News & updates (page 33)

CLZ Music Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Feb 21, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular album in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the artist or title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching albums.
    (for most albums, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the album you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Notes
  • Tags

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Album Artist
  • Album Composer
  • Track Title
  • Track Artist
  • Notes
  • Tags


  • Faster loading of details screen.
  • Albums with multiple discs could sometimes lose discs if they are edited immediately after adding them.
  • Crash within a few seconds of opening the app.
  • Crash when pressing ‘Change account info’ in the sync screen.

CLZ Games Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Feb 21, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular game in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching games (for most games, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up).
  • Once you see the game you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Series
  • Descriptions
  • Notes
  • Tags

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Platform
  • Series
  • Descriptions
  • Notes
  • Tags


  • Faster loading of details screen.
  • Crash within a few seconds of opening the app.
  • Crash when pressing ‘Change account info’ in the sync screen.

CLZ Comics Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Feb 21, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular series in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of series title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching series.
    (for most series, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the series you were looking for, tap it to bring it up in the list
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Series Group
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Series Title
  • Issue Title
  • Barcode
  • Crossover
  • StoryArc
  • Credit Name
  • Character Name
  • Series Group
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes


  • Faster loading of details screen.
  • Crash within a few seconds of opening the app.
  • Crash when pressing ‘Change account info’ in the sync screen.

CLZ Books Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Feb 21, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular book in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the author or title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching books.
    (for most books, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the book you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Subtitle
  • Series
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control Nr
  • Dewey
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Author
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
  • Subtitle
  • Series
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control Nr
  • Dewey
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes


  • Faster loading of details screen.
  • Crash within a few seconds of opening the app.
  • Crash when pressing ‘Change account info’ in the sync screen.

CLZ Movies Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Feb 21, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular movie :

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the movie title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching movies.
    (for most movies, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the movie you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Plot
  • Episode Titles for TV series
  • Notes
  • Tags
  • Series

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Title Extension
  • Original Title
  • Barcode
  • Actors
  • Directors
  • Writers
  • Producers
  • Plot
  • Episode Titles for TV series
  • Notes
  • Tags
  • Series


  • Crash within a few seconds of opening the app.
  • Crash when pressing ‘Change account info’ in the sync screen.

CLZ Books Web

Search box now searches more fields

Feb 19, 2018

Up until today, the quick search box in Book Connect (and the CLZ Cloud viewer for books) only searched in the Title, Author, ISBN, Year and Tags fields. Pretty limited, but necessary for performance reasons.

However, with the new search engine we created last year, it became possible to search more fields while keeping the search super-fast. So lets use that capability!

From now on, if you use the search box, it will also search in many more fields. The complete lists of fields that are now searched:

  • Author
  • Title
  • ISBN
  • Year
  • Tags
  • Subtitle
  • Dewey
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control
  • Publisher
  • Series
  • Notes
  • Plot

Example: searching for “langdon” will return all Dan Brown’s “Robert Langdon” books, because the name appears in the plot summary:

CLZ Games Web

Search box now searches more fields

Feb 15, 2018

Up until today, the quick search box in Game Connect (and the CLZ Cloud viewer for games) only searched in the Title, Platform, Barcode and Tags fields. Pretty limited, but necessary for performance reasons.

However, with the new search engine we created last year, it became possible to search more fields while keeping the search super-fast. So lets use that capability!

From now, on if you use the search box, it will also search in the Series, Notes and Description fields. The complete lists of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Platform
  • Barcode
  • Tags
  • Series
  • Notes
  • Description

Example: searching for “tennis” not only give you games with “tennis” in the title, but also games where the word “tennis” appears in the description:

CLZ Comics Web

Re-designed Edit Comic screen

Feb 13, 2018

Live today in your Comic Connect software: a completely re-designed Edit Comic screen with an improved look, layout and usability!

New look and layout

We’ve moved some fields around and to have them grouped and placed more logically. You’ll notice that we’ve also updated the look of certain buttons so it’s all easier on the eye, and there’s only one big blue important “OK” button to save your changes.

Updated dropdown and pick list fields

The pick list fields have been updated so they’ll only show options from your own collection instead of all available options in our online database. This makes it a lot faster to quickly pick something from a pick list that you used before!

