News & updates tagged 'removing'

About a month ago, we introduced a new “quick edit” pop-up screen, that is probably already saving you a lot of clicks and page refreshes.

Today we’re taking the next step: Batch editing!

  • Click the Select button top right
  • Now click entries in your list to select them. They will highlight in light blue.
  • Now click Edit on the top right to open the Batch Edit screen.
  • Check the checkbox of the fields you want to change, then enter the new value.
  • Click Save to apply the changes to all selected items.

This is a very powerful feature that will save you lots of time.
But beware, as Uncle Ben once said: “With great power comes great responsibility”!


BTW: the same selecting system can now be used to remove multiple items in one go.
Super-handy but even scarier if you make a mistake. So be careful!