News & updates tagged '2020'

This is CLZ Alwin, with the last newsletter for this strange 2020. All CLZ team members have been working from home for most of the year. With the Netherlands being in lockdown, I suspect it will stay like this for quite a while in 2021 too 🙁
Still, we were able to make lots of progress on our products and services in 2020, no problems there. And we’ve got big plans for 2021, so lots more to come!

BTW: did you know we celebrated our 20th anniversary this month? I started work on the first program in 1996 (Music Collector), but the company was officially founded in December 2000, 20 years ago!
In a normal year, this would mean a nice long weekend trip with the entire team, to a city in Europe (we’ve done Berlin and London for our 10th and 15th anniversaries). But of course, no such trip was possible this year :-(.
Let’s hope 2021 will bring us back to normal life.

For now: The entire CLZ team wishes you a happy, healthy and safe 2021: Martin, Rowdy, Sven, Stijn, Joel, AJ, Pim, Joe, Bernard, Sytske and me, CLZ Alwin!

Wanna see faces with the names? Here’s a picture of the team during our online Christmas party via Google Meet!

Now, this is the CLZ News for December 2020:

  • New “Pre-fill” screens for Connect and mobile apps
  • Comic Connect: Missing Comics tool
  • Comic Collector 21 for Windows
  • V20.2 for all Mac editions: Now fully Big Sur compatible

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Today we had our annual Christmas party, 2020 style. Which meant we celebrated from our home offices, using Google Meet, all dressed up, with nice food and drinks.

We started the meet with unpacking our Christmas gifts and then played an online pubquiz won by team Rowdy and his family. We had great fun and it felt like we were all together, although apart.

In the photo, from left to right, top to bottom:
Alwin, AJ and friend, Bernard, Joe, Joël, Martin and daughter Melody, Rowdy, Stijn with mom, Sven, Sytske.

Happy Holidays from the CLZ Team!!

The end of the year is approaching fast, so this is CLZ Alwin with the final CLZ Newsletter for 2019. It’s been a very busy year, in which we implemented important changes and improvements. But we’re not slowing down now, as we have big plans for “twenty twenty”!

For now: a Happy 2020 from the entire CLZ Team: Martin, Rowdy, Sven, Stijn, Joel, AJ, Pim, Joe, Bernard, Sytske and me, CLZ Alwin! Wanna see faces with the names? Here’s a picture of the team, all dressed up for our annual CLZ Christmas dinner!

So, what happened in December 2019? :

  • Collector desktop software:
    • V20 for macOS: Dark Mode and many new sync fields
    • Coming up: V20 for Windows, Stats + Sort and Search the folder panel
  • CLZ mobile apps:
    • CLZ Movies / CLZ Books: new Statistics screen
  • Connect web-based software:
    • Sort your folder panel by the numbers
    • Comic Connect: Add Comics now auto-searches for current series
    • Comic Connect: New: Collection/Wish List summaries for series

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