News & updates tagged 'editing' (page 8)

Book Collector (macOS)

v16.0.4: Fixed some template issues and more

Mar 22, 2016


  • Templates: changing Read It/Rating didn’t trigger a change for syncing
  • Templates: 2 panels mode with selected folder: selection was lost after changing “Read It”
  • Edit in List: Edit Rating was not working
  • Templates: Online Links: “https” URLs didn’t open
  • Cover Flow panel now has a black background
  • Performance: Statistics are no longer updated if not necessary
  • Sort Sets selection was sometimes lost after restarting the app
  • Main Screen: “Collection status” filter selection was not remembered after restarting the app

Movie Collector (macOS)

v16.0.4: Fixed some template issues and more

Mar 22, 2016


  • Templates: Changing Seen It/Rating didn’t trigger a change for syncing.
  • Templates: 2 panels mode with selected folder: selection was lost after changing “Seen It”.
  • Templates: Online Links: “https” URLs didn’t open.
  • Edit in List: Edit Rating was not working.
  • Cover Flow panel now has a black background.
  • Performance: Statistics are no longer updated if not necessary.
  • Sort Sets selection was sometimes lost after restarting the app.
  • Main Screen: “Collection status” filter selection was not remembered after restarting the app.

CLZ Books Web

More editable fields in Book Connect

Jul 01, 2015

This week, we updated both our CLZ Cloud storage for books and the Book Connect software with 8 extra data fields:

  • Plot
  • Dewey Number
  • Country
  • Language
  • LoC Control Number (LCCN)
  • LoC Classification
  • Width
  • Height

All these fields are now synchronized to and from the Book Collector and CLZ Books programs AND are now editable in your Book Connect software.

Read more

About a month ago, we introduced a new “quick edit” pop-up screen, that is probably already saving you a lot of clicks and page refreshes.

Today we’re taking the next step: Batch editing!

  • Click the Select button top right
  • Now click entries in your list to select them. They will highlight in light blue.
  • Now click Edit on the top right to open the Batch Edit screen.
  • Check the checkbox of the fields you want to change, then enter the new value.
  • Click Save to apply the changes to all selected items.

This is a very powerful feature that will save you lots of time.
But beware, as Uncle Ben once said: “With great power comes great responsibility”!


BTW: the same selecting system can now be used to remove multiple items in one go.
Super-handy but even scarier if you make a mistake. So be careful!

Today’s update is a Connect-only update, not available in the CLZ Cloud viewer. After all, editing items is a privilege of the paid Connect subscriptions 🙂

The Edit screen is now a pop-up window, similar to the desktop software, that can be opened from anywhere: from the List View, Cover View, Card View or from an item’s detail page. Opening the edit pop-up from the main list will save you a lot of clicks and page refreshes.

(Previously, editing could only be done on the Edit page, which was only accessible from the Details page of an item.)
