News & updates

This is the November 2015 edition of the Newsletter, with two announcements for important December releases. But first …

It’s Black Friday! So don’t forget our CLZ Black Friday sale:
»» Get a 1 year Update Plan or Connect subscription and get 6 months FREE! ««
(this sale ends on Cyber Monday, so 4 days left!)

Okay, back to the CLZ News. These are today’s topics:

  • Coming up in December:
    • Version 16 aka QuickSilver for Windows and Mac OS X.
    • CLZ Movies 4.0 for iOS.
  • New website, the home of our mobile apps.
  • CLZ Server Upgrades: Faster title searches and image downloads.

Coming up in December:

Version 16 aka QuickSilver for Windows and Mac OS X

2016 is coming up and so are our matching version 16’s! And yes, we’re sticking with the chemical elements for the version nicknames (although this time we’re cheating a bit).
After Cobalt and Carbon, version 16 will be nicknamed "QuickSilver"!

Here’s what’s new in the QuickSilver versions:

  • Webcam barcode scanning
    Use your webcam to scan barcodes into your Add Auto screen.
  • Remove Orphaned Images
    Automatically remove un-used images and thumbnails.
  • Enhanced database Backup and Restore system
    Keep multiple time-stamped backups and easily restore them.

ETA ??
The Windows v16 versions are almost ready and will be released early next week.
The Mac v16’s will follow a few weeks later. It’s taking a bit longer to achieve reliable webcam scanning on the (let me say this nicely) sub-optimal built-in Facetime cameras.

BTW: there will be no extra charge for version 16. All you need is a valid Update Plan!
(hint: we have a sale on Update Plans at the moment, see above –^)

CLZ Movies 4.0 for iOS

New 4.0 versions are coming up for all CLZ mobile apps, iOS and Android, featuring re-designed Add screens, more sort options, new folder options, etc…

First up is CLZ Movies for iOS. ETA: about 3 weeks from now?
All other apps will be updated right after that, don’t worry 🙂

New website

Now live: a complete re-design of the website!

The home of our mobile apps for iOS and Android has a new look and new screen shots and is now super-fast.
More importantly: the new site is fully "responsive", which is web-dev speak for "automatically adapting to any screen size". In short: it looks great on desktop screens, tablets and phones.

Check it out here:

CLZ Server Upgrades

As you know, we’re moving all our sites, services, databases and images to a new hosting solution. Here’s what our web-team did in November:

Databases moved and optimized

Early this month we completed the move of all five Core+Cloud databases to 5 separate database servers. In the weeks after that, we further optimized these new servers for faster “Add Auto” search results, especially noticeable on Title searches.

Cloud and Connect now running on HTTPS

For better security, we have now moved both the Cloud and Connect websites to the HTTPS protocol, using so-called Extended Validation SSL certificates. This EV SSL connection is indicated by the nice "green bar" in your address bar.

Moving all Core and Cloud images

Last week, we started on the mega project of moving millions of cover images to a new online storage and delivery solution. In the meantime, the move has been completed for all game- and comic-related images, resulting in (much) faster downloads when adding games and comics to your database and when browsing Cloud and Connect pages.