What's new in CLZ Comics Mobile? (page 3)

CLZ Comics Mobile

v10.0: Add Comics by scanning the cover!

Dec 04, 2024

Version 10.0 is here, with one HUGE new feature:
Add Comics by just scanning the cover!

No need to scan barcodes, no need to search by series title.
Just take a picture of your book and the app will recognize it!

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CLZ Comics Mobile

NCBD: Most wanted comics for week 49

Dec 02, 2024

These top-10s are created by you all, the users of the CLZ app and software, as they’re based on how often these comics already appear on your wish lists in the CLZ Cloud, even before release!

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As we announced on our social channels earlier, CLZ Comics v10.0 is coming soon. And today, we can finally reveal what the big v10 feature will be:

Adding Comics by scanning the cover!

In version 10, we are introducing a new way to find comics in our CLZ Core and then add them.

  • No need to scan the barcode
  • No need to type series title or issue number
  • Just take a picture of the cover and bam!
    The app will show the matching comics from our Core!

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November is almost coming to an end, but not before we celebrate one more New Comic Book Day!

This time we take a deep dive into the world of the Hulk family in #19 of The Incredible Hulk, Vol. 4. Expect 64 pages of bone-crushing action!

Over at DC Comics we join The Justice League in their ongoing battle with evil. We travel to space, we visit the Watchtower, we fight some baddies and maybe, just maybe, we will meet some very familiar faces along the way in #1 of Justice League Unlimited, Vol. 2.

In #4 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol. 6 Donatello finds himself trapped in a zoo where he’s forced to fight other combatants for the sheer entertainment of others. I bet you will have a shell of a time with this particular issue!

Happy Reading!

BTW: In today’s NCBD report, we introduce a new section “CLZ Staff Picks, featuring our content team’s favorite new releases.
This section replaces the Most Variants section, as that was becoming less interesting, with the same series reappearing as the “winner” every few weeks.

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CLZ Comics Mobile

Getting closer: CLZ Comics v10.0!

Nov 26, 2024

At the moment, we are finalizing the UI/UX for the BIG new v10.0 feature and doing more testing, testing and testing.

Superman below has already spotted the new feature.
He says it is “inside the Add Comics screen” !!!

What do you think? What will be the big new v10 feature?
Let us know your guesses:

CLZ Comics Mobile

NCBD: Most wanted comics for week 48

Nov 25, 2024

These top-10s are created by you all, the users of the CLZ app and software, as they’re based on how often these comics already appear on your wish lists in the CLZ Cloud, even before release!

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CLZ Comics Mobile

Coming soon: CLZ Comics v10.0!

Nov 21, 2024

The CLZ developer team (Sven, Pim, Bernard and AJ) is currently working on a major v10.0 upgrade for your CLZ Comics mobile app. Early versions are already being tested by AJ, Justin and Taco.

ETA still unknown, but my best guess is “within 2 weeks”.

This update will bring ONE huge new feature, something that currently is THE number one request from our users.

Can you guess what the big new feature will be?
Let us know your guesses:

Happy New Comic Book Day everyone! This week we prepared 218 new issues with 474 releases overall.

This week DC Comics gives us #1 of the brand new series The Question: All Along the Watchtower and it stars former Gotham detective Renee Montoya as The Question. There’s no question this will be spectacular, so be sure to watch out for this one.

If you like your comics spooky and mysterious, then I would advice to check out #1 of Barstow, a new mini-series published by Dark Horse Comics. Barstow is the name of a town located in the middle of the Mojave Desert. Expect possessed locals and demonic battles in agent Miranda Diaz’ battle to find a missing colleague.

And finally, do you want to know the secret past of Minnie Mouse? If so, then be sure to check out What If…? Minnie Became Captain Marvel, published by Marvel Comics.

Happy Reading!

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CLZ Comics Mobile

NCBD: Most anticipated comics for week 47

Nov 18, 2024

These top-10s are created by you all, the users of the CLZ app and software, as they’re based on how often these comics already appear on your wish lists in the CLZ Cloud, even before release!

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A new week, a new New Comic Book Day! This week we prepared 242 new issues with 583 releases overall.

Image Comics goes out guns blazing with the brand new series G.I. Joe, Vol. 1 (Image). Void Rivals and Transformers set the way in the Energon Universe and now it’s time for the newly assembled special force G.I. Joe to try to save Earth, or what’s left of it, from the mysterious COBRA. Expect to see many familiar faces and a first appearance of a supposedly new character.

