What's new in Movie Collector? 2015

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.1.1: Find Cover systems now all use Bing Image Search

Dec 03, 2015

Find Image Online tool now uses Bing Image Search

The Find Image Online tool previously used Google Images to find images.

However, it turns out that on December 1, Google terminated the free Google Image Search API
that we were using, causing our Find Image Online functionality to stop working.

Google provides a new paid version of the Search API, but it is limited to max 10K searches per day.
With the amount of customers we have, we need at least 20K daily searches (600K per month!) 🙁

The solution: Switch to BING!

Microsoft also offers a paid Bing Image Search API and this one has no limits.
Or, to be more precise, they let us pay more for higher limits.

We immediately went to work and updated all our Windows and Mac programs
to use Bing Images for the Find Image Online tool instead.
Obviously, this generates considerable extra monthly costs (well over US $1,000),
but we have decided that we will NOT pass on these extra costs to our customers.

So here it is: the new Find Image Online, powered by Bing. Enjoy!


  • Freezes at start up for some users, caused by the webcam detection.

Movie Collector (Windows)

v16.0.1: Movie Collector V16: Quicksilver

Nov 30, 2015

Webcam barcode scanning

Use your webcam as a barcode scanner, to add or find movies by barcode.

  • Scan barcodes with your webcam
    Just use the live camera view to point your webcam at a barcode
    and let our software detect the barcode that is in view.
  • Use the webcam scanner to add movies by barcode
    Pop-up the scan window and scan DVDs or Blu-rays,
    either using Direct Search or scanning into the Queue.
  • Or use it in the main screen to find movies by barcode
    Scan a DVD or Blu-ray while in the main screen,
    to quickly search your local database by barcode.
  • Works best with auto-focus or manual-focus webcams
    Fixed focus cameras will not work well (or at all).

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