News & updates Newsletter May 2011

We finally did it. We released Comic Collector for Mac. Phew… Certainly the most problematic project in history. But it’s live, and users love it! The full story in topic 3 below.

The topics today:

  • Online database survery – The results
  • The promo babes
  • Comic Collector for Mac OS X is live!
  • Life after Comic Collector for Mac …

Online database survey – The results

Survey Results

In our April newsletter, we asked for your feedback on our online databases, the databases that provide the data and images for your “Add Auto” screen. We created 5 surveys, one for each database, and asked you to rate a list of
possible problems, choosing from “Not a problem for me”, “Could be improved” and “Yeah, this sucks!”.

We’re happy that a lot of people took the time to complete these surveys. We received 3,251 responses! Thank you all for you help!

The full survey results can be found on our blog.

The promo babes

Promo Girls

Remember CeCe? CeCe is the superhero babe featuring in our Comic Collector banners, on the website and of course in the program itself. Check out this blog topic for more info on her!

We love having CeCe around, so we decided to give her 4 friends, each representing one of our software products:

All five characters have been created by Loopy Dave
You can expect the 4 new babes to appear on our website and in our banners soon.

Comic Collector for Mac OS X is live!

Comic Collector for Max OS X is live!

Yes, after many months of programming and testing, and several delays, it has finally arrived: Comic Collector for Mac OS X!

Read the full release info on the Blog.

Using a Mac and own lots of comics? Then check out the Mac Features page.

Got comic collecting Mac friends? Please let them know about it!

This new Mac edition of Comic Collector is the first program based on the new “code framework” for our Mac programs. This new framework will be used to bring you major upgrades for the Mac editions of Movie, Book and Music Collector.
But don’t hold your breath… ETA: end of 2011, early 2012?

Life after Comic Collector for Mac …

Future Plans

So… with the Comic Collector for Mac release out of the way, what’s next? Well, Dinh will continue on the Mac programs, hopefully joined by a new Mac developer soon. Comic Collector 5.1, then Movie, Book and Music Collector.

Sven is working on an internal project: improving the admin tools for our online databases, so that our content managers can get more work done in less time.

Robbert, Martin, Rowdy and Alain have been working on a big, thus-far unannounced project and Ronald has now joined them. More info in a few weeks!

Pim is finally back on the mobile apps. He’ll bring you a cool new app soon.