News & updates tagged 'trailer'

Game Collector (Windows)

v23.1: Game trailers now appear as clickable thumbnails

Nov 25, 2022

Another update for your Game Collector software, that could make using the software quite a bit faster and more responsive!

In this update, we are changing the way Youtube trailer videos are shown in the details panel. Instead of an embedded YouTube player (which can be very slow to load), the trailers are displayed as a list of video thumbnails and title. Just click to open the video on the Youtube site.

This new setup has the following advantages:

  • Browsing through your games is a lot faster now.

    No more annoying “hangs” while the Youtube video loads.
  • It resolves the problem of many videos not being “allowed” to be embedded nowadays.
  • Clicking a trailer will now always open it in your default browser!

    (previously it always opened in Internet Explorer)

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Movie Collector (Windows)

v23.1: Movie trailers now appear as clickable thumbnails

Nov 25, 2022

Another update for your Movie Collector software, that could make using the software quite a bit faster and more responsive!

In this update, we are changing the way Youtube trailer videos are shown in the details panel. Instead of an embedded YouTube player (which can be very slow to load), the trailers are displayed as a list of video thumbnails and title. Just click to open the video on the Youtube site.

This new setup has the following advantages:

  • Browsing through your movies is a lot faster now.

    No more annoying “hangs” while the Youtube video loads.
  • It resolves the problem of many videos not being “allowed” to be embedded nowadays.
  • Clicking a trailer will now always open it in your default browser!

    (previously it always opened in Internet Explorer)

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Wow, lots of unexpected fun this week ! 🙂

This Monday, Adobe released a new version 19 of their Flash player and immediately our support guys and gal got swamped with reports of broken trailer videos in Movie Collector and Game Collector.

So instead of working on the projects they had planned to work on, Ronald and AJ spent most of this week investigating the problem and trying to come up with a solution.

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