News & updates released in 2016 (page 9)

NEW: Movies vs TV Series

While talking to our loyal users, we often hear that, on their shelves, they are separating their movies and TV series. Hey, I do the same myself 🙂

However, in Movie Collector, the two are always all mixed together in the same list. So we figured, why not allow users to separate their TV Series in Movie Collector too?

So here’s what we created for v16.3:

  • Use the new “Is TV Series?” field in the Edit Movie screen to make a distinction between your TV Series and other entries.
  • Then use folders (or the new Quick Filter panel!) to show TV Series only, other entries only (or all together).

Please note:

  • The “Is TV Series” field will be automatically set for new entries that you add from Core using the Add Movies Automatically screen.
  • For existing entries in your database, the “Is TV Series” field will be automatically set based on the presence of either an episode list or a link. You may want to check your entries though, to see if the automatic system missed some TV Series.

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We have completely rewritten our Core for Movie search engine, that is, the online code that gives you results when you search our Core by Title in your Add screen.

The new search engines will provide better search results that are more “to-the-point” and less “fuzzy”. Also, results will be returned much faster.

CLZ Alwin here, with the CLZ News for May 2016.
This month we saw great progress in some areas, but delays in others:

A nice feature update for iOS, but some technical difficulties on Android, causing delays in getting the same features out for droid fans. (we did add the requested No-Limits packs for both though!).

An improved Core search engine for movies (now live in all movie editions), but further delays in launching the new v16.3 versions for Windows.

Here’s what’s live and what’s cooking:

  • Live: Better Add By Title searches for movies.
  • Live: Easier editing and Field Defaults for the iOS apps.
  • Live: new “No Limits” purchase option for all iOS and Android apps.
  • Cooking: Quick Filter panel + Light vs Dark Skin options for the Windows programs.

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  • Fixed crash while syncing broken images
  • Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards

  • Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards
  • Search not working correctly after updating a game from core
  • Fixed crash while syncing broken images

  • Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards
  • Fixed the seen it folder not working when a collection status filter was active
  • Fixed crash while syncing broken images

  • Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards
  • Search not working correctly after updating a book from Core
  • Fixed crash while syncing broken images

  • Fixed barcode search not working with hardware keyboards
  • Fixed wrongly pre-selected search result in barcode search
  • Fixed rare crash in the main screen
  • Fixed crash while syncing broken images

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.0.7: Maintenance build

May 24, 2016


  • Edit In List: some checkboxes didn’t trigger a sync change
  • Cards View: Find Cover: select new cover. New Cover was not displayed.
  • Add Auto: Queue mode > Add Selected: sometimes all (not selected) queue items were added
  • Main Screen: 2 Horizontal Panels: Layout Sizes were not restored
  • Add Automatically: By Barcode: Sometimes a new album was added without barcode
  • Manage Pick Lists: Didn’t always show any warning for duplicate items

Comic Collector (macOS)

v16.0.8: Maintenance build

May 24, 2016


  • Edit In List: some checkboxes didn’t trigger a sync change
  • Cards View: Find Cover: select new cover. New Cover was not displayed.
  • Add Auto: Queue mode > Add Selected: sometimes all (not selected) queue items were added
  • Main Screen: 2 Horizontal Panels: Layout Sizes were not restored
  • Add Automatically: By Barcode: Sometimes a new comic was added without barcode
  • Manage Pick Lists: Didn’t always show any warning for duplicate items

CLZ Games Mobile

v4.1.1: New: Field Defaults screen

May 23, 2016


  • Settings / Field Defaults: choose field values that will be set for each new entry automatically.
  • Edit screen improvements:
    • Improved layout to make it easier on the eye
    • New “Select Value” screen for easier entry of pick list fields (e.g. Artist, Format, Genre, etc…)
    • Cancel and Done buttons have been moved to the top bar.
    • New Delete button at the bottom.

CLZ Comics Mobile

v4.1.1: New: Field Defaults screen

May 23, 2016


  • Settings / Field Defaults: choose field values that will be set for each new entry automatically.
  • Edit screen improvements:
    • Improved layout to make it easier on the eye
    • New “Select Value” screen for easier entry of pick list fields (e.g. Artist, Format, Genre, etc…)
    • Cancel and Done buttons have been moved to the top bar.
    • New Delete button at the bottom.

CLZ Books Mobile

v4.1.1: New: Field Defaults screen

May 23, 2016


  • Settings / Field Defaults: choose field values that will be set for each new entry automatically.
  • Edit screen improvements:
    • Improved layout to make it easier on the eye
    • New “Select Value” screen for easier entry of pick list fields (e.g. Artist, Format, Genre, etc…)
    • Cancel and Done buttons have been moved to the top bar.
    • New Delete button at the bottom.