You can just start typing to filter to the pick list entry you want to use, or open up the dropdown to scroll and pick.

Multi value pick list fields such as the Tags field, have a blue plus button to pick a tag from your tag list. Click it, and either start typing or just pick a tag from the list.

New Pick List fields

We’ve updated the following fields from plain text fields to “pick list” fields. This means that those fields now have a dropdown which you can click to quickly pick an existing pick list entry for that field.

The following fields haven been updated from plain text to pick list fields:

  • Location
  • Condition
  • Purchase Store
  • Owner

These field now all have a dropdown to pick an entry. You can also type into them to search or create a new entry for that field.

Panel with personal fields on all tabs

At the bottom of the edit screen we added a “sticky” panel that you can see on all edit tabs. This panel contains some of your most important personal fields so you can always edit them quickly.

New Find Cover pop-up

The Find Cover pop-up has been updated to the latest version we introduced in the Add Screen. Check it out:

CLZ Music Web

Re-designed Edit Album screen

Feb 13, 2018

Live today in your Music Connect software: a completely re-designed Edit Album screen with an improved look, layout and usability!

New look and layout

We’ve moved some fields around and to have them grouped and placed more logically. You’ll notice that we’ve also updated the look of certain buttons so it’s all easier on the eye, and there’s only one big blue important “OK” button to save your changes.

Updated dropdown and pick list fields

The pick list fields have been updated so they’ll only show options from your own collection instead of all available options in our online database. This makes it a lot faster to quickly pick something from a pick list that you used before!

You can just start typing to filter to the pick list entry you want to use, or open up the dropdown to scroll and pick.

Multi value pick list fields such as the Artist field, have a blue plus button to pick an artist from your artist list. Click it, and either start typing or just pick an artist from the list.

New Pick List fields

We’ve updated the following fields from plain text fields to “pick list” fields. This means that those fields now have a dropdown which you can click to quickly pick an existing pick list entry for that field.

The following fields haven been updated from plain text to pick list fields:

  • Purchase Store
  • Location
  • Condition
  • Owner

These field now all have a dropdown to pick an entry. You can also type into them to search or create a new entry for that field.

Panel with personal fields on all tabs

At the bottom of the edit screen we added a “sticky” panel that you can see on all edit tabs. This panel contains some of your most important personal fields so you can always edit them quickly.

New Find Cover pop-up

The Find Cover pop-up has been updated to the latest version we introduced in the Add Screen. Check it out:

CLZ Books Web

Re-designed Edit Book screen

Feb 13, 2018

Live today in your Book Connect software: a completely re-designed Edit Book screen with an improved look, layout and usability!

New look and layout

We’ve moved some fields around and to have them grouped and placed more logically. You’ll notice that we’ve also updated the look of certain buttons so it’s all easier on the eye, and there’s only one big blue important “OK” button to save your changes.

Updated dropdown and pick list fields

The pick list fields have been updated so they’ll only show options from your own collection instead of all available options in our online database. This makes it a lot faster to quickly pick something from a pick list that you used before!

You can just start typing to filter to the pick list entry you want to use, or open up the dropdown to scroll and pick.

Multi value pick list fields such as the Author field, have a blue plus button to pick an author from your author list. Click it, and either start typing or just pick an author from the list.

New Pick List fields

We’ve updated the following fields from plain text fields to “pick list” fields. This means that those fields now have a dropdown which you can click to quickly pick an existing pick list entry for that field.

The following fields haven been updated from plain text to pick list fields:

  • Location
  • Condition
  • Purchase Store
  • Owner

These field now all have a dropdown to pick an entry. You can also type into them to search or create a new entry for that field.

Panel with personal fields on all tabs

At the bottom of the edit screen we added a “sticky” panel that you can see on all edit tabs. This panel contains some of your most important personal fields so you can always edit them quickly.

New Find Cover pop-up

The Find Cover pop-up has been updated to the latest version we introduced in the Add Screen. Check it out:

CLZ Movies Web

Re-designed Edit Movie screen

Feb 13, 2018

Live today in your Movie Connect software: a completely re-designed Edit Movie screen with an improved look, layout and usability!

