What's new in CLZ Comics Web? (page 6)

CLZ Comics Web

New: Back up / Restore your database

Mar 27, 2017

Whilst we make daily backups for you on our own servers, you can now create your own backup of your Connect database and download it to your computer!

If you ever make a big mistake and lose valuable data, you can upload a previously downloaded backup file and restore it to your current database.

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CLZ Comics Web

New: Flexible import from Text/CSV files

Mar 14, 2017

Import from TXT or CSV

Import any Text or .CSV file into your collection

You can now import any text file (.txt) or comma separated value file (.csv) into your collection on Connect using the new import page in your Connect account.

With this new import tool you are able to quickly import a list of comics from for instance an existing collection you may have in a spreadsheet or different software. All you have to do is export those comics from your other software to a text or CSV file and follow the steps on the new Import page in your Connect account.

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If you are adding most of your comics “By Title”, then this will be a huge time-saver.
Here’s how the new “Search-As-You-Type” feature works:

  1. In the Add Comics Automatically screen, just start typing the first letters of the series title you want to add issues for.
  2. While typing, a drop-down list will appear, instantly showing the five most popular series that match, including the date range, the number of issues contained and a small thumbnail image.
  3. For popular series, it usually takes only 2 or 3 letters before it shows up. For older or less popular series, type a few more letters.
  4. Once you see your series appear, use the arrow keys to select it, then hit Enter.
  5. Then under Search Results, that exact series will be listed, with its’ issue list.

Important: this is an *extra* tool, that makes it easier and faster to add popular series.
Just hit Enter or choose “Show all results for “..” to see the full search results.

CLZ Comics Web

Faster searching for comics

Jan 09, 2017

Searching your comic collection in Comic Connect or the CLZ Cloud viewer is now much faster.

However, to achieve this performance improvement, we have had to limit the searching to:

  • Series Name
  • Title
  • Barcode

Previously the search feature also searched creator and character names, but this turned out to cause server performance problems when searching large databases. That is, with the search engine we are now using.
We are currently working on the implementation of a different, much faster search engine, which may enable creator/character searching again in the future.

CLZ Music Web

New: Import text / CSV files

Jan 03, 2017

csv-iconDo you already have a list of your movies, books, cds, comics or games? E.g. entered in a spread-sheet program, or created using a different cataloging tool, then exported to CSV?

Cool, you can now easily get that list into your Collectorz.com program (desktop, mobile or Connect). Just use our new flexible import tool to import your existing list into the CLZ Cloud. This will make your list instantly available in Connect. Or sync to the mobile app or desktop software using the CLZ Cloud syncing.

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CLZ Music Web

New Collectorz.com Help Center

Dec 14, 2016

As most of you know, at Collectorz.com we take Customer Support very seriously. We’re always here to answer your questions or to help with any problems you may have encountered with our cataloging tools.

To further streamline CLZ Support, Sven, one of our web-developers, has created a new Collectorz.com Help Center, at Help.CLZ.com

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CLZ Music Web

New Collectorz.com shop at Shop.CLZ.com

Nov 08, 2016

Big launch this week, our new Collectorz.com Shop is live at Shop.CLZ.com !

Bernard, Sven, AJ and I (Alwin) have been working on this for quite a while, doing many iterations, to make the new shop super-clear and easy to navigate, even on mobile devices.

This new shop replaces both the shop/buy pages of the collectorz.com website and the shop of the My.CLZ.com website. Both websites now link to the new Shop.CLZ.com.

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“Export to Text”, a feature previously only available to Connect subscribers, has now also been added to the CLZ Cloud viewer.

We figured that exporting to a text file, e.g. a CSV for Excel, should be available to any user, whether they own Connect, the desktop software or a CLZ mobile app.

You can find the Export to Text feature by visiting your own collection in the CLZ Cloud viewer, clicking the little “wrench” icon top right, then selecting Export.


We have completely rewritten our Core for Comics search engine, that is, the online code that gives you results when you search our Core by Title in your Add screen.

The new search engines will provide better search results that are more “to-the-point” and less “fuzzy”. Also, results will be returned much faster.

CLZ Music Web

No more database limits during free trial

Apr 13, 2016

Previously, the Connect free 30-day trial limited trial users to 100 items in their database.

To allow full evaluation of our Connect software during the trial, we have removed this database limit. The free 30-day trial now lets you add, import or sync as many items as you want.


For better security, we have now moved both the Cloud and Connect websites to the HTTPS protocol, using so-called Extended Validation SSL certificates.

This SSL connection is indicated by the nice “green bar” in your address bar:


CLZ Music Web

Further performance optimizations

Nov 06, 2015

In the past 2 weeks, we have moved all 5 online media databases (movies, books, music, comics and games) to 5 new separate database servers.

This week, CLZ web developers Sven and Dion have further optimized these new servers to give you even better performance from Core, especially for title searches that have many results.

The fruits of their labour are now immediately noticeable in the ADD screens of your Connect software. Enjoy!

CLZ Music Web

Core/Cloud databases moved to new servers

Nov 03, 2015

Today, we have completed the big project of moving our 5 Core and Cloud databases to a new server solution. Previously, everything was running on two high performance dedicated machines: one for all databases and websites, the second for all cover images.

For better performance, stability and scalability, we are now splitting up all services into multiple separate cloud-based solutions:

  • 5 separate database servers for all 5 Core+Cloud databases

    Status: completed today!

  • 5 separate storage servers / delivery networks for all cover images.

    Status: preparing the switch now. ETA: several weeks.

  • 1 new fast web server for the Cloud, Core and Connect sites and services.

    ETA: within 2 months.