CLZ Movies Mobile

v4.1.1: New: Field Defaults screen

May 23, 2016


  • Settings / Field Defaults: choose field values that will be set for each new entry automatically.
  • Edit screen improvements:
    • Improved layout to make it easier on the eye
    • New “Select Value” screen for easier entry of pick list fields (e.g. Artist, Format, Genre, etc…)
    • Cancel and Done buttons have been moved to the top bar.
    • New Delete button at the bottom.

CLZ Music Mobile

v4.1.1: New: Field Defaults screen

May 23, 2016


  • Settings / Field Defaults: choose field values that will be set for each new entry automatically.
  • Edit screen improvements:
    • Improved layout to make it easier on the eye
    • New “Select Value” screen for easier entry of pick list fields (e.g. Artist, Format, Genre, etc…)
    • Cancel and Done buttons have been moved to the top bar.
    • New Delete button at the bottom.


  • Templates:
    • Credits with role “Author” were not listed
    • Template: ISBN icon was missing
  • Duplicate Book: Stories were not copied
  • Main Screen: Edit in List
    • un(checking) checkbox lists didn’t trigger a “sync change”
    • changing “Read It” and “Changing Date” didn’t trigger a “sync change”
  • Cards View: the new cover was not displayed using Find Cover
  • Add Auto: sometimes not selected queue items were also added using “Add Selected” in queue mode


  • Templates: Template: Barcode icon was missing
  • Main Screen: Edit in List
    • un(checking) checkbox lists didn’t trigger a “sync change”
    • changing “Seen It” and “Changing Date” didn’t trigger a “sync change”
  • Cards View: the new cover was not displayed using Find Cover
  • Add Auto: sometimes not selected queue items were also added using “Add Selected” in queue mode
  • Export to Text: Running Time was not displaying in correct format

CLZ Comics Mobile

v4.0.2: New Collection Status folder option added

May 09, 2016


  • New folder option: Collection Status: group comics by their Collection Status (Collection, Wish List, On Order, For Sale)


  • Fixed login error that could occur
  • Search not working correctly after updating a comic from Core

CLZ Movies Mobile

v4.0.5: Added fast scrolling to folder item list

May 04, 2016

  • Fixed crash when changing sort order while in a folder.
  • Fixed wrong number of search results displayed when searching in a folder
  • Fixed lists not refreshed properly after editing (on phone)
  • Fixed IMDB folder showing 10 star rated movies as 1 star rated
  • Folder item list is now fast-scrollable

Music Collector (macOS)

v16.0.6: Added a new menu option and some fixes

May 03, 2016


  • New Maintenance tool: Tools > Maintenance > Open database location
  • Add Auto screen: “automatically close after queue is emptied” was not working
  • Table Sorting: Empty values were not sorted correctly
  • Template: Barcode icon was missing


  • Add Auto screen: “automatically close after queue is emptied” was not working
  • Table Sorting: Empty values were not sorted correctly
  • Edit In List: Edit Read It & Changing Date didn’t trigger a “sync change”
  • Template: Barcode icon was missing

CLZ Movies Mobile

v4.0.4: Added new folder options

May 02, 2016

New folder options:

  • IMDb Rating: group movies into folders based on IMDb Rating
  • Collection Status: group movies by their Collection Status
    (Collection, Wish List, On Order, For Sale)

Also fixed a couple of bugs.

This is Alwin, of, with this month’s CLZ Newsletter.

April was a quiet month, that is, in terms of big releases. However, at the CLZ HQ it has not been quiet at all, as we’re working on some great updates, all to be released within the next 4 weeks:

  • Windows editions: Quick Filter panel + Light vs Dark Skin options
  • iOS apps: Field Defaults screen + Re-designed Edit screens.
  • Android apps: new folder options.
  • Core : improved “Add by Title” searches for all editions.

Read more

We have completely rewritten our Core for Games search engine, that is, the online code that gives you results when you search our Core by Title in your Add screen.

The new search engines will provide better search results that are more “to-the-point” and less “fuzzy”. Also, results will be returned much faster.

Comic Collector (Windows)

v16.2.5: Fixed an bug in Edit Multiple Comics screen and more

Apr 21, 2016


  • Edit Multiple Comics would always uncheck the “Trade Paperback” checkbox
  • Main Screen: Scrolling the Details View with the mouse wheel would scroll the list when the scroll bar reached the top
  • Sync with Cloud: cancelling sync didn’t always work