News & updates

This is CLZ Alwin, writing to you from sunny Italy. Sytske and I are on a 7-day road trip in the the Dolomites, in the north-east of Italy.

Here’s a picture of us in our temporary “office” 🙂

So… I’ll keep it short today. Here’s the news for September 2016:

  • The new “Material” look and feel is now live for all Android apps!
  • Comic Collector: Search-As-You-Type suggestions for adding comics By Title.
  • All Mac editions now macOS Sierra compatible.

The new “Material” look and feel is now live for all Android apps!

In the past few weeks, all 5 CLZ Android apps have received the “Material” update. These 4.3 updates introduce a completely new look, a new user interface and the choice between a Dark and a Light Skin.

A selection of feedback from Android users:

"Love the new look and functionality. Very clean and easy on the eyes. Great job.
I love the fact that you don’t just sit back with an already really good product and rest on your laurels. You are constantly working to make your products the best they can possibly be. Glad I found you."

"I just downloaded and tried out the new Android version 4.3.
I love it! It’s style matches what I’ve come to expect from android
apps. Keep up the excellent work."

"Thanks for the update to Android! Its great!
The new look really brings the app forward and makes it look much more professional. Thank you!"

Are you using an Android device and don’t own the Android app yet? Just search the Play Store for “CLZ” and download the free trial version.

Comic Collector: Search-As-You-Type suggestions for adding comics By Title

Comic Collector is the 2nd program to get the time-saving Search-As-Type suggestions when searching By Title in the Add Automatically screen. This is now live for Windows and macOS.

See it in action here (animation): for Windows / for macOS.

Here’s how the new “Search-As-You-Type” feature works for comics:

  1. In the Add Comics Automatically screen, just start typing the first letters of the series title you want to add issues for.
  2. While typing, a drop-down list will appear, instantly showing the five most popular series that match,
    including the date range, the number of issues contained and a small thumbnail image.

  3. For popular series, it usually takes only 2 or 3 letters before it shows up.
    For older or less popular series, type a few more letters.

  4. Once you see your series appear, use the arrow keys to select it, then hit Enter.
  5. Then under Search Results, that exact series will be listed, with its’ issue list.

BUT: there’s more: Next to the new Search-As-You-Type system, we have also improved the “normal” By Title search engine for comic series:

  • Super-fast results for your searches (almost instant).
  • Cleaner, more focused results, less fuzzy. For example, where previously a search for “batman rebirth” would show all series that would contain “batman” OR “rebirth” in their name, the results now just show series that contain BOTH words.
  • The order of the results is weighted by popularity. A search for “amazing spider-man” will give you the main volumes at the top, with less popular series further down below.

To get both Comic Search Engine improvements, just use the Check for Updates feature in your current Comic Collector version.

All Mac editions now macOS Sierra compatible

The new macOS Sierra (10.12) was released this month. As expected, we needed to make several changes to our Mac editions to make them fully Sierra compatible.

However, the changes were quick and painless and Sierra compatible builds are live now. If you have updated to Sierra, or are planning to, make sure your Collectorz Mac software is up-to-date!
