v16.4.1: “Search-As-You-Type” suggestions when adding movies by title
If you are adding most of your movies “By Title”, then this will be a huge time-saver.
Here’s how the new “Search-As-You-Type” feature works:
- In the Add Movies Automatically screen, just start typing the first letters of the title you want to add.
- While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the five most popular titles that match,
including the release year and a small thumbnail image. - For recent / popular movies, it usually takes only 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.
For older or less popular movies, type a few more letters. - Once you see your movie appear, use the arrow keys to select it, then hit Enter.
- Then under Search Results, that exact movie will be listed, automatically Previewed on the right.
- Click the Add Selected button to add it to your database.
Important: this is an *extra* tool, that makes it easier and faster to add recent and/or popular movies
(although you should be able to find any older or less popular movie by typing more letters).
It is not a replacement of the normal title search, which still works like it always did 🙂
Some background: This new tool is doing an online search request to our server with every letter you type in the Search box, the results instantly updating the drop-down list with the 5 most popular matches.
To make these instant “suggestions” possible, our webdev guys have developed a completely new movie suggestions search engine. This new “Search-As-You-Type” engine is now running on its’ own separate web-server in our server farm.
See it in action:
- Main Screen: the folder tree was wrapping the folder names, causing a messy list.
- Edit Episode: field labels didn’t show personalized field names.
- When working offline, closing the program could cause Access Violations.