News & updates tagged 'adding' (page 8)
v16.4.4: More improvements to Add Movies Automatically screen
- Title searches: Search-As-You-Type suggestions drop-down now includes an extra entry “Show all results”, to take you directly to the “normal” title search results.
- Title searches are now much faster, as the program does not download all edition listings for all movies anymore. It now downloads these “on demand”, only for the movie entries that you expand to see the edition list.
- Previewing a result is now much faster too.
- Export to XML is now capable of exporting large databases without “Out of Memory” errors, as it now writes the XML directly to hard disk. This is a bit slower though.
- Add/Modify Filter: “Contains” filters were always case insensitive even when “case sensitive” was checked.
- Edit Multiple: F8 didn’t clear price values.
- Redesigned Selection Mode screen.
- New floating “+” button with in Add screens, with “Add to Collection” / “Add to Wish List” options.
- Fixed: empty menus on some devices.
New: “Search-As-You-Type” suggestions when adding movies by title
If you are adding most of your movies “By Title”, then this will be a huge time-saver.
Here’s how the new “Search-As-You-Type” feature works:
- In the Add Movies Automatically screen, just start typing the first letters of the title you want to add.
- While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the five most popular titles that match,
including the release year and a small thumbnail image. - For recent / popular movies, it usually takes only 2 or 3 letter before it shows up.
For older or less popular movies, type a few more letters. - Once you see your movie appear, use the arrow keys to select it, then hit Enter.
- Then under Search Results, that exact movie will be listed, automatically Previewed on the right.
- Click the Add Selected button to add it to your database.
- New: App now remembers the last opened tab in the add automatically screen
- Small details template adjustments
- Fixed local search not working on tablet devices
- Fixed auto selection in main list not working on tablet devices
- Fixed several crashes on smaller tablet devices
We have completely rewritten our Core for Comics search engine, that is, the online code that gives you results when you search our Core by Title in your Add screen.
The new search engines will provide better search results that are more “to-the-point” and less “fuzzy”. Also, results will be returned much faster.
- Program could throw a “Handle is invalid” error after multiple edits
- Program could throw an “Handle is invalid” error after multiple edits
- Add Comics Automatically: checked results would stay checked after adding them
- Program could throw a “Handle is invalid” error after multiple edits
- Add Movie Automatically: wrong entries could be removed from the queue after adding movies in “queue mode”
v16.4.1: “Search-As-You-Type” suggestions when adding movies by title
If you are adding most of your movies “By Title”, then this will be a huge time-saver.
Here’s how the new “Search-As-You-Type” feature works:
- In the Add Movies Automatically screen, just start typing the first letters of the title you want to add.
- While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the five most popular titles that match,
including the release year and a small thumbnail image. - For recent / popular movies, it usually takes only 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.
For older or less popular movies, type a few more letters. - Once you see your movie appear, use the arrow keys to select it, then hit Enter.
- Then under Search Results, that exact movie will be listed, automatically Previewed on the right.
- Click the Add Selected button to add it to your database.
- Fixed already in collection highlighting in the add by barcode screen
- Fixed selection of issues in barcode search results
- Fixed losing changes when suspending the app while editing
- Fixed already in collection highlighting in the add auto screens
- Fixed losing changes when suspending the app while editing
- Fixed release year not downloading when adding by title/barcode
- Fixed already in collection highlighting in the add auto screens
- Fixed cover section in the add manually screen on phones
- Fixed broken add location button in the edit screen
- Edit Album: Index number was cleared after editing
- Printing from the menu threw a “class TPageControl not found” error
- Add Albums Automatically: the search queue was showing Catalog Number instead of Artist and Barcode was showing twice
- Add Automatically: It wasn’t possible to select a result from the result list.
- Main Screen: 2 Panels Horizontal Layout: view sizes were not restored.
- Add Automatically: By barcode: Sometimes a new book was added without barcode.
- Manage Pick Lists: sometimes no warning was shown for duplicated items.
- CLZ Cloud Sync: Fixed a crash when down-syncing a new book.
- 2 Panels Mode: Folders were always sorted by article.
- Folders: Preference “Ignore SortName of Person Item” was not working.
- CLZ Cloud Sync: Fixed a crash when down-syncing a new comic.
- CLZ Cloud Sync: Series: Sort Names were not always synced.
- Add Auto: When adding a new Comic, customised Series Names were overwritten.
- 2 Panel Mode: Folders were always sorted by article.
- Folders: Preference “Ignore SortName of Person Item” was not working.
- Main Screen: 2 Panels Horizontal Layout: view sizes were not restored.
- Add Automatically: By barcode: Sometimes a new movie was added without barcode.
- Manage Pick Lists: sometimes no warning was shown for duplicated items.
- CLZ Cloud Sync: Fixed a crash when down-syncing a new movie.
- 2 Panels Mode: Folders were always sorted by article.
- Folders: Preference “Ignore SortName of Person Item” was not working.
We have completely rewritten our Core for Movie search engine, that is, the online code that gives you results when you search our Core by Title in your Add screen.
The new search engines will provide better search results that are more “to-the-point” and less “fuzzy”. Also, results will be returned much faster.
- Fixed crash while syncing broken images
- Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards
- Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards
- Search not working correctly after updating a game from core
- Fixed crash while syncing broken images
- Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards
- Fixed the seen it folder not working when a collection status filter was active
- Fixed crash while syncing broken images
- Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards
- Search not working correctly after updating a book from Core
- Fixed crash while syncing broken images
- Edit In List: some checkboxes didn’t trigger a sync change
- Cards View: Find Cover: select new cover. New Cover was not displayed.
- Add Auto: Queue mode > Add Selected: sometimes all (not selected) queue items were added
- Main Screen: 2 Horizontal Panels: Layout Sizes were not restored
- Add Automatically: By Barcode: Sometimes a new album was added without barcode
- Manage Pick Lists: Didn’t always show any warning for duplicate items
- Edit In List: some checkboxes didn’t trigger a sync change
- Cards View: Find Cover: select new cover. New Cover was not displayed.
- Add Auto: Queue mode > Add Selected: sometimes all (not selected) queue items were added
- Main Screen: 2 Horizontal Panels: Layout Sizes were not restored
- Add Automatically: By Barcode: Sometimes a new comic was added without barcode
- Manage Pick Lists: Didn’t always show any warning for duplicate items
v16.0.7: Added ISBN icon back into the template and some more fixes
- Templates:
- Credits with role “Author” were not listed
- Template: ISBN icon was missing
- Duplicate Book: Stories were not copied
- Main Screen: Edit in List
- un(checking) checkbox lists didn’t trigger a “sync change”
- changing “Read It” and “Changing Date” didn’t trigger a “sync change”
- Cards View: the new cover was not displayed using Find Cover
- Add Auto: sometimes not selected queue items were also added using “Add Selected” in queue mode