Over at Marvel Comics, Uncanny X-Men, Vol. 6 #6 gives us a conclusion to the RED WAVE storyline. Be sure to check out that beautiful David Marquez cover art!

And we all know Tom Hardy as an actor, famous for playing roles like Venom or Bane. But do you know he’s also a comic book writer? In Arcbound, published by Dark Horse Comics, he joins forces with big names like Scott Snyder, Ryan Smallman and Frank Tieri to bring you the story of a Mediator named Kai who’s living in a wartorn universe and stands on the brink of discovering a mind-shattering secret…

Happy Reading!

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CLZ Comics Mobile

NCBD: Most anticipated comics for week 46

Nov 11, 2024

This top-10 is created by you all, the users of the CLZ app and software, as it is based on how often these comics already appear on your wish lists in the CLZ Cloud, even before release!

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New Comic Book Day is here once again. This week we prepared 216 new issues with 500 overall releases.

Absolute Superman #1 has landed! Jason Aaron is here to bring you his twist on the last son of Krypton, Rafa Sandoval (artists) & Ulises Arreola (colorist) as the artists. This title completes the Absolute Trinity within this new universe. If you’re hungry for more, there are more Absolute titles on the way!

Five years ago Image Comics brought us a new horror title. Today they are here with a prequel comic Something is Killing the Children #0. James Tynion IV and Werther Dell’Edera are giving you an untold story within the Slaughterverse, detailing the mission preceding the fateful Archer’s Peak Saga, where the entire story began.

Aliens vs. Avengers is a series that you don’t want to miss out on. Here with #2, Esad Ribić is able to expand the Marvel Universe mapped out by Jonathan Hickman with his artwork. This story continues on the Alien mythos, with a twist….
Happy Reading!

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We’ve fixed various crashes that happened throughout the app that.. shouldn’t happen anymore with this new version 🙂

We recommend you update your app A.S.A.P. Your app may have updated itself already (check the menu top left, the version number is at the top). If it hasn’t updated itself yet, here’s how to force the update:

  1. On your device, open the Play Store app.
  2. Search “CLZ” and select your CLZ app.
  3. Tap “Update” to update the app.

CLZ Comics Mobile

NCBD: The 10 most anticipated comics for week 45

Nov 04, 2024

This top-10 is created by you all, the users of the CLZ app and software, as it is based on how often these comics already appear on your wish lists in the CLZ Cloud, even before release!

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When Sups goes flying, and Batman is seen, the Moon Knight laughs and whispers ’tis near Halloween. New Comic Book Day! We prepared 221 new issues with 458 overall releases.

Moon Knight’s anthology series has returned, this time going full anime with artists Yuji Kaku & Daniel Bayliss in Phases of the Moon Knight #4.

Image Comics gives us 2 titles from the Ghost Machine imprint this week. One of them being a new series, titled It Happened on Hyde Street: Devour #1. From writer Maytal Zchut (Ghost Machine #1) and artist Leila Leiz, this sure is a great title to read during Halloween.

DC Comics is here with the ultimate swamp clean-up team-up Poison Ivy / Swamp Thing: Feral Trees #1. Be sure to check this out when you get the chance. Happy reading!

NYCC 2024 exclusives: please report any missing ones!

We have already added over many of this year’s NYCC exclusives.
If you own one that still seems to be missing from CLZ Core, please report them in the special NYCC Exclusives topic we created for this on the Club CLZ forum.

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  • Fixed various crashes
  • Small tweaks to the app icon

It’s a beautiful, misty day over here as we are nearing the end of October. This week for New Comic Book Day we prepared 222 new issues with 528 releases overall.

DC Comics has reinvented Wonder Woman in the brand new series Absolute Wonder Woman. Be sure to check out issue 1 and prepare for a much darker story.

Image Comics tricks and treats us with several new series, such as Nullhunter, Hack/Slash: Body Bags and The Feeding to name a few, but the one series you might not want to miss is Voices In My Head. A collection of scary tales, written by Eisner Award winner Joe Pruett. This might just be thé perfect comic to read for Halloween!

Finally… lets not forget everyone’s favorite superhero. Tony Stark is back, once again, ready to fight the evil forces of Roxxon and AIM in issue 1 of the new series Iron Man, Vol. 7.


NYCC 2024 exclusives: please report any missing ones!