New look and layout

We’ve moved some fields around and to have them grouped and placed more logically. You’ll notice that we’ve also updated the look of certain buttons so it’s all easier on the eye, and there’s only one big blue important “OK” button to save your changes.

Updated dropdown and pick list fields

The pick list fields have been updated so they’ll only show options from your own collection instead of all available options in our online database. This makes it a lot faster to quickly pick something from a pick list that you used before!

You can just start typing to filter to the pick list entry you want to use, or open up the dropdown to scroll and pick.

Multi value pick list fields such as the Genre field, have a blue plus button to pick a genre from your genre list. Click it, and either start typing or just pick a genre from the list.

New Pick List fields

We’ve updated the following fields from plain text fields to “pick list” fields. This means that those fields now have a dropdown which you can click to quickly pick an existing pick list entry for that field.

The following fields haven been updated from plain text to pick list fields:

  • Location
  • Condition
  • Purchase Store
  • Storage Device
  • Owner

These field now all have a dropdown to pick an entry. You can also type into them to search or create a new entry for that field.

Panel with personal fields on all tabs

At the bottom of the edit screen we added a “sticky” panel that you can see on all edit tabs. This panel contains some of your most important personal fields so you can always edit them quickly.

New Find Cover pop-up

The Find Cover pop-up has been updated to the latest version we introduced in the Add Screen. Check it out:

CLZ Games Web

Re-designed Edit Game screen

Feb 13, 2018

Live today in your Game Connect software: a completely re-designed Edit Game screen with an improved look, layout and usability!

New look and layout

We’ve moved some fields around and to have them grouped and placed more logically. You’ll notice that we’ve also updated the look of certain buttons so it’s all easier on the eye, and there’s only one big blue important “OK” button to save your changes.

Updated dropdown and pick list fields

The pick list fields have been updated so they’ll only show options from your own collection instead of all available options in our online database. This makes it a lot faster to quickly pick something from a pick list that you used before!

You can just start typing to filter to the pick list entry you want to use, or open up the dropdown to scroll and pick.

Multi value pick list fields such as the Genre field, have a blue plus button to pick a genre from your genre list. Click it, and either start typing or just pick a genre from the list.

New Pick List fields

We’ve updated the following fields from plain text fields to “pick list” fields. This means that those fields now have a dropdown which you can click to quickly pick an existing pick list entry for that field.

The following fields haven been updated from plain text to pick list fields:

  • Location
  • Condition
  • Purchase Store
  • Storage Device
  • Owner

These field now all have a dropdown to pick an entry. You can also type into them to search or create a new entry for that field.

Panel with personal fields on all tabs

At the bottom of the edit screen we added a “sticky” panel that you can see on all edit tabs. This panel contains some of your most important personal fields so you can always edit them quickly.

New Find Cover pop-up

The Find Cover pop-up has been updated to the latest version we introduced in the Add Screen. Check it out:

We’ve just updated Book Connect to introduce an easy way to deal with “Unrecognized ISBNs”.
A new screen that not only helps you to add the book to your database anyway, but also helps your fellow Book Connect users by instantly adding the missing ISBN to the CLZ Core central online book database.

(this feature was introduced for our Windows, Mac, iOS and Android versions earlier, and in the meantime, people have used this new tool to add over 180 thousand new books to our Core!)

  • In the Add Books screen, when a scanned or typed ISBN is not recognized, a new “Unrecognized ISBN” screen will appear.
  • In this screen, just enter the Author, Title, Publisher and Year (and find a cover if you want) then click Add to Collection.
  • This will:
    1. Add the book to your own database, with the information you filled in.
    2. Add the book to our Core central online book database.

The result: for the next user who searches for this particular ISBN, it will be recognized 🙂

Our web-team has been working on this for a long time, but it is now LIVE: a new search engine for Artist/Title searches in our Core online music database and Discogs. An engine that is both better and much, much faster!

And the good news is: these are all “server-side” changes, which means you don’t need to update your Music Collector software, CLZ Music app or Music Connect web-app. Everyone can now instantly enjoy the benefits, no matter which version of the software you have :-).

