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Looking for a web developer

Nov 19, 2013 is hiring!
We’re looking for a web-developer with PHP/MySQL/HTML/CSS/AJAX experience:

The job: Web Developer for websites and web applications

You will develop and maintain various websites, web-applications, data feeds, cloud storage systems and internal content management tools. Your job on these projects will include both front-end and back-end development, but with a focus on front-end / UI work.
The projects you will work on include many related products and services, but also new products like our new web-application.

You will work closely together with our Windows, Mac, iOS and Android developers, to make sure all client applications seamlessly connect with the online components.


* University level technical education.
* Experience and affinity with Object Oriented programming.
* In-depth knowledge of, and experience with, HTML / CSS / AJAX.
* Experience with an object-oriented web-development language (PHP, ASP, Ruby, etc…).
Preferably PHP because that’s the primary language you’ll use at
* Experience with relational databases, MySQL experience preferred.
* Experience and affinity with user interface and user-interaction design.
* Affinity with music, movies, books, comics and/or video games. Collector-geeks preferred.
* Living in or close to Amsterdam.
* Jeans/shorts, hoodies/t-shirts and sneakers/flip-flops. No suits allowed.

About® is a series of collection database programs for cataloging user’s home collection of music, movies, books, comics and video games. The key feature of the programs is the automatic downloading of media information (data and cover art) from our own central online media databases.
The software is available on 5 different platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, online web-apps, iOS and Android. currently has 10 employees and is located in Amsterdam (WG Plein 384).


Send your cover letter and CV to jobz [at] collectorz [dot] com.