This update is all about the Pre-fill screen, you know, the screen that appears when adding items and lets you pre-fill fields while adding, like Location (= Storage Box for comics), Owner, Purchase Date/Store/Price, etc…

This Pre-fill screen was introduced in Dec 2020, with a fixed set of fields. Then a year later, in March 2022, it was made completely user configurable, so that *you* could choose which fields appeared on the screen.

This screen turned out to be a popular tool, but we’ve seen one problem with it:
Sometimes, users pre-fill a field for a specific movie (e.g. Purchase Price or Quantity), then forget to CLEAR it for the next items they add. Causing lots of items to be added with that same field set incorrectly.

So today, we are making another tweak to the Pre-fill screen:

  • The Pre-fill screen now highlights filled fields in orange, so that they stand out more.
  • Also, we added a “Clear” button, to quickly clear all Pre-fill fields.

Example of Pre-fill screen in Movie Connect:

Example of Pre-fill screen in Comic Connect:

Recent changes