Read more

Our web-team has been working on this for a long time: a new search engine for Artist/Title searches in our Core online music database and Discogs.

What’s new?

  • Faster searches: Artist/Title searches will now give you results instantly, much much faster than before.
  • Improved stability: The new search engine is running on a dedicated server that is only doing these searches, resulting in a more stable experience. (in the past few months, there have been performance issues, especially on Saturday and Sunday)
  • Better search results: The results are now more focussed, less fuzzy, as it will only show albums containing ALL your search term words (as opposed to the old search that gave you albums that matched ANY or your search term words).
  • Single Search Box: Just one box for search (e.g. like Google or Amazon). No more separate Artist and Title boxes. Just enter (part of) the artist’s name and (part of) the title and you will get the best matching results. (see the screen shot above with “metallica justice” results”).

CLZ Music Web

Brand new Add Albums from Core screen

Feb 09, 2018

Now live in your Music Connect software, a complete re-design of the Add Albums screen, with a new look, easier interface and new features.

Adding Albums by Artist & Title

Search by artist and title to see a list of matching album results:

Not the right cover image? Use the built-in Find Cover tool to pick the correct one.

Adding Albums by barcode

Scanned barcodes will be automatically added to your queue, with the album information populating instantly. Use the big blue Add to Collection button at the bottom right to add the selected album to your database, OR use the little blue “+” buttons to add straight from the queue.

Adding Albums by Catalog Number

Search by catalog number to see a list of matching album results from Discogs:

New: Adding Multi-Disc Albums

New in the add screen: Add multi-disc albums by selecting multiple results from your search. Just check the boxes next to the results to compile a multi-disc album and add it to your collection straight away:

Adding a Multi-Disc Album by Artist and Title:

Adding a Multi-Disc Album by barcode:

CLZ Comics Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Jan 24, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular series in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of series title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching series.
    (for most series, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the series you were looking for, tap it to bring it up in the list
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Series Group
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Series Title
  • Issue Title
  • Barcode
  • Crossover
  • StoryArc
  • Credit Name
  • Character Name
  • Series Group
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

CLZ Music Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Jan 23, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular album in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the artist or title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching albums.
    (for most albums, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the album you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Notes
  • Tags

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Album Artist
  • Album Composer
  • Track Title
  • Track Artist
  • Notes
  • Tags

CLZ Games Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Jan 23, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular game in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching games (for most games, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up).
  • Once you see the game you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Series
  • Descriptions
  • Notes
  • Tags

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Platform
  • Series
  • Descriptions
  • Notes
  • Tags

CLZ Books Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Jan 23, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular book in your local database:

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the author or title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching books.
    (for most books, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the book you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Subtitle
  • Series
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control Nr
  • Dewey
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Author
  • ISBN
  • Publisher
  • Subtitle
  • Series
  • LoC Classification
  • LoC Control Nr
  • Dewey
  • Plot
  • Tags
  • Notes

CLZ Movies Mobile

v4.9: Improved search features

Jan 17, 2018

Quick Search: Search-As-You-Type suggestions

Instantly find and select a particular movie :

  • In the Quick Search box, just start typing the first few letters of the movie title you are looking for.
  • While typing, a drop-down list will appear, showing the first five matching movies.
    (for most movies, it only takes 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.)
  • Once you see the movie you were looking for, tap it to bring up its detail page
  • TIP: Tap the search button on the keyboard or tap “View All Results” to perform the normal search.

Quick Search now searches more fields

Now also searches in:

  • Plot
  • Episode Titles for TV series
  • Notes
  • Tags
  • Series

Full list of fields that are now searched:

  • Title
  • Title Extension
  • Original Title
  • Barcode
  • Actors
  • Directors
  • Writers
  • Producers
  • Plot
  • Episode Titles for TV series
  • Notes
  • Tags
  • Series

Disable backdrop downloading

Also new: in Settings screen, a new setting “Download backdrop images”. Switch that OFF to disable the downloading of the big backdrop images, to save space on your device.

CLZ Comics Web

Brand new Add Comics from Core screen

Jan 16, 2018

Now live in your Comic Connect software, a complete re-design of the Add Comic screen, with a new look, easier interface and new features.

