with better pick list fields and direct MPL access

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CLZ Music Web

Edit Album: improved track list editing

May 07, 2020

After feedback from some of our most active Music Connect users, we decided to make several improvements to the track editing on the Tracks tab of the Edit Album screen:

  • After clicking Add Track, the cursor is automatically put in the Title box of the added track.
  • Hitting Enter while in the Title box of the last track now automatically adds another tracks AND puts the cursor in its Title box.
  • Re-order discs by dragging the disc tabs.
  • Use checkboxes to select tracks. From the blue action bar that appears, you can now:
    • Remove the selected tracks
    • AutoCap the selected tracks
    • and (NEW): move the selected tracks to another disc