We have already added over 200 of this year’s NYCC exclusives.
If you own one that still seems to be missing from CLZ Core, please report them in the special NYCC Exclusives topic we created for this on the Club CLZ forum

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Holy Wednesday Abbreviations Day, Batman! It’s NCBD again! This week we prepared 244 new issues with 541 releases overall.

Let’s kick off with one of the most obvious new series released this week, Batman and Robin: Year One. In this first issue Bruce and Dick face a mysterious new crime boss called the General. Generally speaking, he should no competition for The Dynamic Duo.
Wanna know who’s also back with a brand-new series? Our favourite shape-shifting superhero: Marvel’s most mysterious mutant Mystique, m’kay. Be sure to check out Mystique, Vol. 2!

And last but not least, Image Comics offers us #25 of the freaky and scary series The Department of Truth. Apparently this issue will answer a few boiling hot questions!


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It “has come to our attention”… that many users did not like the new app icon we introduced in version 9.10, as it resulted in Advice, Apathy, Annoyance, Anger and even Aggression 🙁

And after reading all user comments, we must agree, we indeed messed up there. Sorry !!!

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  • A crash could occur when loading Statistics or certain folder fields
  • Add Comics: by Barcode: Add sheet wouldn’t always load

We have changed our company name!
We were previously called “Collectorz.com”, but as everyone called us “CLZ”, we figured, let’s go with the flow and officially rename the company to just “CLZ”!

But that’s not all. This week also brings:

  • a new company logo and styling
  • a completely new website at clz.com (previously www.collectorz.com)
  • new names for our web-based software, previously called Connect, now simply CLZ Comics Web, CLZ Movies Web, CLZ Games Web, etc…
  • new app icons for all CLZ apps!

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The best day of the week is here once again: NCBD! Here with 500 overall and 220 actual new titles, all prepared for you by the CLZ crew.

Here are a few highlights for you to look forward to when you enter your LCS or when you shop online. DC introduced us to their Absolute Universe last week. This week they are here with the first within that title: Absolute Batman #1. A re-introduction to the characters we all know and love, but ones again with a spin. Transformers is back with #14, Daniel Warren Johnson is the biggest creator of the last 2 years and is knocking it out of the park with this run.

Terminator is back! With a new #1 from Dynamite. Yes, they have a lot of covers, you don’t need all of them to read it. Declan Shalvey and Sal Crivelli are writing this title along with Colin Craker & Luke Sparrow as the artists.

Happy reading!

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Shazam! NCBD is here with 220 new releases and 466 actual releases.

Here are a few highlights for you to look forward to when you enter your LCS or when you shop online. Deadpool No More? Well here is the new one! Deadpool’s daughter Ellie Camacho is her to pick up the mantle in Deadpool #7. DC is here with the introduction of their new Absolute Universe in DC All In Special #1.

Scott Snyder writing, art by Daniel Sampere and Dan Mora. This is surely one you don’t want to miss. The Ghost Machine titles have been intriguing so far, they’re here with a new title: Hyde Street #1. Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis are introducing a new character named Mr. X-Ray. What is his secret and that of Hyde Street? Only they know. For now.

Happy reading!

Small reminder: a nice update for CLZ Comics (v9.9!) with several improvements:

We’re on a roll! After the big v9.8 update in which we made it much easier to subscribe to CovrPrice and get comic values in your CLZ app, last week we released another update (v9.9) for CLZ Comics with several improvements to the app:

  • Re-design of the Sort Order screen
  • New Date and Month folder options for all date fields
  • Statistics: new look for Most Recent and Most Valuable top lists
  • Have/Want summaries: On Order issues are now indicated with a *

Check out some v9.9 screenshots here!

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CLZ Comics Mobile

v9.9.2: A couple of bugfixes

Oct 02, 2024

Fixed for both iOS and Android:

  • Values from CovrPrice weren’t displayed correctly for Grandfathered users with a CovrPrice Premium plan

Fixed only on iPhone/Android:

  • “Want” summary wasn’t always displaying the correct items on wish list/on order
  • iPad: Edit / Sort Settings screens were too small since iOS18

CLZ Comics Mobile

v9.9: Several improvements and fixes

Sep 27, 2024

A nice update for CLZ Comics again, in which we did improvements to several areas of the app.

  • Re-design of the Sort Order screen
  • New Date and Month folder options for all date fields
  • Statistics: new look for Most Recent and Most Valuable top lists
  • Have/Want summaries: On Order issues are now indicated with a *

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