Adding Comics by Barcode

  • Scan multiple barcodes in one go! Scanned barcodes will be automatically added to a queue, with the comic information populating instantly.
  • Use the big blue Add to Collection button at the bottom right to add the selected comic to your database.
  • OR use the little blue “+” buttons to add straight from the queue.

Adding Comics by Series

  • Search by series title to see a list of matching series results.
  • Expand a series entry to see the issue list for that series, with cover thumbnails!
  • Use the Asc/Desc switch at the top to reverse the sorting of the issue list.
  • Use the checkboxes on the right to select the issues you want to add.
  • Use the checkbox to the right the series entries to Select All / Unselect All issues.
  • Use shift-clicking on the checkboxes to select ranges of issues in one go.
  • When done selecting issue, using the big blue “Add x to Collection” button at the bottom to add them all to your database in one go.

Not the right cover image? Use the built-in Find Cover tool to pick the correct one.

Our web-team has been working on this for a long time: a new search engine for Author/Title searches in our Core online book database.

And it is now available in your “Add Books from Core” screen!

What’s new?

  • Faster searches: Most Author/Title searches will give you results within a second. UNLESS our Core server decides to consult our “back-end” sources like Google Books, Library of Congress and other national libraries.
  • Better search results: The results are now more focussed, less fuzzy, as it will only show books containing ALL your search term words (as opposed to the old search that gave you books that matched ANY or your search term words).
  • Single Search Box: Just one box for search (e.g. like Google or Amazon). No more separate Author and Title boxes. Just enter (part of) the author’s name and (part of) the title and you will get the best matching results. (see the screen shot above with “crichton jurassic” results”).
  • Search by Publisher and Year: Getting a lot of results? Filter down to the book edition you’re looking for by adding the publisher and/or publication year to your search! (see screen shot below)

Fixed: Various font size and layout problems

This has been a long-standing problem: on Windows systems with the DPI or Font Size set to 125% or 150%, many screens had strange font size and layout problems, particularly visible in the Edit Book screen, but also affecting other screens.

This was a tricky one, but we have finally been able to fix these problems 🙂

CLZ Books Mobile

v4.8.1: Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing!

Jan 10, 2018

A new v4.8.1 update for your app is available now, with:

Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing

Add or edit books and your changes will auto-upload to the CLZ Cloud instantly.
Made changes on the desktop or Connect side? Just start the app and changes will download automatically.

Note: Auto-Syncing is switched OFF by default. Switch it ON in the “Sync with CLZ Cloud” screen.

The CLZ Cloud syncing will let you:

  1. Sync your data between devices, e.g. between your phone and your tablet. Or from your old phone to your new phone.
  2. View your database online using the free CLZ Cloud viewer website.
  3. Make an online backup of your data. Better safe than sorry!

New: ‘None’ folder entries

  • Added ‘None’ entries to list of folders: The [None] folder groups the books you have not set the field for on which you’re currently folder grouping.


  • Add Screen: by ISBN: Very long book titles could overflow into the author name.
  • Search cleared when the X button was pushed in the search bar of the main screen.

CLZ Comics Mobile

v4.8.1: Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing!

Jan 10, 2018

A new v4.8.1 update for your app is available now, with:

Automatic CLZ Cloud syncing

Add or edit comics and your changes will auto-upload to the CLZ Cloud instantly.
Made changes on the desktop or Connect side? Just start the app and changes will download automatically.

Note: Auto-Syncing is switched OFF by default. Switch it ON in the “Sync with CLZ Cloud” screen.

The CLZ Cloud syncing will let you:

  1. Sync your data between devices, e.g. between your phone and your tablet. Or from your old phone to your new phone.
  2. View your database online using the free CLZ Cloud viewer website.
  3. Make an online backup of your data. Better safe than sorry!


  • Added ‘None’ entries to list of folders: The [None] folder groups the books you have not set the field for on which you’re currently folder grouping.
  • “Read It” folder option: Group your comics into Read it “Yes” or “No” folders to quickly find your unread comics!


  • Search cleared when the X button was pushed in the search bar of the main screen.