CLZ Music Web

New folder options

Aug 07, 2015

Multiple new field options have been added for the folder panel (for both Connect and the free CLZ Cloud viewers). My favorite new folder option: The Year folder for movies:

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CLZ Music Web

Connect and Cloud homes now load faster

Aug 05, 2015

The home / hub page of your CLZ Cloud or Connect account now loads a lot faster.
(the 5 separate collection lists are now “lazy-loaded”)


CLZ Music Web

New: Multi-field sorting

Jul 28, 2015

A few weeks ago, we introduced the new Sort Order screen. Today we’re taking the next step: allowing multi-field sorting.

For example, you can now sort your list first by Year, then within the years, by Title.
Just drag multiple fields from the Available panel to the Selected panel, one by one:


CLZ Comics Web

Alphabet Bar now live for comics!

Jul 24, 2015

It took a little longer than planned, but the popular Alphabet Bar is now live for Comic Connect and the CLZ Cloud for Comics:


New in all five Connect editions: Export your list to a text file, e.g. to CSV format, for importing into spreadsheet programs like Excel, Numbers, etc…

You can either:

  • Export your entire database, by choosing Export from the Tools menu.
  • Export only a selection. To do this, go to Select Mode, select some items, then click the Export button at the top.



CLZ Music Web

New Sort Order screen

Jun 30, 2015

Just over a week ago, we introduced a new design for the Columns screen. Today, we moved the new design over to the Sort Order screen, so that both have a consistent user interface.

Just drag your desired Sort Field to the right, then select Ascending or Descending using the toggle buttons below the field.


Next up: multi-field sorting!

CLZ Music Web

More sort fields to choose from

Jun 23, 2015

Today, more sort field options have been added to the Sort Order screen of all five Connect and Cloud Viewer editions.
This basically means that from now on, ALL available cloud fields can also be sorted on.

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CLZ Music Web

The Alphabet Bar is back!

Jun 19, 2015

The first version of Connect had a nice A to Z “alphabet bar” at the top, for quickly filtering your list to show only the items starting with a specific letter.

However, in the Two-Point-Oh redesign the wise wizards at the CLZ HQ the alphabet bar was reduced to just a tiny button, with a drop down panel showing all letters. Which of course saves space on the toolbar, in an attempt to make it all fit on smaller tablet and phone screens.
Not a bad idea in itself, but the first letter filtering lost its’ easy of use and accessibility.

So we changed our minds and today we brought back the Alphabet Bar!


It is now available on both the free CLZ Cloud viewers and the Connect software. But: only on bigger screens where it actually fits. On smaller screens, the Alphabet Bar nicely reduces to the tiny button again 🙂

New today, in all Connect apps AND Cloud viewers: a new Column Selection screen for the List View.

This new Columns screen lets you:

  • Easily select your preferred columns by dragging fields from the Available Columns area to the Selected Columns area.
  • Drag and drop to re-order columns within the Selected area.


Several small fixes today:

  • Editing multiple items with really many items selected (say over 1,000) didn’t work.
    Now it does. But still, editing many items in one go may be slow.
  • On large desktop screen, with the browser window set full screen, the infinite scrolling system didn’t work.
    It immediately stopped loading after the first set of items was shown. Happened only in Images and Card Views though, in List View all was well. Fixed now.
  • When changing the sorting by clicking a column header, the sort direction of the previous sort column was used. Now it correctly resets to ascending sorting when changing to a different sort field.

Until recently, the public Cloud Viewer always followed the Sort Order and Columns selection set by the owner of the specific cloud collection you were viewing.

But as of today, the Cloud Viewer also features the Sort Order and Columns buttons:

cloud sorting columns

Now, everyone who views your collection in the cloud is able to select his own Sort Order and Columns. Of course these settings are saved only for them (in a local cookie on their device), so their choices will not affect your own settings.

After a short absence, the Share to Facebook feature is back.
We have now re-implemented this feature using Facebook “stories”.

– Select an item in your collection, click the Share button and select “Facebook”.
– Now enter a personal message and click the Share button.


Which will result in a post like this on your Facebook timeline:


Recent changes

New “search for…” suggestions when adding by Series or Issue Aug 08, 2024 New: Search box top right now allows “Issue Search” Jun 11, 2024 New: Jump to Issue feature (aka “the sniper button”) May 24, 2024 Use Edit Multiple to set Creators & Characters May 02, 2024 Value Totals for any issue list Apr 17, 2024 Improved managing and editing of pick list fields Apr 08, 2024 CLZ introduces new Key Comic levels per April 1 Apr 01, 2024 Connect is now available in Swedish! Feb 21, 2024 Connect is now available in Danish! Jan 30, 2024 Connect is now available in Portuguese, Serbian and Slovak Jan 18, 2024 New Check Value screen – quickly check CovrPrice values without having to add the comic to your database first Jan 12, 2024 Improvements to the Collections and Edit Multiple features Nov 20, 2023 Add Comics : better “In Collection” indicators when using Hide Variants mode Oct 31, 2023 Complete re-design of Edit Multiple feature Oct 30, 2023 Pre-fill screen: Orange highlights and a Clear button Oct 30, 2023 Filter your Series list by Completed status Oct 25, 2023 Improved search results in the Link with Core screen Oct 12, 2023 Connect is now available in French, Spanish and Hungarian! Sep 29, 2023 Modify the Creators and Character lists of your comic entries! Aug 17, 2023 Improved Import from CSV/TXT screen Aug 16, 2023 Printing / Exporting a selection is now much easier Aug 10, 2023 Connect is now available in German! Jul 04, 2023 Re-designed collection tab-bar May 04, 2023 New look for the Series folders May 02, 2023 Connect is now available in Dutch! Apr 27, 2023
