News & updates tagged 'mobile'

This is CLZ Alwin, with the CLZ Newsletter for June 2019.
Sytske and I just returned from a 7-day road trip to the south of France, so this newsletter is arriving in your inbox a few days later than normal. But we’re back at the CLZ HQ now and ready to roll!

These are exciting times, as we have finally started releasing the version 5 updates for the CLZ mobile apps (CLZ Music 5.0 and CLZ Books 5.0 are live, with the other 3 coming up soon!).

Next to that, we are close to the launch of two huge updates to our Core online databases for comics and games, which will enable us to finally release THE most often requested features for our comic and game database solutions. Read on for the big news!

Today’s topics:

  • Version 5.0 for all CLZ mobile apps:
    • Starting with v5, these are subscription apps, at $1.49 / month
    • Now live: CLZ Books 5.0 and CLZ Music 5.0 for Android and iOS
    • Coming up: v5.0 for CLZ Movies, CLZ Games and CLZ Comics
  • Coming up: Get Comic Pricing from Core, powered by
  • Coming up: Add Hardware from Core & Add Games by Platform

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Here’s the CLZ News for May 2019, as always brought to you by CLZ Alwin.

Judging from Facebook posts and support tickets, some users of the CLZ mobile apps are getting restless, asking us “when is there going to be an update for my CLZ app again?!?”… and understandably so. After all, the last updates were in December 2018… ouch!

As you know, we have been working on v5 updates for all apps. Which was a huge project by itself, but it has gotten bigger and bigger as we went along. Some parts of the project turned out to be more complex than they seemed at first. Next to that, more features got added to the v5 wish list.
I apologize for the long wait… but the wait will soon be over. We’re almost ready to release the first v5, which will be CLZ MUSIC. ETA within 2 weeks, maybe even next week!

So… with no Windows and Mac releases in May either, this turns out to be a fully cloud-based “Connect Only” newsletter! The topics today:

  • Connect: New Duplicate Finder tool
  • Connect / CLZ Cloud: Resizable columns in List View
  • Connect / CLZ Cloud: More import tools
  • Coming up for Connect and CLZ Cloud: multi-level folders!

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